As a guy who has a job, the grind is too much.



  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    This game is to grindy regardless of whether or not you have a job tbh, but having a job makes it infinitly worse. I work 40-60 hours a week and have been playing for almost 2 years. I have 1200 hours played and only sink bps into characters that i have yet to max. I don't prestige either bc of the lack of insensitive.

    I've unlocked all the teachables, but only have all perks on 3 survivors and 10 killers. I don't ever expect to get all perks on all killers

  • kutsurogu15
    kutsurogu15 Member Posts: 1

    Just to let you know bro there is no deadline for times you can even go back and complete the very first tome that came out a while ago

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited March 2021

    Dunno how else I could prove it to you, because it would take like a million screenshots to post it here.

    Post edited by GodLikeTerror on
  • paperbooy
    paperbooy Member Posts: 7

    I understand not everyone can play this game every waking moment of every day so my tip to you is to use specific perks or characters for extra BP until the grind is less well grindy. When I need BP I like running Stake out, We're gonna live forever, borrowed time, and either sprint burst while solo or prove thyself while with friends but I rarely do that. Stake out guarentees great skill checks even while you are listening to music or distracted otherwise, and BT and WGLF pretty much insure extra blood points when used in unison. Prove thyself doubles coop points so you can max out your objective category early game. For killer using Daddy Executioner or Doctor along something like BBQ, distressing, or really anything that helps you either 12 hook in the first place or gives extra points will make the grind considerably shorter. For example I pull about 100k a match when using escape cake or streamers or pudding when the correct perks are used. Might not help much but for now I think that might be the best you can get. At least David is free for WGLF. Hope that ails your torment 👍

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    I've been streaming the game since October, and have been grinding this game since I got it nearly a year ago. I got to red rank 1 in a week and a half after learning all of the techniques and strats required to be decent at the game, and I can safely say that In that year, out of every single killer/survivor and all of their perks, it is actually impossible that you got EVERYTHING in this game in roughly 8 months.

    There is no way you have all killers, P3 50 with every perk at tier 3 unless you went on MPGH and got some sort of account hack. The amount of hours required to get everything in the game is roughly around 3-4k hours, and considering its been around 8 months since August and that's roughly about 5000 hours, I'm gonna have to call your bluff sir, unless of course you spend your entire life in this game, which is fine, but you need to eat and sleep and work/educate, see family and friends, celebrate holidays, etc.

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054
    edited March 2021

    I don't prestige characters I forgot to mention that. I was talking about just plain 50 which is possible. You're right it's pretty much impossible to get everyone p3 50 with all perks in 8 months. Not impossible but improbable.

  • JordanMalicious
    JordanMalicious Member Posts: 383

    You know people experience things differently than you, right? If you actually DO all of that stuff and still find time, that's great. That doesn't mean everyone can operate on the same level as you and it doesn't mean there isn't room for BHVR to improve on the grind.

  • fennectp
    fennectp Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2021


    The "grind" equates to playing 1~2 hours a day, which in my opinion isn't an unreasonable amount of time for a grind.

    Though honestly, not everybody has to complete the grind. Why do people think the grind needs "improving"? If you don't have it in you to complete the grind, just do what you feel like and leave it at that. It's all just personal choice. I personally enjoy the grind, so I'd prefer BHVR to leave it be. The player base who likes the grind shouldn't have to lose their challenge because somebody who doesn't like grinding feels entitled to all of the event cosmetics.


    I personally like getting the "paid" cosmetics for $0 so I make sure to grind out the required hours each season. You need 70:40 to 153:20 of play time to finish all the rifts, depending on how many challenges you finish on the way. Take it or leave it, but that averages out to 1~2 hours of play time every day over the 70 day season. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the games; you literally just need to spend 1~2 hours a day in the fog. Sure that's not an insignificant amount of time, but it's also not an unreasonable amount of time to be playing a game I like.

    I've personally found that I can complete ~90% of the challenges just by playing normally, which means I have to spend ~1.1 hours in the fog per day.

    If you want to complete the grind and get the full auric cell cost refunded at the end of the grind, great. If you work 80 hour work-weeks and prefer not to spend your precious free-time playing the same game for 150+ hours in 2.5 months and would rather just pay money for the cosmetics, that's fine too. Or you can just not get the cosmetics. It's all just personal choice.

