Are twins the most fun killer in DBD currently?


Inb4 Trickster release (He looks trash, but admittedly pretty damn fun).

The twins feel like they are currently amongst the least explored killers out there currently, which I think is a crime. This pair is possibly the most fun I've had in DBD in a long time, they feel strong enough to fit nicely into high ranks (I've been having PLENTY of success, and not just with camping, although with their kit, it's pretty much redundant) and they can split the game in such a way that no other killer can... Very unique style of play (which is arguably more than the trickster even has)

And sure, they don't have the best perk synergy out there.... But Victor is really that powerful that he doesn't need perks behind his downs. He gives a ridiculous amount of information and utility when he hits a healthy survivor, while making it all the easier to benefit off of m1 hit perks because you will know where the survivor is after landing vic now, and on top of that you get oblivious which means to that survivor, you might as well be a stealth killer unless they remove vic immediately (which as we all know, is not favorable to survivors most of the time).

They get SOOO much from their kit it is honestly overwhelming what they can get away with... And what I've spoken of only scratches the surface...

From having possibly THE best add ons in game (pretty much the most useful expose add on their is because it's simply set and forget, survivors will almost always kick victor or regret not doing) not to mention the one that makes victor a better franklin's demise,

To having possibly the best 4 gen coverage in the game, I mean if played right the pressure can be unreal

And the mindgaming their kit allows for (such as hiding certain m1 perks behind victor hits, keeping pwyf and stbfl stacks

What more can you ask for?

What do you all think? Is the killer super fun to play? Who do you think is more interesting? What don't you like about twins?


  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    trapper exists, so no.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Trapper can be fun, but I find him one dimensional. There's pretty much a right way to play trapper and that's it.

    I can see why others enjoy him, tho. Not many things as satisfying in this game as having multiple traps pop at once (with survivors in them of course)

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    Legion exists, so not really.

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Twins seems like they can be really fun and unfortunately i don't have them, so I can't play them but I doubt I'll enjoy anything more than Blight, but I'm happy you're having fun fam, keep doing what you love

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited March 2021

    I do want to try them out. There are a lot of killers that came out since I took a break and just got back in (everything post legion). Most of them I'm terrible with lol

    Post edited by IWasLeft2Die on
  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I enjoy quite a bit of clown myself, in fact he's probably my most played killer this year. His ability to shut down loops is just top tier, he has the feel of a killer that has all the control in his hands to affect the game.

    Lately, I just pick clown for safe wins, that's how used to him I've gotten.

    But I just enjoy the twins more currently. They still feel undiscovered, yet strong. Maybe it's just the new shiny toy syndrome. I don't think launching an actual creature at folks will ever get old, tho.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    This is the only one I personally respectively disagree with.

    Legion isn't even as fast as victor and doesn't do as much crazy stuff with his power. I don't think Legion is that weak, in fact when I play him I do pretty well most of the time, but he's not AS fun as twins to me, he's just kind of lulzy to me

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    It isn't fun to miss, but that is something you can absolutely control once you put in decent time with them.. I've been looped around many a tree, and I'll say this, there are practically no spots where you are safe from a victor lunge, barring vaults ran a particular way, such as diagnolly, and he can often compensate with his speed and the fact he has no red stain.

    Also, if you know you are going for a bad shot, sometimes it pays to shoot a little more off center but in a good position so if the survivor is feeling particularly ballsy and want to kick you, you'll be at such a range where theomebt they think they can still kick you leads to a free hit... The often misjudge his recovery.

    Or if charlotte is here and you have a particular add on, quickly leave his body after the recovery so they can think they are kicking you and get the exposed effect. This surprise DOES work at times, again because the timing of his recovery seems unreliable which works to your benefit.

  • Moxie
    Moxie Member Posts: 806

    It is the systematic difference between Twins and literally any other Killer.

    I understand your point, there are lots of options for using her power. But say I miss with a Bill chainsaw. I am not suddenly transported across the map as punishment, I can just try again. Twin's are punished two-fold: You need to wait for power to recharge (which albeit is quick) and you need to reposition. Double punishment for a possible reward.

    I mained Twins for 3-4 weeks and I had my fun until I realized just how unintuitive their kit really is. I am not even going to go into how some windows create infinites w/ Victor.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Hey, agree to disagree. I'm not of the impression you HAVE to heavily camp, although slugging is pretty much a necessary strat for any red rank killer, so I don't see the problem with that.

