More Monster Killers?

Demigorgon is what caught my eye for this game, to play and hunt as an actual monster beasty thingy. So few games that let me go Carrion on people, use something not human. Are there any more coming/Any talk of adding more? Aliens critter, the facehugger born one, or something?
It’s unlikely since every killer kinda needs a humanoid appearance even if they are a bit monsterous
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sure, korean singer comming LOOOOOL, this game is going down
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I mean, they're adding a literal human with no changes or scary looking outfit whatsoever. At least Huntress, Myers, Pig and Ghostie look like psychopaths. Other killers do have a disturbing aesthetic like Hag, Plague or Twins. Trickster doesn't even have injuries LOL.
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Have you seen psychopaths IRL? They don't look like Huntress, Myers, Pig, or Ghostface. 99% of them look like any normal person.
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Well, you're right but what I mean is, every killer does look creepy in their own ways, and if they don't, at least they look scary or disturbing. Trickster does fit the definition of a psycho in his lore, and his appereance is okay, it's just it doesn't really blend in like the other killers. The fact that he also doesn't have a map makes him look even more out of place.
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I think the fact that the new killer is so real is what makes him scary. It makes you think, could someone like this be near me?
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Thank you. 👏🏻
I don’t know how many times I have to say that he’s supposed to represent a REAL LIFE serial killer. I find a narcissistic psychopath who made music out of his victims screams a lot scarier than Freddy Krueger, because Trickster is somebody who you could actually run into.
There’s so many different sides to horror and I love that we’re seeing that explored in game.
I love horror movies for the pure escapism they provide, but I never really find them scary. However, watching a true crime series is terrifying because they’re about people that actually exist. People just like Trickster.
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A lot of serial killers / psychopaths actually don’t look scary or disturbing and that’s exactly how they lure in their victims. This is how Ji-Woon is. There’s plenty of serial killers who are described as CHARMING, such as Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer.
Would you be more likely to trust somebody who appears charming / attractive or somebody that looks scary / disturbed? Not every serial killer just lurks in the shadows and waits for people, a lot of them are invited into their victims homes.
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I'd love to see more humanoid monsters as killers, such as the xenomorph. At the same time, I do like the fact we've had a slew of killers recently who have their faces shown. It's the variety which makes the game interesting. I'd like a couple more older individuals for survivor, and a couple more humanoid monsters, but I'm certainly happy with the variety.
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I mean...
Ghostface, Blight, and The Twins' didn't get maps either. Does that make them look out of place?
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And that is fine, it's why I said something like the critter from Aliens, chest bursting, face hugger kind. I just seek an actual monster, the non-human kind. So that Alien Ripley fought, or a werewolf, stuff like that.
//everyone else...
Also, common, keep the new guy to a new guy thread? I wanna talk monsters here...
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Yeah, I'd like Xenomorph and Ripley, clone or original, doesn't matter. That or a werewolf, something that just isn't a human, an actual monster.
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A few left field ones;
* Creatures from the Village
* Cretures from Quiet Place
Xenomorph is obviously the top pick for sure.
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Yes, PLEASE, Demo was my second big main(first Trapper because, well, he's basically Jason) that I truly feel in love with because he was something wholeheartedly unique and different from all other killers and he STILL stands out from all the rest. I'd absolutely adore seeing more monsters added to the game.
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Yes please
The Stranger Things dlc is the only one I bought right off the bat because of that exact reason, and I hoped until the last day that the xenomorph was going to be added for the 4th year anniversary
Demo's screams are so satisfying to hear every time, I want more killer like him 😍
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I'd love to see Frankenstein's monster in the game. The most horrific experiment created by Dr. Victor Frankenstein.