    But me, although I work 60+ work weeks and play other soul-sucking games like WoW and No Man's Sky, I like grinding out the rifts in DbD. You could say that grinding out the rifts is the main motivation I have for playing this game on a day-to-day basis. If BHVR makes the rift less of a grind, I'll just finish the rift earlier in the season and just stop playing DbD until the next rift season. That's just my play style.

  • fennectp
    fennectp Member Posts: 2


    Well, not everybody has to operate at the same level as him and not everybody has to complete the grind. Why do people think the grind needs "improving"? If you don't have it in you to complete the grind, just do what you feel like and leave it at that. It's all just personal choice. I personally enjoy the grind, so I'd prefer BHVR to leave it be. The rest of the player base who likes the grind shouldn't have to lose their challenge because somebody who doesn't like grinding feels entitled to all of the perk tiers or the event cosmetics.


    With regards to the perk tiers, others have outlined the actual BP required to grind out all the perks on a survivor. It's not that bad; half of my urvivors are full P3 with all of the perks unlocked, and I haven't paid for a single perk with money. If you don't have the time to grind out the BP, just buy the perks with the money from your day job. If you don't want to pay time or money for a game the developers spent countless hours developing, I just chalk that up to you feeling entitled.

    With regards to the rifts, I personally like getting the "paid" cosmetics for $0 so I make sure to grind out the required hours each season. You need 70:40 to 153:20 of play time to finish all the rifts, depending on how many challenges you finish on the way. Take it or leave it, but that averages out to 1~2 hours of play time every day over the 70 day season. It doesn't matter whether you win or lose the games; you literally just need to spend 1~2 hours a day in the fog.

    I've personally found that I can complete ~90% of the challenges just by playing normally, which means I have to spend an average of ~1.1 hours in the fog per day to complete the rift without paying extra money.

    If you want to complete the grind and get the full auric cell cost for the premium track refunded at the end of the grind, great. If you work 80 hour work-weeks and prefer not to spend your precious free-time playing the same game for 150+ hours in 2.5 months and would rather just pay money for the cosmetics, that's fine too. Or you can just not get the cosmetics. It's all just personal choice.

    But me, although I work 60+ work weeks and play other soul-sucking games like WoW, I like grinding out the rifts in DbD. You could say that grinding out the rifts is the main motivation I have for playing this game on a day-to-day basis. That's just my personal play style. If BHVR makes the rift less of a grind, I'll just finish the rift earlier in the season and just stop playing DbD until the next rift season.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,237

    I'd modify this suggestion a little.

    After Prestige I, all perks start at tier 2.

    After Prestige II, all perks start at tier 3.

    Prestige III remains bragging rights.

    This would not only make Prestiging more worthwhile, but as the total number of perks increase, it would actually take less bloodpoints to get all perks to tier 3 by Prestiging a character up to Prestige II, than not.

  • Afius
    Afius Member Posts: 563

    That is an excellent addition. It has a nice reward to prestige like you said.

  • JediWithASniper
    JediWithASniper Member Posts: 670

    Right, and everyone wants the game tailored to their exact needs. It’s pretty ridiculous.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Co'mon folks, say it with me.


    Pass it along - this will cut down the grind considerably

  • JasmineDragon
    JasmineDragon Member Posts: 372

    its actually not that crazy of a thing to say. A good killer game gets you 65-75k bp. If each character takes about 1.5-2mil bp to max out, and theres about 30ish characters, thats at most 60mil Bp. This would be 800 games. So an average of about 2-3 a day, not counting bp from dailies, tomes and gifts. The average daily is 30k, which would be roughly 6 mil on its own if he got every challenge since august. And each page of a tome page can offer 500k bp easily. 4 per tome, he has access to each tome thats been open previously, so about 2 mil per tome over 4 tomes for about 8 mil bp. So All of the bonuses added up would be roughly 15 Mil Bp not from games themselves. So 2 killer wins each day on average. Really doesn't seem to crazy to me.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    AHHHH okay, that's where I was getting thrown off. Sorry if I seemed condescending lol. I totally believe you can get everything on every character to level 50 without prestiging lol

  • GodLikeTerror
    GodLikeTerror Member Posts: 1,054

    Yea it was a bit of my fault. I should've mentioned it. Yea plain 50 with all perks isn't that bad, but p3 50 with all perks takes like a million years lol.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Yeah except you're forgetting that 1 hour of playtime =/= sitting around for 5 to 8 minutes waiting to get matched up, sitting in a lobby for another minute... waiting another 30 - 45 seconds for a loading bar and then watching a camera pan around your character for 5 seconds only for you to get sniped in less than 2 minutes, earning almost no points and making no progress towards your challenges.

