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Monstrous shrine rework

How would go about buff this perk. I would remove the whole basement thing it has and then a token for every survivor hook increase hook speed by 1 percent for every hook state.

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  • Member Posts: 256

    It would still be a trash tier perk.

    They could make it give the killer a small movement speed buff 3-5% for every survivor currently on the hook. (Only active while survivors are on the hook.)

    I don't know if that might be game breaking though.

  • Member Posts: 172

    5% speedbuff for every survivor working on a gen while a survivor is hooked until he is unhooked. Does nothing against solos as they cannot coordinate saves but ######### over genrushing SWFs. You'd have a 5% speedboost against SWFs who coordinatedly push out gens while watching the timer most efficiently while you chase somebody at minimum and 10% if they decide to stay on them while their mate is hanging around.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    I'd probably change the perk so that the current effect now applies to every hook in the trial, and speed the basement hooks to 6%,9%,12%.

  • Member Posts: 486

    I like the basement play idea around this perk.

    Just make the Entity force a survivor to Second Stage. Like the Entity will grab hold of a survivor on first hook and hold them till death hook (or 2nd stage). If you shoulder a survivor who ‘is’ on death hook, then the basement hooks get blocked.

    This way the killer has to use one of the hooks outside the basement. This gives survivors the opportunity to disable the hooks near killer shack and prevent the killer from getting the hook.

    So killer can capitalize early game by using basement hook, but can’t ensure victory, and give survivors counter play options. Plus a neglectful killer might shoot themselves in the foot by bringing a survivor on death hook to the basement an realize they gotta drop them or lose them if it’s too late.

    A SWF team could technically bring a group build to bully a killer and consistently run to basement on death hook and proactively keep nearby hooks broken...but you gotta assume killer will be using that perk, to begin with, and that he is adamant about forcing the basement play when he figures out you brought the counter.

    I mean, even if you can’t break hooks, after it happens once, just make sure you get away from killer shack if he targets you. That way he has to use a different hook or waste just as much time walking you over there as you probably would be sitting on the nearest hook.

    My point is, I don’t think this is OP, it could bring to life some dead perks and it allows basement builds to be used but with an actual counter play opportunity. So a killer can’t just sit in basement all game, not with this perk anyway.

    probably not super fleshed out idea but you get what I’m going for.

  • Member Posts: 841

    Monstrous Shrine should spawn a second basement in the map, connecting both of them to promote basement playstyles and give killers a form of mobility, as they could teleport from one basement to the other.

    Wouldn't be too hard to implement either, since most maps in this game have the basement in two possible areas.

  • Member Posts: 52

    I would just buff the effect moderately and apply it to all hooks plus survivors are permanently mangled after the unhook till they heal

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