ahs 1984 chapter

Map: Camp Redwood

Survivor: Brooke Thompson

Killer: Margaret Booth

survivor perks

(prison taught me a thing or two): after unhooking a survivor both survivors are granted a sprint burst effect for 3 seconds. causes the exhaustion status effect for 40/50/60 seconds. (this perk will not activate if already exhausted)

(confidence) after completing a generator gain the endurance status effect for 4/6/8 seconds

(final girl) when you’re the last survivor remaining gain a 6/7/8 percent haste effect for 60/70/80 seconds

killer power/perks

power (slash) for ever survivor hit you gain a stackable 2% speed boost to all actions, you can run for 30 seconds while running for 5 seconds gain the undetectable status effect has a cool down of 20 seconds


(summer camp massacre): after hooking a survivor gain the undetectable status effect for 20/25/30 seconds. has a cool down of 60 seconds

(anger) when a survivor stuns you they become exposed for 6/7/8 seconds. has a cool down of 40 seconds

(no one leaves until i say so): when a generator reaches 20% you are granted the ability to slash the wire. the survivor(s) must fix the wire in order to begin repairing again

just an idea :)