Help Me Twins

I’m back after a break. Completely skipped out on the Twins. Know hardly anything except some general opinions, like that she is slug dependent or something. I played one game and think I generally get her power. Just wondering about a few in-game tricks, perk options, friendly advice.

I know the knee jerk joke is gunna be “my advice is to not play her.” I got it hurr hurr. Seriously just dropped 7 bucks and 1m points and would like some more info before I get wrecked for sheer ignorance.

im cool if someone can give me a link to a guide they like. Thanks in advance~


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m not an avid twins player but I can give you some advice

    1. Always use the toy sword addon, It’s absolutely insane
    2. Anti heal perks like sloppy butcher are great on her as they make slugging easier
    3. Victors hitboxes is pretty forgiving and his cooldown is low so don’t worry about missing pounces
    4. Use Charlotte as little as you can since Victor is how you win chases
    5. Victor sees blood very bright so keeping people injured is a must since he can’t see scratch marks

    That’s all I got

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Survs are oblivious when they have Victor on them, so try to place yourself a bit stealthy before using Victor as they may run into you.

    Survs can stun you at a pallet while you're controlling Victor which will force you back into controlling Charlotte.

    Survs can avoid detection from Victors aura by crouching, so switch back to him regularly if he's guarding something.

    Survs can't escape via exit gate for 5 seconds after taking Victor off of them.

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122
    edited March 2021

    Victor has huge snowball potential if multiple Survivors are injured, just be careful is multiple Survivors are around cause they can kick you regardless of whether you landed a pounce or missed.

    If you're going for Adept, Victor doesn't accrue Hunting points/does not start a chase. Also someone might have to correct me but having him guard a hook may affect your emblems if its considered camping by the game.

    Like Demo or Pig, their best addons are brown (Toy Sword and Tiny Fingernail), although perks like Madeline's Glove, Stale Biscuit and Forest Stew are also really good.

    Finally, if you know a gen is about to pop, release Victor and have him go- he can get there faster. If its 1 Survivor they'll either be downed or Incapacitated (can't finish the gen).

  • Zeus
    Zeus Member Posts: 2,112

    You can jump over a pallet or through a window with victor. You just need to pre-emptively back up a little and look up.

    Victor is weak at stairs and a god pallet. One technique you can do vs god pallets is back up from the pallet and then switch to charlotte. 2 out of 3 survivors will slide through the pallet to kick victor and you can see if they are going for it with the killer instinct that charlotte gets. Switch once the survivor gets closer and then start lunging from where you left victor because even if they go for god pallet slide, you are at the proper distance to lunge over the pallet.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I’m trying to take all this in. I’m not great at pouncing right now. So to nail over the pallet or through a window tech might be too much for me right now.

    I am using toy sword and already adept. Honestly I’m more focused on trying to down survivors with a victor on them, for the trophy. Also got my first gen lockdown with victor and was close enough to secure a grab, not that I’m sure how long he can hold it.

    All in all I’m having some fun, just wish ppl would stop kicking me so I can get a better feel for my pounce. Course if I was any good at it, I’d probably have played more Demo.

    I’ll still be reading these in between games, also sacrifice a few survivors in the hopes that I can obtain BBQ. I feel like at this rate, it’ll be my last obtained perk <_<

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    It might not be crazy of you to run some end game perks. When I first got them, I remember that blood warden worked really well with Victor's ability to stop people from leaving.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Twins main here.

    For me, the best way to play Twins is to slug everyone with Victor. Once you get three or more people injured, you'll want to consider slugging.

    Victor is really effective at pressuring the entire map (although be careful because some maps suck for the twins). Any M1 hits you can score with Charlotte are an added bonus.

    As such, my recommended build is: Corrupt Intervention, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher, and Deerstalker.

    Deerstalker is good to use on Twins because it lets you slug as much as you want.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    Wait...Survivors with Victor on them can not unhook survivors? I had 2 dead and one hooked and parked Char by the hatch and ran Vic back to hook and found the survivor in route. Figured I’d give them Victor and let them get the unhook and roll the dice on resetting the chase but when I arrived the survivor was just running in place against the hook.

    Then it dawned on me and that maybe she couldn’t unhook. She couldn’t could she.