Whats wrong with teabagging ?



  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620

    T-bagging is unrespectful. Why? Because you're laughing at sportmanship, perhaps due to a boken mechanic or due to an unfair advantage, the so called exploits, those places a survivor can go and a killer technically should go.but is unable...

    And yes, there are indeed many mechanics that can be abused... tht's why DS is going to get a change as an example (thankfully).

    It's not about other people's feeling or something, it's because your own lack of sportmanship, it's like asking. What's wrong with hook farming? There are things who are wrong and things who are right, you might think "I don't think X is bad" but that doesn't make it right. On Argentina many use to laugh at racism issues. Does that mean it is right? No. And of course, those people don't think they're doing a bad thing.

  • tennmio
    tennmio Member Posts: 354

    Exactly. Those people are coming from a well educated households and they learnt that even trying to provoke someone isn't something a good and decent human being does - not even in the anonymity of the internet. Those labeling this kind of behaviour as something disrespectful are decent human beings. Whereas the response to the provocation depends on their temperament, their morals and / or their emotional stability.

  • fray1919
    fray1919 Member Posts: 199

    I personally think that taunting in a competition isn't exactly something to make such a big judgement on as not "something a good and decent human being does."

    You can say it's different, but I don't think NFL players taunting an opposing QB to try and get him to make a mistake are not "good and decent human beings" who don't come from "well educated households." Just don't make it personal.

    But YMMV.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,111

    It shows a lack of respect and sportsmanship that, let's be honest, would never fly in the real world. And these are real people behind the screens so it's not that far from reality as many people make it seem. I don't think it's right to act toxic, which is what tbagging is, just because you won. That's "might makes right" in video games form. You may not have even played well, knowing this game, but you somehow won and for some reason that's not enough for you; you have to put salt in the wound and assert your dominance.

    Going up against people like that all the time wears and tears at your mental state while playing this game. This game is addictingly fun, but when others use it as a tool for online bullying, it becomes a toxic relationship for that person. We hate the game so much but we keep coming back.

    It should never have gotten to this point. I shouldn't have to explain the thought processes involved, because this behavior shouldn't be happening widescale like it is. If you think I'm acting a tad dramatic, that's fine. I choose not to be someone who excuses unnecessary rudeness, or who belittles someone just because they lost 1 match.

  • Toblerone007
    Toblerone007 Member Posts: 598

    Exactly. Easier to break hearts in this game than the clubs.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426

    Here I would make a bunch of unkind--yet clearly accurate--observations about the type of person you are. Naturally, not liking those things, you would get TRIGGARRD (or "angry", as a functional adult might call it). This experiment would reveal how messages intended to convey disrespect do, in-fact, convey the very disrespect originally intended. A conclusion most recognize already as "no ######### duh!"

    Whether you would actually understand the lesson, or merely double down in oblivious hypocrisy--well, that I can't quite say.

    However, I shall refrain from that educational opportunity here, as I'm above the sort of hurtful observations required to provoke this point.

  • Gay_Police_Dept
    Gay_Police_Dept Member Posts: 743

    I know what you mean, but that wouldn't work on me :)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    Depends on the instance. Sometimes it is meant as a ty to the killer. It's really just someone pressing a button, whilst trying to press your buttons.

    However, it does show the good winners from the bad winners.

  • Ecstasy
    Ecstasy Member Posts: 426
    edited March 2021

    Just a fun aside in case that analogy was also intended to evoke some sort of kinship between taunting in DBD and in the NFL as legitimate tactics, when the reality of comparing them suggests a behavior similarly warranting punishment for such exceptional douchebaggery:

    Taunting of an opponent is a foul under N.F.L. playing rules and will be called by the game officials (15-yard penalty). In addition, the taunting player will be fined.

    Any flagrant acts or remarks that deride, mock, bait or embarrass an opponent are considered taunting. This includes, but is not limited to, spiking the football near a defender after a touchdown, shoving the ball at an opponent, or repeated finger-pointing. Remember, if you spike the ball near an opponent after a play, you risk being called for taunting even if you don't mean to taunt.

    Player demonstrations (for example, end-zone dances) are not fouls under N.F.L. playing rules and will not result in penalties by the game officials. However, if a demonstration constitutes taunting (see section immediately above), or if it is unsportsmanlike conduct or delays the game, a foul will be called.

    (Part in bold is particularly funny given the situation though)

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