Which killer is your guilty displeasure to play against?



  • Miles
    Miles Member Posts: 461

    displeasure, Spirit Freddy and Bubba. specially bubba.

    Pleasure: Doctor. Also Wraith and Ghostface because i love playing as them.

  • Eve13
    Eve13 Member Posts: 375
    edited March 2021

    I know a lot of people say Bubba's not a problem, but when I'm in the hunt against him, I don't even know the simplest running routes anymore and I run like a chicken with its head cut off. 🤦

    After that comes the Deathslinger: Somehow he triggers me hard and annoys me quite a bit.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    I can't stand playing against the stalking bros. Myers is always in a spot I can't see him. And seems to always tier 3 me when it just ends. And Ghostface because taking him out is very CoNsIsTeNt.

  • Goofenstein
    Goofenstein Member Posts: 54

    Legion and Doctor are fun (except Doctor slightly) to play as, but incredilbly annoying against. Holy f.

  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,939

    Freddy if he is running full slowdown.

    Jump Rope + Outdoorerope

    Red Paint Brush + Swing Chains



    Noed just in case they can't win even with the easiest Killer while running full slowdown.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Specifically bad hag players.

    For example, I had a game against hag yesterday where she oldtrap most gens and she would hit you if you triggered her trap but she wouldn't commit to any chases. She didn't down anyone and just kinda of needlessly prolonged the game. Just wasn't fun.

    Huntress I also don't like largely because they seem to be the least chill players normally and i also happen to have the worst teammates against her with people cutting you off and blocking you so you get hit instead of them.

    And of course all the obvious choices like spirit, nurse and Freddy (although freddy I mostly hate falling asleep almost immediately after waking up)

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    A seemingly enjoyable killer by most that I hate is easily Huntress. I HATE chases with Huntress so much. The overall match is usually never a curb stomp but the individual chases with her are so unfun. I hate the latency issues with her.

  • Hex_Husband
    Hex_Husband Member Posts: 119

    Freddy, Myers, and Huntress. I've run into the most toxic builds for each of them nearly every time I encounter them.

  • TinyRick7128
    TinyRick7128 Member Posts: 13

    Shock happy docs just need UAV to even be remotely good at the game. I respect green to red tiers who play him and don't over abuse schick's or gen camp but yeh solo vs a doc Im immediately like "if I could back out I would"

  • TinyRick7128
    TinyRick7128 Member Posts: 13

    To me it's teleporting characters like spirit or nurse and doc depending on his loadout, if he's gen camping with ruin you know he's trash. I play ghost face so it's not as much as I despise playing against him it's more of me yelling out his add ons because I can tell exactly what he's running and telling my team not to mess with him🤣 but teleporting Killers just because if it's only down you you and they close the hatch you better hope they respect the code of offering your item to them

  • Falkner09
    Falkner09 Member Posts: 373

    I don't care for Blight. It's just boring and basic. He moves fast. That's it.

    I don't play as him either. I don't see the appeal. Bounce around and maybe hit someone.

    Also, an old man's cane is a dumb weapon.

  • WalkedMoss92
    WalkedMoss92 Member Posts: 275

    Leatherface, Ghostface, Huntress and Wraith. These killer mains do not deserve love.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    Hag. Having to crouch slow just to avoid a trapped survivor, and still having the possibility for The Hag to walk back to the hook if she places enough traps is so incredibly boring to me.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,008

    Clown games.


  • Kaana
    Kaana Member Posts: 50

    I quite despise Plague to be honest. Whenever I go against her most of my perks are rendered useless. Iron Will, you vomit, loudest thing to hear in the entire map I swear. Self-care, cant use cause ya know, sick, same for botany. Only good perk I got on when I go against Plags it seems is BT.

  • The_Sniper
    The_Sniper Member Posts: 79

    Oni. Every Oni I've come across just infinitely slugs and its annoying. Like, what do you gain ending the game in 2 minutes because you decided to slug everyone first chance you get? (I play almost exclusively solo as well, so teammates will just give him his power for free and group up even though you wanna split up against Oni)

    Trapper/Hag are my second choices. Traps Killers in solo Q can just be hell sometimes. It's why SWF can be so powerful and Trapper so weak, free information.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I used to keep Urban Evasion on me at all times because I absolutely DESPISE going up against a Hag.

  • Zayn
    Zayn Member Posts: 365

    Nurse. I've been playing for 3 years and always hated her. I don't even have trouble looping most of them, it's just that I find the chases boring.

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    The doctor...Because, You will rarely meet a doctor you is not intending to be "toxic"

  • VeNoM17
    VeNoM17 Member Posts: 64

    i laughed harder at dickslinger then I should have LOL