Survivor main tier list based on toxicity

To put it plainly, how toxic these survivors generally act.
I don't have half as many hours as most people around here yet I believe this is correct. I'd only leave hatch to the survivors in the 3 bottom tiers or maybe a 3rd row one if they are nice.
LOL... This is one of the most nonsense threads ever
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Well aren't you just super fun
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There is truth in it and sometimes people think I'm going to be toxic just because i chose to play with Feng or Meg.
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It makes sense for me ig
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I feel like this could almost be a chart of survivor popularity. Claudette at the top, then the other free survivors, then the survivors that came out relatively early... There's a few outliers sure, but still. Kind of speaks volumes about out community, doesn't it? Does it? I don't know, it feels like it does but I can't put my finger on why
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I like the ash one. Very true. I'm a cheryl main and the description is accurate too. I only tbag to salute another survivor
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True. I don't like Megs, especially if they're prestiged or have an outfit. If not, I usually think they're newbies.
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Oh my god you're absolutely right how was I so blind
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I hate seeing some Jakes act toxic. 😞 He’s my favorite boi so like, why?
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Pretty accurate and both my mains are at the bottom yay :)
But elodie’s are only toxic when they are wearing the onesie
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Not sure Neas and Fengs are usually super toxic. Steves also give me pain.
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I love how all of my most used survivors are at the bottom of the list. I used to be a Meg / David main, but I was never toxic. The survivor I choose to play as doesn’t alter my gameplay.
I love seeing Jeff, Adam and Ash players in the fog as they’re my favourite boys.
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As a Yui main I gotta agree that you're right there, I can either be really nice to get really pissed off then go try as best I can just for spite (I know it's a childish behavior and I am working on it, but that's just what anger issues does unfortunately)
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Interesting. I have a pretty similar experience, but I'd swap Steve with Laurie, move Ace and Nancy up a tier to usually toxic. Also move Adam Francis up to usually toxic and Ash up to super toxic.
Quentions used to be toxic but from my experience now they're probably the nicest.
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I'd agree with you but once I met a Steve who was literally the nicest person
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Adam players are saints I swear. Was playing as plague and this Adam got stuck in a fountain and I proceed to down and mori him
He sends a GG message
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Nea & Claudette Players are so toxic usually.
Devs really need to make Claudette more visible. They are nearly invisible with new dark map themes.
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Yea that seems about right, Ace belongs right in the super toxic tier though
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Not you coming for Felix.
Every felix player I've ever met has been super nice!!
At least you got my girl Cheryl right, we're absolutely delightful, I sound sarcastic but I'm not lol
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Steves make for great memelords
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I miss "Nea with the graffiti outfit" in the Super Toxic tier, in my 1000 hours of gameplay at least the 70% of these Neas were toxic.
Also a Dwight with any flashy outfit is usually Super Toxic too.
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You must be a really fun and nice guy to talk to
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Wow Elodie got herself a bad rep quickly. Neas are usually toxic in my experience.
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Hmm, a lot of women of color near the top of your list...I think you're telling on yourself...
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This is a travesty. Us adam mains don't even teabag.
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Everyone I play with the exception of Jane and Kate is literally in the top 3 categories. Seriously take out Ace and there's everyone I play.
I like to think I'm not toxic, right..?
How did you make this a race thing?! HOW?!
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I love finding them hiding in plain sight
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100% of the blighted Jakes are toxic
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I looked at the list which is making a judgement of characters, looked who was placed where and for the tells of conscious or unconscious biases, and made a hypothesis about what was happening.
And it's a race and sex thing. Intersectionality matters.
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Feng’s are way more toxic than Laurie’s.
They should switch spots.
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I've found that Neas and Fengs tend to be EXTREMELY toxic about 50% of the time, specifically if it's pink hair or paint suit Nea, or a Bunny Feng.
Whether or not they're good is up in the air, but I've made it a mantra to never let a Bunny Feng or Toxic Nea leave the match alive, if I can help it.
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Stop looking for a fight, when there is none.
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No need to fight! Just calling out the problematic posts when they're there.
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This has nothing to do with race. Also, it could appear like that because there's more woc than white women.
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Women of color. Intersectionality matters.
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All my surv mains are near the top. Are you sure this isn't an intervention?
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Did I not say women of color in my comment? Also intersectionality does matter, but this is just a tier list based on who they find to be the most toxic. I don't understand what you're trying to get at.
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Are you of color?
Because if so, you’re making us look bad.
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I main Meg and I’m not toxic :(
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I get that, but nothing about their post is problematic.
In DBD, a lot of people play women of color because 1. Women are smaller than men in this game (naturally better at hiding) and 2, the devs want to include different races.
Unforunately, a lot of people play tryhard and/or toxic as well. So characters like Claudette are always picked to help them win.
That’s sadly just the way it is.
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Also, on a differnet note, I can confirm this list to be really accurate. @megswifey mains Meg and is one of the most toxic people I know- she calls killers smelly sometimes!!
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But you first said, "It's not a race issue," and I'm saying it's not solely one. There are many factors at play, and lists like this are a problem and before posting one, a person should have better sense about what they're trying to communicate.
This game has a problem with killers deliberately going after and trolling marginalized community characters (it was recently mentioned a lot before the chapter update with LGBT+ character rumors), and things like this do not help.
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I won't say that killers deliberately going for characters part of marginalized communities isn't a problem because it most certainly is. But tell me, when was the last time a killer threw the match just to kill you because the character you're playing is part of a marginalized community.
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i play feng for her coffee shirt /shrug
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Here is mine.
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I would swap Bill and Ace, but Ace also fits where he is, since Ace players are usually just overly cocky.
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ngl claudettes do always be toxic
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I agree with this whole list but Lauries ain't that toxic IMO
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It has nothing to do with race or gender. Most of the ones who landed in toxic territory are the most popular survivors. The more you see them, the better chance a toxic one shows up. If you are in a lobby with 3 Claudettes and oneis toxic while the other two are nice who will you remember? Most likely the toxic one as people remember the bad experiences more.
In short, stop trying to make an issue where there is none.
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I main Cheryl and my friends main Claudette and Nea. Welp, can confirm, both of them are awfully toxic and I always try to drag them into the gates just so we leave already.