Trapper Rework Idea
Hello, I personally love playing Trapper, but I along with many others currently think he is on the weaker side of the killer roster with limitations that can be frustrating at time while playing him.
Base Kit: Trapper would start the trial with 2 bear traps. Once out he would get more at lockers. (If trapper is the killer, then the hatchets in lockers would be replaced by his bear traps.) He would be able to place down a maximum of 10 traps with a counter next to his power with how many traps have been placed in total. If the max is exceeded then the oldest placed trap is replaced just like hag. He would still be able to pick up traps and reuse them. If he picks up a trap while holding the maximum he can hold, the trap would just be deleted. Current escape attempts would be the same. If an injured survivor escapes a trap however, they would be placed in the deep wound. (Bear Traps can no longer be placed in the immediate doorway of the killer shack door that doesn't have a pallet to prevent basement Trapper from becoming too easy to set up and lock all exits for survivors, which is arguably one of the most unfun things to play against)
These changed would Prevent Trapper players from having to travel across the map to use his power and would prevent him from just playing like Machete Man without making him too oppressive. If trapper started with all of his beartraps, he could use them to block areas and zone a survivor in an unfair way. (for example, in front of one of the exit gate pallets near the exit gate on Lery's, he could use 5 traps to trap a full health survivor at the edge, leaving no room for healthy counter play from the survivor.) Deep wound would be applied to injured survivors because currently, injured survivors gain no penalty when stepping into a bear trap and escaping and instead just disarm the Trap. This would give them a bit of a penalty without being too much without making it feel like a wasted trap from Trapper.
Add ons: A lot of his add ons would remain the same, however some would be changed to work with the base kit changes.
Trapper Sack: Increase the maximum amount of traps he can hold by 1
Stitched Bag: Increase the maximum amount of traps he can hold by 2
Begrimed Jaws: (Serrated Jaws, now Green Rarity) Survivors caught in bear traps do not reveal their auras to their teammates unless within a 12 meter range
Rusty Jaws: (now yellow rarity) Survivors caught in bear traps suffer from Mangled and Hemorrhage until healed
Miner Mask: (Trapper Bag) Trapper restocks traps from lockers Moderately (40%) faster. (Found near the mines of the Macmillan Estate after their collapse. The name tag on the back is too worn to read who it had once belonged to)
Macmillan Grade Steel: (Iridescent Stone) While survivors are caught in a bear trap, Trapper gains a 15% movement speed increase and breaks pallets 20% faster. (pallet breaking does not stack) This effect persists for 6 seconds after the survivor is freed. (Steel taken from the mines of the Macmillan Estate when still in operation. This steel fuels Evan with pride and dedication to his work)
Bloody Coil: Survivors who disarm traps are injured and placed into the deep wound status. No longer takes longer to disarm.
Honing Stone: Survivors who escape from a bear trap are hindered for 30 seconds
If Iridescent stone stayed the same, then trapper would be able to set up in an area and passively gain pressure and would be unfun to play against. The suggested change would promote good trap placement while not allowing it to be abused since he wouldn't have complete control over when it activates. This would give the Trapper a choice to make. Does he chase a non trapped survivor with these buffs and split pressure, or does he confirm the down on the trapped survivor and snowball from there? Honing stone would be changed to make it easier for The Trapper to down a survivor that steps into a trap and manages to escape without promoting slugging with his buffed kit and too powerful add on/perk synergies. Bloody coil was changed since it was useless if survivor decided to stay injured. As stated earlier, having 5 traps is a bit much, so there wasn't a need for 3 bag add ons, which is why I figured he can have a locker one like huntress does.
Thank you for those who read this and let me know what you think. Sorry about any format issues or post issues since this is my first forum post. I also am not sure what category this post would go under so sorry if It is placed in the wrong one. I've been playing this game consistently since 2018 and would love to see some changes to one of my favorite killers. Any feedback/constructive criticism is appreciated.