The Survivor Face of DBD, who is Best Girl?

Hi, it's been quite a while since I last made a post. I felt compelled to write here once again after watching that beautiful Rockabilly survivor skin Trailer and I wondered " So many beautiful, yet popular survivors. But who is the leading lady?"
I'll be giving my opinion, it's probably a bit inaccurate but I also want to hear yours. Who is the Survivor Best Girl of this Game so far?
Here's my list, #1 being the top pick.
12) Zarina
11) Cheryl
10) Nancy
9) Elodie
8) Yui
7) Laurie
6) Feng Min
5) Claudette
3) Jane
2) Nea
1) Kate
So there you have it, I'm excited to see what you all write.
My lovely Jane is undeniably popular, but ultimately recently I have to admit Kate seems to be the Female Face of DBD. Her Popularity is high, her cosmetics are usually A+, and she has a regular ample amount of screen time in cinematics. (Although Jane is getting to this position as well, with her quality skins and gaining popularity.)
It's clown no contest. Everyone else is tame in comparison to his godly body
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Really, I'm curious as to why? Lol
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Anyone but Claudette
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I think her face looks beautiful.
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I couldn't possibly list them all from worst to best.
But let me think for a second...
Laurie is the hottest. Zarina is second hottest. Meg has the best butt. And Kate has the best rack.
That's pretty much my unofficial list.
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Poor Claudette :,(
I like how you have some type of logic for your list lol
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Why would we talk about the lovely ladies of DBD when we can talk about the glass-cutting body of Daddy Myers
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Lmao, because Daddy Myers didn't have a recent trailer for a new skin. Now yet at least, Myers is attractive for sure though haha
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Because she's cute as #########.
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Zarina. I think she truly has pure Survivor energy. She has the drive, she has the style, and she will cut up in the Entity's realm.
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Gotta say Nea, why? She's probably the most known character just because of the Memes
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I'm just gonna drop this here.
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You right.
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I support it.
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Cheryl is my best girl
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I mean... But Zarina... Sniffles
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Feng is best girl
no one can beat her
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Feng is so lovely, but i also like Nancy and Elodie
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Kate is the best female character in dbd, and I'm not sure if she can ever be topped, but then again I'm a kate and clown fanboy and they are the only characters I have all cosmetics for, so take my word with a grain of salt.
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My opinion about the faces:
1. Kate
2. Elodie
3. Nancy
4. Cheryl
5. Meg
6. Feng
7. Jane
8. Claudette
9. Zarina
10. Yui
11. Laurie
12. Nea
13. Yun-Jin
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Biased: Yui
What I actually think: Jane. She has good cosmetics, a friendly/outgoing personality, and she’s very huggable.
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I'd go for the poster girl as Meg, because she looks like someone who is more determined, focused and battle-weary than the others. She seems to have the face which shows the overall feeling of all survivors for me.
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Meg and Claudette are the female faces of DBD. None of the others even come close to them.
I'm not talking about attractiveness.
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It depends... Which one is the freshest?
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Female faces of DBD? Claudette, and Meg, no questions about it. You have to go with the OGs.
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- Steve
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Um... Yui, Laurie and zarina for top 3...then after that I would have to say Yui, then Yui about 6 more times and finally Yui.
Meg at rock bottom
Bubba obviously outranks everybody but I thought it would be unfair to put that perfect specimen on the same list.
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Cheryl all the way
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Meg number 1
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The female face for the game would be Claudette or Meg.
The female face for the community would probably be Kate.
For me personally, with several being a contender, i'm gonna go ahead and represent my girl Lisa.
... I think I might just be the only Lisa main in existence.
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Kate is overrated imo.
Don’t see what the hype is about when it comes to her.
Jane/Zarina on the other hand, 💜
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Meg and Claudette, easily.
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Jane is not the female survivor face of Dbd. Its one of the OG's like Claudette or Meg. Like how Trapper is the killer face of Dbd because he's an OG.
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I think that Meg is the best girl when you look at the lore, character, and flavor of the game.
Unfortunately, the actual players who play Meg almost never reflect this imo.
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Victor! Little stud is adorable 😏. That transcends gender.
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The one who has my heart. Was there ever even a doubt?
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Definitely Cheryl and Kate
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Kate is honestly overrated.
Top (no order):
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Meg Thomas.
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I'm a simp, and can tell you that Kate is the clear waifu of DBD.