What happened to Open Handed?

I just realized it like months later. There was a PTB where it got its range increased to 16meters and I was hyped about that. I like perks like Bond, Kindred, Windows of Opportunity. And yesterday I just remembered that (since solo q is still awful I'm playing very rare) and I was equipping that perk and still reading "8meters"
Please don't tell me our good ol' beloved devs thought that was op. Please tell me they forgot or it wasn't good enough or they wanna rework it to do sth totally different. Just don't tell me they think that was too strong.
Peanits confirmed that the Open Handed change is definitely coming. But they can’t confirm when.
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I asked someone more knowledgeable than I am and he said this never made it to the PTB to begin with, it was just something they thought about doing and ended up not doing. However, there's a very good reason why.
16 meters per instance of Open-Handed would mean that every survivor aura-reading perk would have its range increased by 64 meters if everyone had Open-Handed. To put that number into perspective, a 128 meters radius is map-wide. Now, Kindred 3 has a base range of 16 meters. With Open-Handed, that's 80 meters of always knowing exactly where the killer is when they hook someone.
TL;DR, Open-Handed with a 16-meter buff would be OP.
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I'm on phone, hard to quote; but I found something from Peanits in this thread.
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I still stand by my assertion: that's going to be OP.
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As a solo Survivor who uses Bond with Open-Handed, it'll be a welcome change. However, I agree: if all Survivors use Open-Handed... It could have a personal use to prevent seeing the Killer's aura in the whole map with Kindred.
Or it could be for the whole team, but no stack? Like if there is two Open-Handed, the range is still 16 meters instead of 32 meters.
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Once the range buffs go live Open Handed will no longer stack. One Open Handed will affect the whole team, but additional instances of Open Handed will not extend aura reading beyond the additional 16m that one Open Handed will provide.
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I’m too lazy to peruse my discussions, but it’s one I posted about my disappointment that we didn’t get the buff yet upon the release of Twins. Peanits was the first to respond saying something along the lines of “it was an embarrassing screw up, the range buff is delayed but definitely coming, but can’t say when”
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So based on Peanits's comment about the topic, they do not have time to buff a perk. I wonder why?
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Thats creepy....I was literally thinking about this when I got up this morning.....🤯
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Theres a video that sows that it was a part of the PTB. Dude, literally, why should anyone discuss the open handed buff when there wasn't one.
There was and they made it so that it's 16m base kit but it also won't stack anymore so there was no 64 meters range. They also said sth like "your welcome, the guy that didnt wanted to run open handed but your swf forced you to do so"
It seems like they just edited it out and didnt mentioned it at all that it was removed. I hate if people are doing this and act like "There was never XYZ, you're just crazy"
Whatever, it seems like Peanits already stated that it will coming later. I loved this change. I like information perks, theyre insanely strong in dbd and increasing the range by 16 meters? Sign me in, dude.
I hope I'm gonna see it again when the next Mid Chapter makes it through the fog.
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It seems like they just edited it out and didnt mentioned it at all that it was removed. I hate if people are doing this and act like "There was never XYZ, you're just crazy"
Maybe calm down a bit? I didn't say anything of the sort. I asked someone who knows more about this stuff than I do and repeated what they had told me, that's all. If you'd scrolled down just two comments, you'd see that someone had already quoted Peanits. One after that, I acknowledge that Peanits said that.
I like information perks, theyre insanely strong in dbd and increasing the range by 16 meters? Sign me in, dude.
I like information perks too (hell, I used Dark Sense pretty much since launch, long before it was buffed), but there is such a thing as "too strong".
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Nah I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at the editors. They just deleted it and didnt mentioned it in the patch notes. There is literally a section with "changes from the ptb" means: what's different
But yea in the end Im kinda glad to hear that it's not from the table yet.
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2023 it is then.