Which is the safest pallet in the entire game?

Is it the one on Midwich in the corner by the stairs? to mindgame that I think you'd have to moonwalk to the opposite corner of the map, up the stairs, back to that corner, down the stairs then turn and hit.
Or have any of the pallets on the new meat plant outdone it?
There was that bug that had upright Pallets in the middle of the path.
Survivors could squeeze through the sides, the Killer could not.
In a Killer Shack, that ######### is god-like.
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Definetely the Midwich one. There are a couple of pallets that aren't too far off of it in Gideon though.
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Obviously the one in the temple basement right next to the generator on Temple of Purgation
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The new meat plant have at least 4 must break pallets. Probably more. It's horrible. I don't think there is any other map with so many pallets that forbid you doing mind games forcing you to break it.
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There are so many its hard to choose.
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That new god pallet they added to the Game map, literally the most dumbest pallet in the entire game.
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At least midwich has like 1 god pallet. Gideon has a handful now, and if you make the mistake and break walls then they can loop the god pallet with other normal pallets. 1 can spawn in front of the corner stairs that cant be looped around, the other god pallet spawns next to the freezer sometimes, and well, does the pallet in front of the basement count as a god pallet? Either way, Gideon is a great survivor map now.
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How about the unsafest pallet? There's one on Gideon meat plant that leads to a literal dead end. I laughed my ass off when a bill threw it down and realized he was trapped. Stayed there staring at him for a solid minute before he tried jumping over and I grabbed him.
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I think that's the safest one. Unless you want to count the two by the clock tower as one pallet. Not even spirit can mindgame those
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No, its the one on hawkins upstairs in a room
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I think Lery’s has 1 that the killer has to break. It is especially God-like in the endgame maybe except against a nurse but other than that the killer must break it .
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I have a small theory about why there are more 'god pallets' in some of the newer maps like Midwhich and The Game rework
Maybe their idea is to have strong pallets that can't actually be 'looped' but can be dropped to make distance. As much as people hate those super safe pallets, it's not like the survivor can do anything more than just drop them and run (Which is still bad obviously) but they aren't loopable like say, jungle gyms or Shack.
You can also see this philosophy in play with breakable walls. Which isn't great tbh
Could also be because they don't want to make new tiles that are loopable/loopable tiles don't fit into these maps to begin with. The pallet on the stairs of Midwich comes to mind, it's 100% safe, but the survivor can't loop it
Hopefully what I'm getting at makes sense, it's a random thought that came to my mind about why the devs keep placing these kind of pallets
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Any pallet in a corridor that you cannot walk around