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Is there any killer where you prefer Surge over the meta slowdown?

Member Posts: 2,451

I mean with meta slowdown Pop, Ruin and Corrupt Intervention.

So when you only have one slot left, do you use surge on a killer? And when yes, why? Or do you use surge only as combo with other slowdown perks?

I usually use strong builds, but i dont like to use the same perks on every killer. But most of the time i think it would be better to use pop instead of surge. Even on legion where every down is a basic attack.

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  • Member Posts: 3,676

    As deathslinger main it's my go to slowdown perk usually as the only gen regression perk. With a bit of pressure and slugging, surge can make some significant regression, especially on 3 gens as long as you keep survivors busy.

    I'd say surge is extremely underrated as it spares you time from even walking to gens, you don't need to bother wasting time walking anywhere.

    If it's condition of only M1 attacks was removed and it triggered from downs done by powers it really could be a meta perk.

  • Member Posts: 5,781

    I think it would be good on clown. Sure, you could use pop, but you are a killer who sucks in a chase.

    I think it would be better to use surge so you don't waste your time kicking a generator and be constantly moving as you should be. Or even better (sort of) ruin.

  • Member Posts: 5,247

    I like using Surge on Legion too, not on its own though

    People being injured a lot means it gets a lot of value, it's a shame surge can be a bit map dependant though

    It's god tier on some maps and garbage on others

  • Member Posts: 191

    Legion is a great candidate, people tend to be injured so they never get too far away from the gen.

    Other m1 killers that insta-down (like Myers or Ghostface) or stealth killers (like Wraith) also have good sinergy with the perk.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I am not a big fan of Surge and would much rather just use Pop Goes the Weasel overall.


    I currently use it in my meme taxi build (Agitation + Iron Grasp + Mad Grit) on Pig because it gives me some measure of slowing down gens without having to: a) hook someone first like PGTW b) kick a gen like PGTW c) defend a lone totem like Ruin.

  • Member Posts: 24

    Surge and thrilling tremors are great together

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    I also run surge on Deathslinger, didn't expect to see anyone else.

    It works really well on Deathslinger, because with his gun you can control where you down survivors to an extend which makes it easier to surge gens. Plus the last thing I want to do as Deathslinger is kick gens when it already takes time to down survivors or protect ruin.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited March 2021

    I mean, it's never as good as the better slow down options for your character.

    Surge is always not as good. Some people will do well with it and say otherwise, but it's still just not as good.

    That being said it's not terrible and used quite often for something different or in supplement of standard meta things quite effectively. You'll see Otz and such switch out for it time to time because it's a decent perk.

    However the fact surge has a cooldown holds it back tremendously.

  • Member Posts: 4,082
    edited March 2021

    If it lost the dumb M2 requirement I'd use it more since it regressses gens good while saving time. At the moment I use it on Hag.

  • Member Posts: 794

    I use it on Trapper, but it's an underrated perk for any M1 killer.

    Don't underestimate the Pop/Surge combo though. If survivors have a gen at say 95% and you down someone nearby you can hit it with Surge and buy yourself enough time to hook the downed survivor and Pop the gen to regress it further. Without Surge you wouldn't have been able to save that gen and the survivors would have completed it right in front of you.

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