Why I started maining Twins

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

Over the past couple of weeks I have been slowly falling in love with the Twins. Right now they're the only Killer I play outside of dailies and challenges. Here are some of the reasons why I've started maining them.

  1. The Twins are all about map pressure. You're always doing something. Parking one of them where you might want to come back to and using one to scout just feels really productive. They probably spend the most time of any Killer in chase. Plus both of them can be useful even when they're dormant. Especially since Victor can randomly reveal Survivors to you and Charlotte can bodyblock. Threatening someone off a generator in a house and parking Charlotte on the staircase so they can't stop the regression is priceless. Also, the Twins are the only Killer that can actively defend a Totem while still playing the game (Victor can tell you when someone is nearby so you can swap and Charlotte can literally sit on it so no one can interact with it). Extremely good for Devour or Ruin if people find out where it is because you can cock block them super hard.
  2. The Twins are the only Killer that makes you feel like you're part of a team. Charlotte and Victor each have moments where they make plays for eachother. It's so cool when you're chasing as one and you swap to the other because the Survivor is running that direction and get the interception. Or when Charlotte gets a surprise down on an oblivious Survivor that Victor has jumped on.
  3. The Twins are really strong and versatile even at the highest level. Games can end at 5 gens. Games can end at 1 gen. And both happen pretty regularly. A game can quickly turn from a bad situation into a snowball. The Twins have a super strong streamroll and comeback factor that most other Killers simply don't have. When you play Twins, you don't have the same stress as other Killers because the game can turn in your favor at any moment.
  4. The Twins aren't very add-on dependent or map dependent. Slap on the brown add-on Toy Sword and pick literally anything else for variety and you're in business. Also, because of your map pressure and slugging potential, most maps are alright for the Twins except maybe a few Coldwind Maps. I never find myself using map offerings with them and I couldn't even tell you their best map because you can play most maps well with the Twins.

That's really it. The Twins are a super unique Killer to play and I feel like most people don't appreciate how good they are. Sometimes you have to play a little bit dirty to win, but you can put in a lot of work with them.


  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I’ve been playing them all week, from lvl 18-6, right now. I just wish I had all my perks, I wanna experiment with builds more :/

  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I still have to get my Adept for them, I've been dreading to use them after their 100+ bugs and getting destroyed before and during release. I'll try them out though, maybe I'll get lucky. At least I'll derank to hopefully get to a good rank to try on the reset.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    I've been keen to try Twins, but I wasn't sure if I should pick them up or not, as usually when I play against them, I don't really enjoy the game.

    However, since I first tried Spirit, I started enjoying playing against Spirit players more, and have more respect for a good play by a Spirit (especially if they're running a weaker build). Since I started playing Demo, I don't think I've been hit by a shred. The list goes on.

    So I probably feel I need to try Twins, if only to improve my skills countering them.

    Also the map control does look pretty nice against SWFs etc. Also I'm sure after playing them at red ranks I'll get crushed often and have a new found respect for Twins players.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    When they released I was deciding if I should main them (next to deathslinher) but since devs decided to not allow victor to walk on obstacles (stay alive on walls, pallets, etc) I didn't bother as that was the main thing I hoped they'd add to them. It'd be so cool to leap on roofs of building and jumpscare survivors with amazing pounces.

    Still, I enjoy to play them from time to time. They can be very strong when one controls victor well.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    The Twins really need Ruin/Undying to work because you spend so much time as Victor. He is your main tool to get across the map quickly and spread pressure and he can't kick generators.

    He's a quick Twins tip. Ideally, you keep Charlotte in the middle of the map as your home base and to intercept people running away from Victor. Basically, your gameplay should be 60% Victor/40% Charlotte. And your chases should be more like 70% Victor/30% Charlotte. Charlotte is slower and weaker in chase so you should only really be breaking her out when its optimal because she's parked where you want to be or to pick up Victor's slugs. Or when Victor gets kicked/latches onto someone.

    Also, a lot of people will tell you not to camp with Twins. But if you get a basement hook or a hook right in between your gens go for it. Leverage any pressure you get. Just play it like Hag where you leave and do other stuff and only come back for the unhook. Walking around near the hook is pointless when you could be pressuring somewhere else.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699
    edited March 2021

    That's nice are you having fun playing them? I find it fun to play against them.

  • gatsby
    gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

    Victor is really fast (150% so he literally has permanent sprint burst and some add-ons make him even faster). He's mostly a melee character and its usually best to not use him long range. His interactions at windows and pallets can be strange, but his speed makes up for it. Usually you can land hits by correctly predicting when a Survivor will vault and meeting them at the other side, don't try to go through the vault it rarely ends well.

    Also, if a Survivor is injured. It's really easy to track them down with Victor because he's super good at following blood trails and baiting out Dead Hard. Downing an injured Survivor with Victor is almost as easy as downing an injured Survivor with Stridor Spirit.

