

Does NOED need a Buff, Nerf, Rework or stay the same?

Member Posts: 4,082

Yeah personally I'd be fine with it staying the same I'm usually not seeing it much or when I do see it I cleanse it quick or it makes no difference. But, what do you think?

Does NOED need a Buff, Nerf, Rework or stay the same? 114 votes

Huge Buff
4 votes
Slight Buff
5 votes
Stay the Same
52 votes
Slight Nerf
13 votes
Huge Nerf
3 votes
37 votes

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  • Member Posts: 2,405
    Stay the Same

    The only buff I'd say is indirect with totems being placed better but that's unrelated to noed mostly

  • Member Posts: 3,479
    Slight Buff

    A buff would help against gen rush with survivors doing more totems. Would be great for both sides.

  • Member Posts: 1,019

    wanted to choose slight nerf but accidentally clicked on rework. the movement speed is unnecessary and some other slight nerfs

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Either the perk needs a rework or totems need to be made easier for Solo Queue, like a totem counter or being able to mark totems for teammates to see. Doing every single bone is not an option when you are playing with green-yellow ranks every match as a red rank... and don't forget that you need to do every single one, even doing 4 of them on your own may not be enough to prevent this perk.

  • Member Posts: 101
    Slight Buff

    Using noed is not very rewarding for killer. It only works against very bad survivors. I think it should show the location of survivors for 5-10 seconds after it activates(just like retribution).

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021
    Stay the Same

    Come to think of it, I could potentially get on board with the speed boost at least partially applying the entire game (maybe half the end percentage so tier 3 would be 2.5%)

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • Member Posts: 155
    Slight Nerf

    Tier 1 should only grant the speed increase, not the instant down. Tier 2 could keep the instant down so it's inbetween old NOED and current NOED.

  • Member Posts: 52
    Huge Buff

    i picked huge buff bc i think not only would it be funny but also bc it is funny on the poll

  • Member Posts: 1,265
    Stay the Same

    I guess it's fine as it is. this gives another challenge and makes the game more interesting. there are times when it's very annoying, especially in maps where we don't know where the totems are.

    Sometimes I do think it need a change, because it makes a drastic change at the end of the game when the killer could not do anything before the exposed status effect activates.

    It actually helps the killer with one hit down and if he camps and tunnel, everyone is dead. (if no one could find totems or heal at the end game.)

    It just seemed like it gives another chance for the killer when he could not kill before it activates.

  • Member Posts: 727
    Stay the Same

    It is easily countered by cleansing totems.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    All it really does is reward scummy playstyles, or bad killers that then rank up too quick. It's not a good perk, one free kill means nothing, and no good killer runs it very much. It's just generally very unhealthy for the game.

    I think it should get a buff, remove the Hex part, and become a reward for going for 12-hook trials. That way, outmatched killers won't get a free kill, facecampers and tunnelers get no insurance, and it becomes a legitimate play to go for 12 hooks.

  • Member Posts: 688
    Stay the Same

    I think the perk is fine as it is now.

  • Member Posts: 53
    Slight Nerf

    Id be fine with NOED if the tot's broke faster, that being said you could hide them better too. i either find most tot's way too easy and have the last 1 that carries the game with NOED or just spend the game finding them with relative ease and get no gens done ( killer sees me and chases me off it alot) :L

  • Member Posts: 58
    Slight Nerf

    I just posted this on another thread. My thought on NOED is a very minor tweak, which is just to tell the Survivors they're exposed as soon as it activates, instead of waiting for a hit. Every other perk that exposes you tells you right away, so why not NOED? Survivors would pop the gen, see they're exposed, and either GTFO or go hunting for the totem, but it wouldn't immediately give the killer the upper hand by having someone already downed.

  • Member Posts: 312
    Huge Nerf

    Noed=free win for killer so i want this perk nerfed to the ground hard

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    Stay the Same

    Clearly a survivor main. Noed is easy to counter, one of the easiest "strong perks" to counter

  • Member Posts: 312
    Huge Nerf

    Noed is pretty unbalanced and i play both survivor and killer and unlimited tier 3 myers is no different from noed they both need either a massive nerf or a rework

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021
    Stay the Same

    I just flat out disagree, especially with myers. That's like his whole point to existing and he is considered not even among the strongest killers. He needs buff if anything. Noed has received numerous nerfs and isn't even used much. I played 25 games in a row without anyone using noed (across green, purple, and red ranks).

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • Member Posts: 193
    Stay the Same

    "wahh can't tbag at exit gates or run circles around maniac with cweavew"

  • Member Posts: 312
    Huge Nerf

    No i never tbag or run in circles i play killer just as much as I play survivor and i think noed needs a nerf just the ability of being faster than normal and being able to insta down is op and should probably need a nerf or rework

  • Member Posts: 427

    Play 1 match as survival as solo, and then tell me if you have been abble to de all 5 totens by your self

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    Stay the Same

    Yep actually just did this in my last game. Cleared undying, hex ruin. And 3 dulls with small game perk. Ez

  • Member Posts: 212

    it should be

    for every dull totem left after the last gen is complete gives you a Tokens Max of 3/4/5

    Each exposed hit consumes a token until there are no tokens left

    Hitting an injured survivor doesn't consume tokens

    the only way that tokens are consumed once gained is to hit healthy survivors

    The speed boost will be there as a passive so if every totem is gone the perk has some use

    this version of the perk doesn't hurt the survivors that are good and just cant find the last totem but it hurts the one that forget about totems

  • Member Posts: 454

    I think its a ######### perk

    Some think it's overpowered bullshit

    a complete rework makes everyone happy

  • Member Posts: 2,171

    It needs a rework simply because it can provide a great deal without requiring anything from the user.

