Matchmaking is COMPLETELY BROKEN again... + Screenshots inside

Like #########? The first time I was with literally got shredded because they were rank 20 console players... Then the second game was a rank 15 huntress who didn't get a single hook the entire game.
Queues takes forever today as a survivor and then I get lobbies like that... Life of a solo queue survivor I guess... No wonder everyone plays SWF.
Let me add that I literally wait in queues for 10 minutes as a survivor and then I get matches like this, how is this even possible? I mean I've seen some messed up stuff in my 4k hours of dbd but this just baffles me... 5 years and can't even make proper matchmaking with 40k+ players only on steam.
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Why does it matter to you if the rank 20 players are on console?
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It is definitely weird and kinda random even tho I thought I figured out a pattern.
Now I think it depends on the time of day but I could be wrong again.
As a red rank survivor I go against red rank killers but with brown rank teammates when it happens lol.
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Because ever since crossplay got into the game matchmaking is even worse and console player lobbies usually have an even higher rank disparity for whatever reason.
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no they don't...
source: I play on console and can see the ranks every match
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it really is a vicious circle. Killer's don't want to be tortured by swfs, but playing without a swf is practically torture in itself.
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In order for it to be broken "again" wouldn't it have to be fixed first?
Seriously though, the best theory I have seen is that there are so few killers at red ranks playing that the system mixes up the survivor ranks to try and make it "fair". Obviously it doesn't do a great job.
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As a red ranked killer, I frequently get lobbies that are high-purple to Low greens. Some of my lobbies make sense, others are really bad..
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And as a red Killer I get:
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It's not broken AGAIN... Something can't be broken again when it was never fixed in the first place.
At this point I've accepted it will never be fixed and just roll with it.
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i would rather sit in q for an extra 30 minutes for proper matchmaking than to be constantly matched with low rank (usually console) players. i might as well not even play because it's such a waste of time.
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Yeah I was about to type that. Granted, I only arrived when Spirit released back in 2018, but at no point in the past 2 1/2 years of being here have I known DbD to have a remotely functional matchmaking system.
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Yeah, matchmaking has been... interesting, lately. Here is an example from one of my most recent trials. It is not that bad, but still...
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Nice "source". At least I put a screenshot where 3 console players are rank 20 and I am rank 4 so I think my argument is more valuable lol.
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Broken again ? As if it was working as intended previously 😂
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This could have been a SWF lobby. That's nothing extraordinary. But when I queue solo as a rank 4 survivor in a lobby full of rank 20's that's completely broken.
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Your name, it strikes terror into my heart.
And yes, it was always broken and it will never perform the way we need it, unless they figure out how to get more killer players.
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SWF? Well, there were 2 last second switches and they were somewhat coordinated, so maybe you are right. Like I said, it is not that bad. I just posted it for comparison.
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Which will not happen because the matchmaking doesnt work and people trying to learn killer get screwed over and matchmake with players way outside their skill level.
Seriously its ridiculous i play as survivor and i get potato teamates and cant win. I play as killer and get people who can rush gens and loop me like crazy with no sign of the garbage survivors that end up on my team in 99% of the games I play
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That's how it was with me when I played killer. I got tired of having 2-3 gens pop after I got my first hook and I got tired of the sweaty swf who bring in 4 tool boxes with 4 bnps who want a 4 minute match, so I only play solo.
Solo sucks all around, but my stealth play style makes it work. Plunderers gives me good odds on finding keys, which I remove from the chest and hide in a corner so no one else gets it. If my teammates were potatoes or if they were sweaty toxic tryhards who are duo swf and are messing with the killer rather than playing for the objectives, I leave the second I find the hatch.
And yes, I don't have any hope for matchmaking. I used to play 5-7 hours a day and now it's 2-3 at the most. I hope the devs stop being chicken and start working on the core game rather than new perks and new skins.
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I look at console matches ranks after every single match by default.
you look at them, every now and again.
so yes... when you consider me vs you, I am the better source. or do you think I can't put a screenshot of the matchmaking being terrible with pc players and great with console?
but here, have a screenshot of a table I'm working on showing the ranks of 4 matches in a row...
happy? do you think this changed anything?
because it shouldn't, a single screenshot or even the 4 matches I'm showing, is meaningless when you wanna argue general
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Did 4.6.0 change matchmaking again?
Matches have been absolutely trash since the update. Killers are either toxic POS's or total potato's, but usually the former.
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The rare times I play Killer, I wait ten minutes to be against purple/red. I'm rank 20.
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There are not enough killers around. So the matchmaking tries to compensate the lack of killers by matching everything with the first killer that clicks ready.
Apparently the release of the new killer didn´t cause the expected long killer queues, the devs talked about in their last stream.
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Even if MMR was 100% perfect, there's so many reasons that can come down to raw luck as to why a game may feel so lopsided.
And when these lopsided games happen and they're attached to scorecards like these that show players with ranks all over the place... everyone will just say: "Of course the game sucked - MMR is flat out broken! Look at this!"
They need to get rid of player rankings, or at very least, stop showing it on the score card (for the purposes of achievements or whatever)
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When MMR finally goes Live, I agree with you that ranks should be hidden from the scorecard for precisely that reason: people will still use it as an excuse even though Rank will no longer play a role in the matchmaking.
Right now, though, MMR is not active. It was only active for a 24 hour test a week or two ago, that ended, and MMR was deactivated again. Right now the matchmaker is "supposed to be" building matches via the Rank Based Matchmaking system.