Map tier list

This is just my opinion coming from someone that plays both sides. I think we can all agree Haddonfield and The Game both deserve their own tier at the bottom.
Throw groaning storehouse in the f tier also can't stand that map.
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Really? I never really have that much of an issue with that map other than it can be too big. I pretty much love the whole MacMillan realm.
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It's so large and incredibly hard to control when not playing certain killers. It makes it frustrating for me. Considering I main clown, I think it's clown's worst map due to size, and the main building is horrors if god window spawns in. Not much to do on it. I struggle on it a lot. :( I do much better on the game and haddonfield.
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I play mostly Spirit and Blight so I guess it's a little different for me but the god window can be a pain.
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And here is mine.
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Never thought I'd see the day someone puts Midwich in S tier.
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I definitely agree with the coal tower. I usually play killer so my list is a little different. I do agree with the bottom tier as well.
I think dead dog should be s tier as well. I love that map even as solo survivor. It's not too big, has plenty of easy grass to blend into. Has somewhat unpredictable totem spawns, but not to the point where they're impossible (swamps).
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As crazy as it sounds, I love Midwich. It is my favourite map, to be honest.
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The problem with Dead Dawg is it is way too small with so many unsafe pallets. At least Coal Tower has safe tiles that offer fun mind games while being small but Dead Dawg is far from that.
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If this list is based on visual design, Midwich is S+ tier and no other map even competes with it. Gameplay wise, it's so boring to play on imo.
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It is based on gameplay, actually. Trust me, nothing is more satisfying than a crazy Dream Projection mindgame on Midwich, especially since most of the time survivors don't even know where you are coming from. And, when playing as a survivor, I just love the creepy ambience of the map. Besides, generators are relatively easy to find and there a few good loops here and there.
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That is true. DDS is not best for looping. I am terrible at looping so that's probably why I don't mind it.
You've inspired me though. I made a map tier list based on kill totem spawns I will post shortly. If you see the thread give me your opinion please. It's based on strongest to weakest totem maps.
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Cowshed and Rotten Fields need to be F tier.
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Totem spawns is a pretty interesting tier list. I would think Lery’s and Hawkins would be among the top.
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I agree they’re both atrocious but I just felt it was necessary to put The Game and Haddonfield in their own tier for how miserable they are.
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I've got lery's #1 S tier. I believe I've got hawkins as A. Hawkins has some great ones but quite a few sit adjacent to gens.
The game was always great for totems because they're usually tucked away just out of open sight. I don't have enough experience after the rework to know if they're worse.