    I literally just activated the "repair 12 generators challenge" in the new tier III rift, played 3 games in a row and in all three games, I was the first one found and tunneled / camped... couldn't even get off of a hook... I would get off and get tunneled and downed, I even DS'd these plugs and they kept coming at me.... so I couldn't even do generators, which was my objective.

    In 3 games I earned a total of 3 / 12 complete generators, and that just ate up an hour of my time... I barely got 2 rift points from those 3 games just earning experience... so I literally earned 1/5th of a rift level for 40 to 50 minutes of game play... and you're saying you need to play 1 or 2 hours a day? Try like 4 - 5... it's absolutely absurd.

    You're not taking in to consideration all the time you waste just waiting to get matched up or getting screwed while you're IN the match.

    The rift challenges are garbage and the game wastes too much of your time... If I were to add up all the time I spent just waiting around and not playing / making progress, here's the true math on the subject:

    6 minutes average wait time pre-lobby

    1 minute wait time in lobby because no one readies up anymore

    40 seconds average load bar

    5 second camera pan

    So 465 seconds x 3 = 1395 seconds or 23.25 minutes.

    I spent 23.5 minutes of my hour play time sitting around doing nothing.

    I played the game for 37.5 minutes potentially earning points / progress towards rift shards.

    I received 2 / 10 rift shards in 37.5 minutes of actual play time... rounded down 1 / 5 of a shard.

    5 x 37.5 minutes = 3 hours and 12 minutes minimum for 1 rift level.

    1395 seconds x 5 = 6975 seconds or 2 hours (rounded up) of dead time.

    2 hours (dead time) + 3 hours and 12 minutes of actual play time earning rewards = 5 hours and 12 minutes per day for 1 rift level if you're going straight experience based with no challenges getting completed along the way.

    That's the streak I'm on right now based on the past 3 games I had... now give or take a few good matches here and there, due to variables and the ratio might get better by a small margin.

    You're still spending way more than 3 hours per day playing to reach level 70 on pure XP alone. Doing the challenges cuts the time down a lot but just assume for a second someone isn't that good at completing challenges or only plays 1 side of the game and not the other...

    The amount of time you have to spend every day playing this game to reach level 70 is insane... and now take in to consideration someone can't play for 2 to 3 days due to real life issues... That person just lost anywhere from 10 to 15 hours of progress and has to somehow squeeze it in on a weekend or when they have a free moment.

    GTFO of here with this.... people have lives and personal things to deal with. You can't expect people to sit here playing this trash for 30+ hours a week.. that's damn near close to full time job...

    The point I'm making is, you can't play this game averagely or casually and expect to hit level 70 in 70 days... it's impossible. There are going to be days where you have to grind for 6+ hours to make up for lost time.

  • gammatsunami
    gammatsunami Member Posts: 545
    edited April 2021

    The grind is absurd, even with things like cakes.

    With so many teachables, I can easily get to 2-3 million bp to finish a build, thats insane when you get 30k a game. Theres 20+ killers, let alone if you want to play survivor.

    I will never p3 all my killers, I will just get them to 50 and be done with it tbh. The bloody gear isnt worth it.

    I would honestly prefer getting rid of the bloodweb and letting us just buy the perks we want but make them more expensive. Having a good game and earning 400k bp in a day and not seeing the perk you want makes it feel stupid. I would rather the perk be 500k and I just pick it - then I have a goal I know I will reach too. If you want to keep the bloodweb put cosmetics and addons on it.

    Either that or get rid of perk tiers. I should be playing the game because its fun, not because of mobile levels of grinding.

    I also feel like I have to run BBQ all the time, so I cant use the builds I want.

    Its to the point where I dread a new killer coming out because I know the grind to get them built is ridiculous, I should be excited.