Chapter-The Dark Room

redotter Member Posts: 28
edited March 2021 in Creations

I have no clue if this has been shared here on the forms, so I am taking a crack at it. I really want to see a killer based on Bloody Mary or Elizabeth Bathory. Here is my shot at Bloody Mary. Do keep in mind I tried to make her from the Colonial Times around 1607 to 1776. I don't have a power name yet or a corresponding survivor. I do have an idea for the survivor. I was thinking of a modern Wiccan living in the killer's house. I picture the killer being a cross of The Shape, The Nurse, and The Oni. She hovers like The Nurse and uses a shard of glass as a knife, collects blood like The Oni, and has power tiers like The Shape. While in tier III she walks on the ground and uses her nails as her weapon. Like The Plague, she is not evil and does the Entity's bidding after entering it's realm.

The Blood Maiden

Name: Mary Bell

Game Alias(es): "Bloody Mary"

Gender: Female

Nationality: American

Realm: Coldwind Farm

Power: NAME

Power Attack Type: Special Attack

Weapon: Glass Shard

Movement speed: 105 % | 4.2 m/s Hovers (NAME I)

Alternate Movement speed: 115 % | 4.6 m/s Walks (NAME II & III)

Terror radius: 0/16/32 meters (NAME I/II/III)

Height: Average

DLC: The Dark Room


Mary Bell was born into a farming family in the New World. When she wasn't learning to read, Mary would watch and learn from her mother to take care of her family when she grew older. At a young age, Mary secretly learned to write. Seeing as how her mother did not have an education, unlike her father. When her father caught her learning to write, he smacked her and told her good women are expected to listen to her father until she married in the eyes of God. As Mary got older, she met a boy named Matthew. Matthew would come to the farm and help her father out, and her father approved of him. Once Mary reached the right age, she married Matthew. Mary noticed something odd. Matthew's family was not present at the wedding. She never met his family, nor did her family. Matthew took his bride to his home through the woods. This was the first time she has been there. The house was just like hers but cold and damp; this must be from the forest. Matthew crossed the threshold with Mary in his arms. They embraced and began their life together. 

A year passed past, and the couple moved to the city. Mary got a job as a seamstress while Matthew worked as a blacksmith. Life was great; she felt as if she could do things her mother couldn't in fear of her husband and their religion. Mary did not believe in God because of the unfair advantages between genders. Matthew was different than her father; he did not hold the Bible to his heart every morning and night before bed. Then again, she never saw him with it. Mary did not think twice about it; customers were happy, and she brought smiles to their faces. Customers began to pour in, asking for her latest garb. Wealthy women and men fell in love with her fabric masterpieces, giving her compliments as if she was the beautiful woman in the land. Every day when she came into the shop, she would look at herself in the mirror and fix herself, "beauty sells," as she would say. 

It wasn’t until the summer when she realized she was pregnant. The happy couple was pleased about the news, except for Mary. Deep down, she felt her life began to drain. She knew once the baby came out, she would be stuck like her mother. Mary loved her job too much, but life goes on, and she was ready too. She would raise the baby with progression and not tradition as her family practiced with all her hope. After a few months have passed and Mary began staying home more, Matthew brought her a present. With his own two hands, he built her a mirror. A gorgeous silver mirror with vined along the sides connecting to roses on the top and bottom. Mary cherished the mirror and would gaze upon it every morning and every night before bed. 

Winter had approached, the air began to freeze and feel dry. Matthew was working overtime and hasn't come home. Mary heard noises from the other room; she hopped out of bed and crept to the door. Two strange men were standing in the shadows. She gasped and covered her mouth, hoping they didn't hear her. Mary hoped they would steal the money they had and just leave. One of the men started approaching the door, and Mary ran to hide under the bed. Both men walked in and began searching through everything. One man with blond hair gripped her mirror and gazed into it. He saw the value in it. Mary did not want to lose it, and without knowing it, she made a noise. The man with brown hair pulled her out from under the bed. "looky what we have here." He smiled. He threw her onto the bed and began to have his way with her. Her beauty caught his gaze. With all her strength, she pushed the blond man from behind her into the mirror, shattering it. The blond man lost his gaze from the broken mirror, and he picked up a piece of broken glass and slashed Mary's face. Matthew came rushing in and stabbed the man with brown hair. The blond retreated from their home. Mary lay there sobbing and covering her face. Blood dripped onto the bed as Matthew tried to stop the bleeding.

The next day the doctor stopped by to check on Mary and the baby. The doctor walked out of the room to talk to Matthew. After a moment of silence, Matthew walked back in and told Mary the baby was fine. Mary felt relief; at least the baby was safe. 

A few days had passed, and Mary's wound has healed, leaving a pink scar across her face. Matthew was at work, and Mary was alone again. This time she felt a chill in the air and sharp pains. The baby was coming, and she was alone to deliver it. Mary pushed and pushed, sweating and crying, and eventually, the baby came out. To her devastation, there was silence. The baby did not make any noise. Mary scooped him up into her arms, and he was as cold as the air around them. Tears fell to her eyes, and Matthew came in. Something was different about him. He had a blank expression on his face. Mary became terrified as Matthew came closer. A thick fog began to cover the room as Matthew came closer. His arms were spread out as if he was going to hug her and take her pain away. Instead, he devoured her in darkness. Mary found herself sitting in a cold field with her mirror in front of her. 

She saw tears of blood coming from her eyes, and the baby was gone. Mary was now alone, her baby was dead, her husband was not who she thought he was, and her beauty was taken from her. She began to sob; through the mirror, she heard voices, voices calling her name. Mary looked around to make sure no one was around, and to her surprise, she saw her husband. He whispered in her ear, "kill the voices, and everything will be okay." Mary got up and looked into the mirror. She saw a face of a teenage girl standing in a dark room dressed in odd clothing. She reached into the mirror and slashed the girl. Bloody Mary became her name, and her legend spread into the Entity's realm.



Absorb Blood Orbs left by your injured victumes. Press and hold the Power button to absorb Blood Orbs in the environment and fill your Power gauge. Each tier takes 100 absorbed blood orbs to advance a tier. Once reached tier II, The Blood Maiden cannot go back to tier I. If a survivor finds her mirror and smashes it, The Blood Maiden reverts back to tier I, and the mirror will disappear. The mirror appears and acts like “the red glyph” from the challenge. The mirror will first spawn on the map after The Blood Maiden has reached tier II. Once it has been smashed once, it will not respawn until The Blood Maiden has reached tier III. (This idea is to act strategically. If the killer is making it to tier III very often, then smashing the mirror helps survivors. If survivors smash it too early then they lose an edge and have to wait till she reaches tier III.)


• Grants the Undetectable Status Effect.

• Slightly decreased Movement speed.

• Slightly decreased Lunge range.

• Regular Vaulting speed.


• Reduced Terror Radius.

• Regular Movement speed.

• Regular Lunge range.

• Slightly increased Vaulting speed.


• Survivors suffer from the Exposed Status Effect.

• Lasts for 60 seconds, after which The Blood Maiden regresses to NAME II.

• Regular Terror Radius.

• Regular Movement speed.

• Slightly increased Lunge range.

• Moderately increased Vaulting speed.

• Blood Maiden now uses her nails as a weapon.

Smashing the mirror takes 8 seconds. The mirror emits a hum when nearby and doesn’t revile itself until close by. (appearing functions like the red glyph from the challenge and the hum functions like the hatch when open.)