  • gendoss
    gendoss Member Posts: 2,270

    The twins are super annoying because victor has a horrible hitbox. He almost never actually hits me and half the time I see him hit the wall and then teleport onto me.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    I know I know, just sayint that fun factor dropped for me a lot without the ability to stay alive on obstacles. I always wanted such ability in DBD and victor was so close to finally having it, even if it was niche power wise, it woul still be really fun to use occasionally.

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    Oh boy,i guess you haven't played against a good twins player,because then you'll spend the majority of the match on the ground till you barely bleed out

  • iplaybothsides
    iplaybothsides Member Posts: 33

    I recently started playing twins to get all the perks on them, and I haven't lost a single game at red rank. I've had a couple close ones, but I almost always 4k with them.

    Do you have any perk suggestions? I'm currently running ruin, undying, sloppy and bbq. I know the build is really strong and over used, but like I legit can't think of a different good build with them bc victor only gets use out of a couple perks. I feel like sloppy and ruin are a must with them.

    Also I discovered what I think is a glitch with them that can be busted in certain situations. You aren't supposed to be able to unbind victor when you're too close to a hook, but if you're at a different height (or maybe just above) the hooked survivor you can unbind victor pretty much on the hook. This is easily seen on the stairs of the basement, but you can also do it on coldwind maps on the harvesters. If there's a hook at the base of the harvester ramp you can unbind part way up the ramp, literally feet away from the hook. Kinda busted

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    That's the same problem with Hag, most people play her super scummy when she can be both an offensive and defensive killer, not just defensive.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009

    I was super stoked for them and declared them my main for awhile. I still love them to a degree, but I do think the people who play them more scummy have tarnished their reputation like another old main (Hag) of mine. On the PTB and live, I'd often get positive responses from the people who played against me. But there were times when people KOBE'd on first hook or disconnected the second they thought I was the more scummy type of Twins player. So that combined with me feeling like I was too easily crushing many Survivors had me step back from them. I started trying out the cast again.

    Though now I'm all in on Trickster. Hopefully he gets buffed to be stronger and more of a threat while also not becoming something everyone seems to hate cause of scummy play like Twins, Hag, Bubba, etc.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    I'm putting you up there with that Clown player that believes Clown is amazing. One in a million that can make bottom tier killers work. Glad you enjoy them, but I just can't see any validity in your points, personally.

  • Cristia1V0
    Cristia1V0 Member Posts: 40

    Honestly all of those are valid, more of a wraith guy myself tho I love the twins and going up against them

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    TLDR you like to slug and camp.

  • megswifey
    megswifey Member Posts: 826

    I adore my twinsies lol! I run oppression, thana, sloppy, and coup de grace and since I still suck at Victor I use him to bait people into kicking me boyo (toy soldier and iridescent pendant are quaking rn) but most matches I have had against them are actually really exciting. When I hear him getting unraveled it's like a shot of adrenaline because oh no the gremlin is out lol :)! Good luck with them and have fun!

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I main the Twins because chasing survivors with Victor is really fun. No other killer can chase at 150% movement speed. It's honestly a breath of fresh air compared to the other killers.

  • Mazoobi
    Mazoobi Member Posts: 1,565

    I've recently been playing Twins more, but I wanted to know if there's any good strategies or builds for them?

    Also playing Victor on console is stressful when the fps decides to drop out of nowhere rip...

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    As a console player I’m finding Twins the most pointless and frustrating killer yet released.

    It’s nigh impossible landing pounces on any survivors that aren’t complete noobs. So much time is wasted attempting to pounce, only to miss and be crushed over and over again.

    It’s not fun.

  • YoruTheEdgySamurai
    YoruTheEdgySamurai Member Posts: 3

    My biggest problem with The Twins is that i don't enjoy playing them too much but i don't think that their power is weak or anything. For me they are just not too fun to play as.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited March 2021

    I play Twins offten. I don't get when people say they are the worst killer lol. Maybe only if you play them very super friendly by Surivivor's rule book. I also like to play againts them but that's rare to meet them.

  • Pilot
    Pilot Member Posts: 1,158

    I love the term "parking" when someone plays / mentions twins.

    Nothing like parking your big sister near a gen for whenever you need her or when Victor gets crushed, amirite?

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Tbf clown is definitely mid tier now and very good in chase

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i really enjoy playing as that little fetus and eating people. theyre also fun to go against if you have a slugging perk cuz the killer pretty much has to slug

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2021

    Exactly it's sad that most people play them like this, it usually means that they are inexperienced however... I have an amazing guide on the Twins you should check it out ❤️ it's called the ultimate twins guide in the guide section ❤️https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/233212/the-ultimate-twins-guide#latest Here's the link

  • TinyRick7128
    TinyRick7128 Member Posts: 13

    The second you said you enjoy body blocking you admitted you're trash🤣 idc what you say if you can't pressure gens and finish chases without camping a hook just stick to playing surv. I just started playing killer last month whenever my bros aren't on and not once have I thought"hey let me be a clown and camp a body to help boost my ego" I respect the twinfs for the gen pressure ability but I love rubbing and escape in player like yours faces when they post up and camp hooks