Getting rewarded for playing poorly

So, let me just state right now, I play both sides.
What I wanted to discuss was how both killer and survivor have those weirdly designed perks that reward them for playing like ass. First perk that obviously comes in mind is Hex: No One Escapes Death. Picture this. You and your team are playing well, killer gets a few (let's say 3) hooks, you do all the gens. Well then, game's over right? Oh, not by a long shot, the killer whips out a fat NOED and gets your entire team thanks to the handy 4% movement speed and instadowns. And all that, because you dared finish your objective without cleansing all totems first! I get genrushed rather often myself, but I still see my fault in it, so I refuse to use a perk that gives me free kills. Well, now that I've basically described NOED, time for some survivor perks. DS gets a solid nerf the upcoming season, so that's out of the way. What's still an issue, is not the perk itself, but the synergies it has with other perks like unbreakable or soul guard. Hell, even no mither, tho no one uses that perk. Now I'm not the one to call survivors who use it "small pp survivors", but I do find a few issues with this combo. Firstly, it's inavoidable and uncounterable. Some might say "well just wait out the DS" yeah, and let gens fly? it's basically a get out of jail free card, and the nerf doesn't address it. Well, I don't know much about balancing, just wanted to make a post of the few problems I see. I'd love to see some constructive criticism, feedback and all that. Have a good day!
You're right. There is many parts of the game that don't determine outcome of the match because of skill.
The thing is though is that both sides have perks/items/addons that contribute to this. It's a cesspit and is hard to change because a lot of this stuff has been in the game for years.
The game is still fun though.
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You don't have to break every totem, only one totem, and it takes 14 seconds that's it. Check totems, remember locations, or use a map or detectives hunch or small game.
"but I shouldn't have to use an item...or a perk....or my memory to counter a perk!" well okay, by that logic you shouldn't use any of your resources available to you then.
If noed was that good I would be running it every game, but it often doesn't do jack all for me. I am better off with regular good perks.
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Some of my favorite moments as survivor are when I time it perfectly so that I'm cleansing a dull totem as the last gen pops... and a second later there's an explosion letting me know I cleansed NOED just as it lit up. I love that.
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Why does every NOED complaint sound, like the moment all gens are completed, all survivors drop instantly dead to the ground?
If NOED manages to down your whole team, then you played poorly by being all together. Instead of spreading and going to different gates. If you see that the killer downs one with NOED, then either go find it or go to the other gate.
Oh and before i forget: Do Bones! You can prevent NOED from even spawning, if you do something else than gens.
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Noed has always been a weird perk to complain about. If you want a no skill crutch look at bamboozle or spirit fury enduring( I don’t hate these perks but they’re much more annoying to go against)
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Maybe it's because survivors think that once the gens are completed, the game is over and that they deserve the escape.
They forget that endgame perks exist for a reason. The game is not over until you see the score screen.
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To me hatch always being available for last survivor is a much bigger instance of being rewarded for playing poorly, especially games where no gens are done
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I want to point something out here.
"you do all the gens. Well then, game's over right?"
This is exactly what people mean when they talk about entitlement. Maybe you misstyped, but no, even without NOED the game isn't over when the last gen is done. You have to open the gates and escape, which means, even without NOED getting 1 of 2 gates open while the killer tries to stop you. Maybe it seems like I am being pedantic, but my point is that the idea that the game is won with the last gen seems to me to be where a lot of the bad feelings for NOED and other end game perks comes from. It ain't over until it's over.
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Yeah I’ve had many 2-3ks thanks to endgame alone
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The game needs more catch-up mechanics and less snowball IMO. NOED is not a reward for playing poorly, it's a reward for playing the early and mid-game with 3 perks.
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Noed is not really even that common of a perk to complain about it. If you know totem spots then it's going to go quickly. At most it's a 1k if you are playing smart.
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Noed only really gets you one extra kill if the team is decent.
There's 2 scenarios:
1. Noed is found within the first 15 or so seconds after it activates which only nets the killer a free down/hook.
2. Survivors can't find noed, so they juat leave, giving the killer only 1 free kill. This is the problem people have with it, it's a cheap kill for no "skill". Survivors feel cheated of an escape despite doing well to make it to the end of match.
Bad survivors will try to do hook trades which usually ends up getting the whole team killed.