Old Freddy was so much funnier to play as and against. I want it back, even without any addons, I dont think there is actually a chance for this to happen, but it would be hella cool
“And against”
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Do you prefer to play agains the current freddy or the older one?
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Current. I hated OG Freddy with a passion lol.
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I agree. OG was the best
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I agree.
People say they hate modern Freddy, but do they truly remember how annoying to play against old Freddy was?
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Yes, please! Give me my old killer back!
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Current Freddy is stronger but I’d rather face a strong killer over an annoying one.
Hearing the lullaby but never knowing where he was, oh look, I’m asleep now. Then you escape a chase only to remember he has infinite aura reading when you’re outside of his terror radius. Lemme just blow up this gen so he can’t see me because that won’t alert him of my whereabouts? He was such a pain in the arse lol.
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They really could have given him teleport and just removed the aura read and decreased the sleep timer and i would have been happy
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They need to find some sort of middle ground between OG Freddy and current. OG was fun to play as but completely annoying to go against. Current Freddy has too many tricks up his sleeve and feels far removed from who Freddy is. The snares just don’t make sense for his character? Hopefully his upcoming rework gets him to a place everybody is happy with.