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Survivor Movement Still Slow

Right after the mid-Chapter update (and right before I had to take an extended break because of tendonitis), where we got new animations, etc. I noticed that survivors were moving slower - not by a significant percentage, but *definitely* noticeable. That included the speed burst received by exhaustion perks
Given that there'd been some bug fixes put in since then, I let myself play one match last night (shouldn't have, but I've been missing DBD), and the survivor movement speeds are STILL slow. I think it's better than right after the update, which means the animation smoothing probably helped. But it's not back to where it was pre-update. I want to say the slow is somewhere in the range of 5-7%. It's enough that I can feel it.
Hopefully you folks will continue to look into it and get it figured out.
I'm pretty sure that survivors are not actually slower, it's the change in animation that gives this perceived effect...which is why people feel it affects the injured survivors mostly, as that has the biggest animation change.
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I know that we recently had the whole issue with one of the Killers - I think it was Legion, with the frenzy? Where as it turned out, yes they really were moving slower than they should. Basically, I hope someone continues to look into this because I'm not the only one saying this - I've seen others on Twitter and elsewhere say similar, that the survivor speed just doesn't feel right. Like I said, it's not massive - it's not 25% or anything. But it's enough that something just doesn't *feel* right, and I don't think it's just down to the animations. :)
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just to correct that, no they weren't moving slower than they should - their fov had changed so they appeared to be moving slower. There was a specific bug that was hard to trace when in Frenzy because it was a standing lunge in frenzy, which isn't something often done, which is why reports were scattered on it. But their speed was never adjusted.
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chuckle All I can say is "Something just ain't right" and hope someone takes a closer look to triple-check that everything's OK. I appreciate you taking the time to respond! <3 <3