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Can we get some points for trying to wiggle free?



  • Nikkiwhat
    Nikkiwhat Member Posts: 1,378
    Yeah, even as a Killer Main...wiggling should give some points imo.  I don't see the harm in it.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    White_Owl said:

    @Lowbei Just a question: in which cathegory killers should earn carry points? I don't know you, but most of the time I reach the cap in most of the cathegories, except Sacrifice if I can't kill everyone. I can understand you point of view of giving to all or to no one, but personally I think on killers those points would be "wasted" and would just help reaching the cap sooner, while on survivors they would allow to go beyond the current limit of 5-6k on an 8k cap in survival points which I find a bit unfair.

    unsure but probably hunting, but it shouldnt be a factor whether it may already cap out. survivors working together can just about max objective in 2 gens. i do admit that survival is the hardest tree to finish. there should be more opportunities for survival pts other than self heals, since its fairly rare that you wiggle free or kobe.

    if both sides got a few extra pts for the carry, id be fine with that, but not one side or the other, balance. tho like fcc said, i dont think either is necessary. you get plenty of bps per game.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I see no harm in something like this. Some points for being the last one standing would be nice too. Maybe enough to match up with struggling on the hook seeing as you don't get to do that.

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    i would be ok with giving the last living survivor, aka all 3 others are dead (not escaped) a survival point event of “last man standing” to give more survival category potential.
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637

    In a fair match, yeah. Killers/Survivors get around 17K-25K BP, even if everyone escapes the killer, or the killer kills all those altruistic ones in the end.

    Though in matches where you tunnel someone (because you think they have DS or just want to troll for a bit), that survivor usually gets around 5K BP, even if they keep trying to wiggle as you parade them around their 3rd hook to kill their DS using ass.

    And once you kill them you still have the opportunity for more BP that match, while they don't. They're dead.

    This really isn't more for BP for good players (They'll easily get the same amount or more from successful escapes/stuns, depending on which category wiggle-points go (probably boldness)), but rather a minimal amount of BP for players that either get tunneled, suck, or are new to the game.

    The amount possible from wiggling shouldn't be that high (1500 BP cap, cumulative from about 3 nearly-full wiggle-bars), but enough to satiate a player that can't seem to not suck/die, but is still willing to play the game.

    IE: If a killer is camping you at the hook, while the entity has been summoned, why not just stop struggling and move onto the next game? If that killer's any good, he'll just tunnel you down to get that 3rd hook even if your allies rescue you. So very likely no more points for you this match.

    You struggle to give your teamates time, and that's GOOD gameplay (thematic too). Which should be rewarded, in a similar fashion to trying to wiggle (even though new players will just look at it as something that they have to do, they'll likely not get jaded into not doing it)

    But that's enough rambling from me.

    it IS already rewarded. you get points for struggling on the hook. you are asking for more?
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637


    For struggling on the hook? No. I'm just trying to draw a parallel between a hook struggle and a wiggle-struggle.

    They both serve to prolong the match (killer is waiting there, or killer has to quickly find a place for you instead of going straight to another objective)

    then you are ok with the killer also getting points for carrying you, because logic, correct?
  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637


    Yeah, as I mentioned earlier:

    "There is an argument to be made that:
    Killers shouldn't let dying survivors be rescued
    -Carrying survivors should grant a limited amount of BP towards the Sacrifice category."

    Now if it should be the sacrifice category, or another category that is usually eaten up in good matches (IE Hunting) is TBD.

    works for me, tho like i said earlier i think pts are fine as they are for now.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    @Lowbei said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @Lowbei said:

    powerbats said:

    One thing is what if the killer say Billy since we've all had this happen just happens to charge in your area and tunnels you till he downs you.
    You didn't make a mistake since he just randomly charged into where you were near nothing objective wise. But because you got found 1st you either have to loop him forever till he gives up which you killers hate or eventually get caught.
    So it's not your fault in that sense that he found you 1st like that so why not give wiggle points but make them similar to struggle points.
    But as someone else said you get diminishing returns and it should never be more than what the total would be for end game struggle.
    So say max 250 1st time and max 150 the second time with 3rd time if you get that far 50 and nothing after that.

    as long as its balanced sure, but then imo the killer should also get some points for carrying them. i take issue with the above posters saying they want extra pts for being carried after messing up, while saying the killer shouldnt also get pts for doing his objective by carrying them to a hook.

    The usual doublestandards.

    Survivor get a reward if the struggle free, but want a reward for trying.

    Killer get a reward for hooking, but I have never heard them asking to get a reward for losing the guy on the way to the hook.

    what are you even talking about? 

    survivors get a reward if they struggle free after a carry, and killers get a reward if they hook after a carry.

    this isnt rocket science timmy.

    if you want extra bp for being carried (after messing up by being downed) then you have to also give the killer extra bp for carrying (being successful).

    its your lack of balanced perspective that makes us discard your opinions into the trash. dont worry, you arent alone, the trash is always full around here.

    Are you even aware that I agreed with you? sceptic

  • Lowbei
    Lowbei Member Posts: 2,637
    Wolf74 said:

    @Lowbei said:
    Wolf74 said:

    @Lowbei said:

    powerbats said:

    One thing is what if the killer say Billy since we've all had this happen just happens to charge in your area and tunnels you till he downs you.
    You didn't make a mistake since he just randomly charged into where you were near nothing objective wise. But because you got found 1st you either have to loop him forever till he gives up which you killers hate or eventually get caught.
    So it's not your fault in that sense that he found you 1st like that so why not give wiggle points but make them similar to struggle points.
    But as someone else said you get diminishing returns and it should never be more than what the total would be for end game struggle.
    So say max 250 1st time and max 150 the second time with 3rd time if you get that far 50 and nothing after that.

    as long as its balanced sure, but then imo the killer should also get some points for carrying them. i take issue with the above posters saying they want extra pts for being carried after messing up, while saying the killer shouldnt also get pts for doing his objective by carrying them to a hook.

    The usual doublestandards.

    Survivor get a reward if the struggle free, but want a reward for trying.

    Killer get a reward for hooking, but I have never heard them asking to get a reward for losing the guy on the way to the hook.

    what are you even talking about? 

    survivors get a reward if they struggle free after a carry, and killers get a reward if they hook after a carry.

    this isnt rocket science timmy.

    if you want extra bp for being carried (after messing up by being downed) then you have to also give the killer extra bp for carrying (being successful).

    its your lack of balanced perspective that makes us discard your opinions into the trash. dont worry, you arent alone, the trash is always full around here.

    Are you even aware that I agreed with you? sceptic

    lol to be fair, im usually very high, and you hadnt previously, so if you did, i didnt notice :) 

  • Oblitiry
    Oblitiry Member Posts: 487
    Just make it to where both the killer and survivor gain bonus BP based on how high the wiggle meter got before they get hooked.

    Will to fight bonus BP - Survivor
    Shatter hope bonus BP - Killer
  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,850

    @DarkWo1f997 said:
    Dreamnomad said:

    Personally, I think there is a large discrepancy in blood points earned between survivors and killers. Anything that helps balance the scales for survivors is something I will get behind. Good idea.

    Until survivors are dependent on addons and items, they don’t need anymore bloodpoints. 

    I hate this argument so much. Every argument killers make against equality in bloodpoints is a bad argument. If for only one reason, there are no "survivor bloodpoints" or "killer bloodpoints". There are only blood points. Those blood points can be spent on either killers or survivors. The vast majority of bloodpoints I've spent on survivors have been earned as a killer. What I want is for my time spent playing as a survivor to not feel like a complete waste. Which is exactly what playing a survivor feels like.