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A cool change to clown

REL1_C Member Posts: 619

Replace both of his bottles with a bottle of alcohol and a Molotov.

Molotov (5) - When you throw the Molotov bottle on the ground, it'll take 5 seconds to injure a survivor. When the survive is injured, they will continue to burn. To put out the fire, the survivor must preform 2 quick vaults over a window or a pallet. If the survivor does not complete these actions within 15 seconds, the survivor will be put into the dying state.

Alcohol (1 litre) - Alcohol won't be a throwable bottle but you pour on the ground. You pour alcohol on the ground at a loop or a pallet and If you throw a Molotov at the alcohol and it hits a survivor, they will instantly take a health state. If your throw a pallet down, it will counter the Alcohol bottle but it will break the pallet within 5 seconds.

(Just like the plagues fountain, it can be restocked).

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A cool change to clown 10 votes

FrostySealDarkMagikTwinnedHawks8772Azxx93 4 votes
TapeKnotTaigaNoOneKnowsNovaihartTrapperVolfgang57Bigbubbaboi 6 votes
