Which DbD Survivor has the most final girl potential?

And why is it Yui? :)
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Dwight best girl
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You spelled Quentin wrong
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Let's see, if we don't count licenced chapters then we have Yui, Claudette, Nea, Feng, Zarina, Meg, Jane, Kate and Elodie
Feng seems like she'd die early on, one of the initial kills before the killer is even shown. Meg would probably die later on fighting the killer. Claudette would die at the very end saving someone else. Kate would probably die somewhere in the middle of the movie in an unexpected jump scare. Jane would die trying to figure out what's going on somewhere before it's starts to amp up.
That would leave Yui, Nea, Zarina, and Elodie. Nea and Yui both seem like they have good final girl potential. If the movie center's around them and their life then they survive but if they're just part of the crew I think they'd die toward the end taking the killer out with them.
Zarina and Elodie seem like they'd both survive but they're not really all that important to the plot. One of those side characters you just forget about.
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Laurie is literally the trope for final girl.
I do like Elodie and her lore too
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Steve of course
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Mommy Myers.
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I mean, they're all final girls to begin with. That's kind of the point. Even including licenses, the only Survivor that isn't a final girl is Tapp.
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My boy clown is the best final girl. There is no doubt about that one.
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Goddammit, you beat me to it.
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You both spelled Kate wrong.
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Based on movies (and only on non licensed characters) it would most likely be Meg to last alive.
Most films don't have the minority characters be the final girl in them. They typically are the friends of the main character. (Not all films are like this and I don't think this should be the case either. I'm just taking note of what happens in most films)
Characters like Nea or Yui would die early on trying to fight or one 7p the killer but they would be murdered very quickly. Most movies final girl doesn't naturally have confidence and want to fight.
So that leaves just Kate, Jane. And Meg. Kate would be the best friend of the main character who leaves something behind for the main character to investigate.
Jane and Meg. Jane would be a side character that died thats hardly involved leaving us just with Meg. A lot of movies reference a characters past skills in playing a big part to their survival skills and in this case Megs running ability. She fits the mold of final girl the best
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HEY! 😕
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Laurie is literally a final girl lol. But for original survivors I'd say either élodie or yui.
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Not counting Laurie, I'd say either Kate or Meg.
Meg has the skills to be the final girl. Athletic, smart and stubborn.
Kate looks the part most and I feel like she was designed with the final girl trope in mind. Friendly, caring and bringer of hope, but with a strong will and not afraid to fight back (according to her lore and perks)
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Meg definitely would be the protagonist of one of the more modern deconstructive horror films. Stuff like "Your Next." In an Ensemble cast with more than one surviving lady she also will have a good chance. Otherwise probably not unless they play up the fact she is kinda a tomboyish everygirl that is still feminine.
Claudette has the most final girl energy in my opinion for a classic horror movie scenario. She is smart, kinda nerdy, kinda has a girl next door vibe, and is established to be empathetic. Its hard to imagine a movie that outright kills Claudette off that lets ANYONE live.
Feng has a bit too much cockiness for her to be a classic final girl and isn't really able to pull a Ripley, but in a story where multiple characters survive she could totally make it. She also is kinda a tongue in cheek joke character. Might make it in a more self aware B-movie plot, which is kinda what she is trying to evoke.
Yui either dies early or lives. No inbetween. She is the most likely to pull a Ripley and end up going on to make a franchise of it as well. Nea has a similar energy but could make it to the middle and then biff it depending on how they frame her past. As someone else said if the story focuses on her history she has really good protagonist energy.
Kate depends heavily on context. She is, however, peak not final girl energy along with Feng in my opinion, unless the story was like... about specifically her and her fame and the killer was some crazed fan or something. That said that is only in the context of the ENTIRE CAST. If you pair it down or imagine her among a 'generic' horror cast she is really heavily a final girl. Its just in the context of DBD's cast she is the obvious kill no matter what.
Elodie probably isn't the final girl because she is in a more ensemble based movie but she DEFINITELY makes it, especially because she is established to be really clever and tricky.
Yun-Jin depends on the 'morality' the movie is trying to espouse. If the movie is trying to say the world is tough she definitely lives after indirectly causing someone else to die because she wants to live more. If its a more classic slasher flick she gets someone killed then dies herself. If its somewhere in the middle it can go either way. Characters like Yun are actually some of the least predictable because there is a tension between "she is clever and thus earns life" and "She is ruthless and thus earns death." She might, for example, not be the final girl but instead be the one who gets out of the situation entirely midway through but in a way that abandons the other, but ensures help will come.
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"Its hard to imagine a movie that outright kills Claudette off that lets ANYONE live."
It's called A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master.
Claudette is basically Sheila, and Alice survives the movie alongside Dan.
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The only thing that comes to my mind when I see "Mommy Myers"
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Haha nice.
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Jeff would not only survive, he'd kill the Killer before anything could happen and anyone else could die.
Granted, he'd probably go to jail for it, but he'd still win in my book.
Okay, but being serious, probably Yui. She's been in a fight before and would probably try everything she could to live while also being wary as to not get jumped by a Killer.
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I'd like Zarina's chances personally
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What did I just see!? 😮
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I'm going to initiate a brain blast and say Laurie.
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If it's original characters, I would say Meg suits it best. She has the athleticism, the drive to return to her sick mother and she strikes me as very determined and focused, especially considering her rebellious ways. Her story works well.
In terms of every one, I'm gonna root for Cheryl. If for no other reason than she has defeated a God-like creature and she also has some small amount of power to control the Entity. That's gotta play into a final escape scenario.
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Laurie. She's literally a final girl.