    That said, I don't think it needs reworked immediately. It's a balanced perk, just poorly designed.

    As long as there's stuff in the game that is stupidly imbalanced and in desperate need of fixing, NOED should be on the back burner.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    Stay the Same

    Also yes. pipped and survived. Didn't have much chase points but still did enough

  • Member Posts: 427

    You just need to know that if this is really true, you was blessed from literally god in that match to actull have competent teammates

  • Member Posts: 1,864

    It should still punish survivors for not doing totems, but it should be harder to activate.

  • Member Posts: 27

    NOED is easily one of the most frustrating perks to run up against as a survivor. Getting punished for completing your objective feels awful.

  • Member Posts: 6

    Rework cause it is so good dang OP and I am sick of trying to get to an exit and as I am hit I think I can make nut no turns out as always , noed said bonjour.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    edited March 2021
    Slight Nerf

    The only change that NOED needs is its trigger condition. It should activate on last gen completed, not exit gates powered.

    NOED isn't punishing survivors for rushing gens; it's punishing survivors for failing to 100% completely finish their secondary objective.

    The killer can close the hatch, use the speed boost to patrol both exit gates, and 1-shot the last remaining survivor even if there are still five gens remaining!

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • Member Posts: 4,142
    Slight Nerf

    If you get 12 hooks that means all the survivors have been sacrificed or killed. Why would you need NOED if the match is over?

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Because you're using it to get the last few hooks?

  • Posts: 0
    edited March 2021
    Stay the Same

    I just don't think its that good tbh sometimes il fit it into a build specifically built around it as a meme like deathslinger Infectious, STBFL, Bloodwarden and Noed but most the time I don't see it as something that's worth bringing unless i legit have nothing else.

    i forgot to put my vote in so im wondering if editing my comment will then show it

  • Member Posts: 747
    Stay the Same

    With a buff itll be way too strong with a nerf it would be useless. The thing with noed in my opinion its just a newbie perk. Only baby killers use noed so its not a huge problem in red ranks. Once they start moving up the ranks noed is destroyed much faster or earlier.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    Slight Nerf

    There are 4 survivors. They can only be hooked, at most, 3 times before they are out of the game. 3 x 4 = 12. If you have hooked 12 times the match is over, and now NOED is activated? What are you using it for? To quickly run to hatch and 1-shot it shut?

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    Get 7-9 hooks, all gens are done, NOED activates, get the last 3-5 hooks significantly easier.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    Slight Nerf

    So, the only that is changing is that NOED activates when all gens are done (as it should)? Instead of simply activating when the exits are powered (including via hatch close)?

    How does that take away face-camping/tunneling killers' "insurance?"

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    If you don't get multiple hooks on multiple people, you don't get NOED.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021
    Stay the Same

    Noed is honestly a pretty weak perk. You can prevent it from spawning by yourself. Just bring a map or bring small game/detective hunch then you can get rid of all the totems very early on.

    Noed is the most easily counterable "op" perk since you can stop it before it is even active. Running around doing totems isn't the most fun but you do have options.

    Noed is used by mostly new players because it sounds very powerful but in application it just isn't that good. You go most of the game without a perk that could have already been denied or could get denied immediately.

    I made a bet with someone that said "99% of killers run noed" and 8 bet I could play 15 games in a row and not even have 10 people run it. I played 20 games and had 3 noed games where only one paid off for the killer (they didn't get a 3k or 4k though). Noed is very overhyped. Survivors have options to counter it, use them if you are scared of noed. Most of the ways to counter it are still good to have aside from noed anyways

  • Member Posts: 583
    Stay the Same

    This is one of the few perks that is so bad yet so annoying I would be fine with it removed.

    It doesn't help killers until 1/6 of the total match (If we assume every generator is 1/6 a match, and exiting is 1/6) meaning its only being used at the end of the game. Finally when this inactive perk is active during this brief time, its totally hit or miss as its dependent on the situation you are in during End game making it not really viable.

    For survivors however, while it can be really easy to not get hit due to their broken base survivor set, and can be disabled and destroyed before all totems are completed, it can be really annoying to be doing well the entire game and then have NOED instantly down you, or lose you a game because everyone started to play like headless chickens.

    All in all, much more survivor perks need to be looked at before we look at Killers perks as the base survivor is already op as it is.

  • Member Posts: 4,142
    Slight Nerf

    "Noed is honestly a pretty weak perk. You can prevent it from spawning by yourself. Just bring a map or bring small game/detective hunch then you can get rid of all the totems very early on." - @IWasLeft2Die

    Yeah, and then get left on the hook (or worse, farmed off the hook) when your teammates decide that you're useless for not rushing gens.

  • Member Posts: 2,405
    Stay the Same

    Honestly that happens regardless of if you were useful or not. I've had games where I'd run the killer for 2 or 3 gens straight, get downed and my team would make no attempt to unhook me. The same also happens being gen jockey doing 2 gens alone and most of a 3rd one. That's an issue with bad teammates and not noed itself since these happen just as much without noed

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