Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

The Thing About Yun-Jin's Perks

So remember when I said I'd make this post yesterday and instead made a stupid post about swf in which I not only managed to mess up my words but also piss off seemingly half the community in the process? Yeah me neither. We're doing Yun-Jin's perks today cause I'm all about equality, and I can be a jerk about perks regardless if they belong to a killer or not.

First perk on WannaBTS' list is Fast Track. This is the perk for people too cheap to get a brand new part in their bloodweb, but still like genrushing while the doctor stares at the fresh Adam he's just put on the hook. Basically whenever a survivor is hooked you get 3 tokens, which can then all be consumed after hitting a great skillcheck which lets be honest who in this game ever misses those, to grant an extra 1% progression bonus per token. I can see how this could be useful but you kinda sorta maybe don't want your team to be hooked for some extra generator progress. I'm sure many people have been over why sole survivor is a garbage perk, and this is just that with extra steps. I get that precious gens go brr, but the more people you have, the more likely you are to suceed.

Next up we have Smash Hit, the first exhaustion perk since Head On, and it's not terrible. Whenever you toss that little piece of wood on a killers noggin, you get a 150% movement speed bonus for 3 seconds and then get exhausted. In Layman's terms you trigger spirit fury cause why tf wouldn't you and get a sprint burst. This is one of those perks I can see the pros using a lot. In almost every chase you have access to a pallet and if you know how to properly loop, you can extend a chase for a lot longer, or lose the killer entirely with this perk. All in All I'm just happy we get another exhaustion perk.

Finally we have Self Preservation. Also known as selfish prick. If someone gets hit close to you you leave no scratchmarks for 10 seconds. Now I'm sure some of you Creative Carls can think of a way this perk can be implemented in the most niche of situations, but the most often I see this being used is killer hits a friend you were working on a gen with, you run, he can't find you. This is dumb though cause one, if the killer is in an open spot like certain parts of wreckers yard, or all of shelter woods, he doesn't need scratch marks. If your injured and the killer doesn't like winning so he runs bloodhound, whoopsie daisey, now you gotta run lucky break to cover that up which is arguably an equally useless perk. If you manage to check all those boxes as covered or simply don't give a #########, chances are the killers gonna go after the survivor he just injured, so you'd be safe anyway. As for buff ideas I'm leaving this to you guys, I got nothing.

Well that was all Yun-Jin's perks. If ya liked it leave a comment about it and maybe read some of my other posts. I may post again today, or maybe tomorrow. Pretty sure the next one's gonna be Bill's perks though. See you guys in the fog!


  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Actually i see self preservation being used for farming stacks of fast track. Unsafe unhook into 10 seconds of which way did they go, oh well at least the gens are faster.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    They're all Bloodweb space-wasters.