    The fact that you can split the map in so many ways means looking at it as simply "Camp" is pretty disingenuous. You can absolutely change the ways you play them, I just don't think enough killers bothered to explore them, since many either say "their trash" despite definitely not being worse than killers like legion, or "they can only camp and slug very well". Most people are immediately put off by these claims, and they just seem forgotten for no real good reason

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380
    Options Here is a guide on how to play them, i hope it helps... For your situation it sounds like you aren't waiting out the jukes and are getting kicked early, to combat this either bring the stale biscuit addon or attempt at waiting for the jukes <3

  • Zesty
    Zesty Member Posts: 380

    Hey!!! It sounds like you are possibly about to main the Twins :) That's great news ! I made the Ultimate Twins guide, if you would like to know the ins and outs of the killer I would really recommend that you check it out <3 Thanks and welcome to the journey that is maining this killer xd

  • magicmaster2020
    magicmaster2020 Member Posts: 499

    I personally find blight to be the funniest character because it's fun to freak people out.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Fair enough. I can see why they aren't for everyone. Some windows absolutely screw vic, but sometimes when you're playing for position, it's fine if you have to, say, leave vic at a loop for a bit to ward off a survivor.

    I think of it like this.. if you were that billy at a bad/god loop, you can only do two things, deal with that loop and hopefully get that survivor down, or leave and lose pressure.

    With Victor, you can choose to leave that chase at any random time and keep pressure on the other side of the map. If they take the time to go kick victor (9/10 they will) then you wasted more of their time while potentially chasing someone off a gen far away. If they DONT kick him,you have killer instinct and get to decide if you switch back and hit that guy while he's out of position, or you just keep him as a ward in that area and use the information of the direction that survivor is going, knowing which gen he is likely to go to.

    Twins to me as they currently are, read alot as Hag once did to many players before her major buffs - people thought she was trash, no one played her, but the ones that did kept telling everyone how ridiculous she actually was and how she didn't even need major buffs.. Now she's arguably top tier, if still underplayed.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Thanks! I'll give it a look. Good to know someone is out there pioneering guides for them. I think they are VERY underrated still.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I like blight, but I play in console and refuse to play them again until the UI fix... Even then, they might not be good for ps4 (tho if I get a PS5, I may change my mind. They do seem super fun).

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Maybe that has more to do with how you play them. I never have a boring game with twins, even if I don't always win. Hell, I have more fun just goofing off with this killer, seeing what I can get Vic stuck in or over... It's actually surprising the amount of things he can get hits over and through

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,658

    I just don't enjoy being punished for missing with my power by being sent halfway across the map ngl.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Check out Zesty's guide, they seem to know this killer very well and can articulate their strategy better than I could.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Yea, that's not super fun, but I'd argue if you're efficient and don't miss too often, the satisfaction is much greater. And I think placing charlotte in a good area is important to making sure you aren't wasting pressure, as a kick should be sending you back to defence mode on the other side of the map.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I do personally agree, they are fun and skill viable, they can be played with strategy, are they the most fun? Fun is different for other people, so not necessarily.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I mean they are trash, they win due to a lack of coordination as well as knowledge on how to verse them.

    • injured? stay near another survivor so they kick victor and heal you if that isn't an option go into a locker so the killer loses all pressure.
    • Victor camping? crouch, kick victor so you do the save.
    • Know where charlotte is and she switched to victor? If you know your further than 40 meters just go into a locker when victor comes.
    • Have victor on you? Don't take him off and go to a loop or spot where you can't be ambushed. especially don't take him off in a chase.
    • Just always prioritise healing, the twins can't slug unless survivors are injured.
    • 3 perks heavily hurt the twins which are unbreakable, soul guard, and wglf. wglf makes picking up injured survivors after kicking victor nearly completely save.
    • At a lot of vaults you can just keep fast vaulting them and victor can't do anything.
    • Split gens first, don't let a 3 gen happen if it does keep running away early so less survivors are injured.

    If players just knew these tips even solo's would prove difficult for the twins to beat, I have actually versed survivors like this WHILE playing them the best way and the match was a complete joke.

    As for playing them another way you can't... they don't down survivors fast enough unless you mass slug which you won't unless you get enough injured which you won't unless you camp and try to 3 gen. The best play style for them has already been found they simply are not suited for any other play style or they become weaker.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I disagree with that, as alot of those situations you mentioned have counterplay that twins can act on.

    I will say WGLF does cripple them to a degree, but only as much as you don't cover your bases. If survivors group up with the injured one, you just hit the non-injured one, then one of them has to deal with Vic while another has to deal with healing, at most only one survivor is doing gens in that scenario.

