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Can someone explain The Observer in his little cutscene in the Archives?

StereoHEAD43 Member Posts: 53

So he goes in a tower and finds corpses and books and gets shocked at the guy with a broken glass of alcohol. Is that a future version of him or were there multiple observers before him?


  • Lexilogo
    Lexilogo Member Posts: 587

    I believe it's simply The Entity tormenting him, as the cutscene's preceded by a shadow grabbing him by the leg and pulling him presumably towards the tower he investigates.

    The Observer's tried to kill himself in Arcus logs and it doesn't work, he just wakes back up in his tower. That IMO confirms this can't be a genuine vision of the future.

    I also don't think there were multiple Observers before him. This of course depends on how DbD's multiverse works, and frankly I don't think BHVR's writing team have one consistent model for it, but the Observer comes from Terra Primus, which was one of the first and most advanced worlds in discovering their place in the multiverse and categorising other universes. The Observer body he discovers is also pretty clearly him, not someone else fufilling the same role.

    So, unless there's lots of different variations of Terra Primus, with lots of different Observers who all went through the same character arc and had access to the same resources, which the Observer never really acknowledges as possible in his Arcus logs, it's also not an alternate Observer. He doesn't muse on whether or not another version of himself or another version of Terra Primus might have a better chance against The Entity, and seems to mourn Terra Primus as relatively unique.

    This probably happened towards the middle of his story when he was exploring the other realms, which was a thing The Entity was most likely enabling so he could show him stuff like this and screw with his mind as much as possible. This manifestation is most likely trying to send the message that THIS is going to be what happens to the Observer, he's going to lie in his chair, drink whiskey, and listen to memories forever.