Rank killers from best to worst based on of looks.

I know it's a controversial kinda title, but I really wanna know.
There's the S tier. Everyone else is secondary to this man's looks 😉
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Here’s my tier list for killer looks ( licenced don’t really matter)
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Spirit is super hot so it’s her (please don’t judge me)
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Spirit in D tier is a crime
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This is my list. (Iam the one who asked the question) :)
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It’s biased as I’m not a fan of the whole naked Japanese ghost women style
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Here is mine. Trickster isn't here yet, so I had to improvise.
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here's mine
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Your wrong. Mikey is ss+
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Wrong. Mikey is ss+
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If trickster was there he would've been in the S tier.
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Like, design or hotness wise?
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm,.. Let's say both together.
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S tier - PH, Trickster, Oni, Trapper (so simple yet so well done, also a sexy beast), Blight (not hot but his design is incredible).
A tier - Wraith (he's too pure to be hot he's just a cutie but his simple design is really well done and fits him perfectly I think.), Mikey, Slinger, Doctor, Demo, Joey from Legion, Plag, Nurse
B tier - Ghostface, the rest of Legion, Pig, Clown, Bubba, Spirit, Slinger, Twins, Huntress
C tier - Freddy (he has one bloody set and base set and I think it's just a bit basic)
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I agree with Freddy being C tier, he's basic compared to all the others. ✋
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Well, it is just my opinion, but I hate the Trickster, so he would never make it to S Tier for me.
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Something like this
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Not much to say about this
Michael's design is too iconic to be any less than top 3
I think Ghostface's default dbd design is my least favourite of all his appearances, movie design is the best, then the tv series, then this one
I'm really hoping they rejuvenate the og trio soon like they did Nurse, god knows they need it
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Victor is with the Uglies as the Ugliest.
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What's putting Clown above Trapper?
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I love both but trapper is too similar to Jason imo
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You're jealous you cant look as good as clown
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Legion, twins and Hillbilly are the only ones I don't particularly like the look of. The others are excellent designs, especially Oni, Spirit, Slinger, Trapper.
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Stop calling me out
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Never >:)
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For licensed I think we can go off whether they did the character justice and how well they did adapting the character to the art style.
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Hotness rating