I think I have figured out the buff that will allow wraith to get up in the ranks

immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So wraith got less addon dependant this ptb thanks to his windstorm changes, however I think this could go one step further, he still lacks a decent chase mechanic , so I had an idea..I saw the otz video he posted recently about the coiled serpent addon I think its called..? The one where you decloak and get a short burst of speed after..then it hit me, finally the perfect upgrade for wraith

Phantom strike: upon breaking a wall/gen/ pallet or vaulting a window while cloaked, press the ability button during the interaction to commence phantom strike, gain a similar speed boost to when you unlock normally, this would be a unique chase mechanic where the wraith using his abilities as a hunter, uses tiles and pallets to initiate offensive strikes instead of just holding foreward at people , the mind games this would create would be awesome^^ as for the addon, easy,, slightly increase the speed boost duration instead....I think this is what wraith is missing and it shouldn't be too hard to use since the mechanic kind of exists already..


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