    With loops where vic can't do anything, why not just leave vic there? At worst, the survivor has to slowly crouch away while you are busy with Charlotte applying pressure, otherwise you get useful info and potential to force that survivor out of position

    I just don't think you are aware enough of every option available to you at all turns, especially if you are playing safe... Or playing risky in a situation that calls for it.

    People used to say Hag was only good for camping, once upon a time. They said she had too much counterplay and was defeated by crouching as well. I'm just saying, maybe we shouldn't be so quick to assume twins ONLY can play in one way. They are too multidimensional imo.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    you say you just have to hit the non injured one but the injured should be trying to prevent that and also it's difficult to hit survivors without being close to them, don't make it sound so easy.

    leaving victor there or even hitting the healthy survivor with victor won't do much, also if both survivors are injured you can't do anything. The twins are probably the biggest killer in terms of counters wasting too much of their time.

    name the options for the situations and consider how feasible they are, everything i mentioned is easily feasible as long as the survivors are aware of them.

    Hag's power is miles better than twins, it also doesn't have NEARLY as much counters in fact as a hag main i can say that the only reliable counter is trying to get rid of most of her traps when she picks up a survivor and even then with good gens she can easily recover. Even flashlights are not that much of a problem.

  • Generator
    Generator Member Posts: 39

    Deathslinger exists, so no

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,794

    Heck no. Not when forever Freddy is around.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703

    Hey how much for a pitchfork? I could use one of those.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    7000BP. You get a cool mori animation with it but you score worse but hey who cares!

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,703
  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    I think Burger King Myers is more fun than the Twins personally, I just don't enjoy what their playstyle involves around because honestly it doesn't really feel like I'm using a killer power.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm very happy to hear someone finds them fun.

    For me personally they are probably the most unfun killer in the roster. I can't really put my finger on it why but i really don't enjoy them

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 8,619

    They're fun to go against because they're easily beaten unless you allow yourselves to be slugged. They're not fun to play as because you need to slug and range camp to win.

  • Opeth32
    Opeth32 Member Posts: 9

    Depending on who is playing them otherwise like Freddy they're boring to go against and easy to punk

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    Fun for the killer, yeah if you enjoy slugging everyone the whole game.

    For survivors it's the most UNfun killer to verse, probably even more than freddy.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,480

    Popcorn too for us who only bought tickets to this show?

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    I REALLY wanted to like The Twins, it's a concept I've always wanted in DbD (a minion-based killer, your main power detaches from you etc), but when I and many others figured out the real way you're supposed to be playing them I very quickly lost interest. It's so absurdly boring just proxy camping and slugging, knowing that if I want to try anything else I'll take way too long to set it up and I'll guarantee a loss. And then there's playing against them...I've played against 3 twins in my life and I hope to God that I never see this number increase for as long as I play this game.

    The concept is fantastic, their visual design, chase music, sound design are amazing. But the execution of their abilities are all so flawed and badly done that I question how they even got out of the testing phase, let alone made it to live.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,445

    I find the Twins to be incredibly boring honestly. I would rather play as just about any other killer over them. I like the concept behind them, but they simply do not work for me. I've tried to play them in ways I thought I'd find interesting. Every single time, my attempts were foiled by obnoxious and nonsensical drawbacks to their kit.

    It is very telling when my favorite Twins match was one on Ormond where one of the Survivors kept Victor for over half the match and I let him cause... well he isn't being productive while babysitting.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited March 2021

    Impossible, Doctor has held that title since 2017. Only Freddy has gotten close to dethroning him (Wraith is starting to get up there though).

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    Deathstroke is awesome. But I feel like he's even more heavily punished than the twins are when he misses tbh, as he lacks the pressure they have due to occupying two spaces at once.

    But as far as fun, when I'm able to land shots on my ps4 controller, it is super fun... Unless there is something in between us, and I have to cut the line for positioning, that doesn't always feel awesome.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I definitely don't think the twins are as good as hag (I've always placed hag in the top 3 up until spirit existed, and then just below her)

    But I think, again, how you can reposition yourself at a moments notice with twins is waaaaay underrated. I also think we don't have enough examples of amazing twins mains to exclaim the proper way of playing them. My best reason for making the hag comparison in the first place is because people tend to think she's only good at super camping, which as a hag main you very well know isn't the truth, but its also so viable to play with her in most scenarios that for people to assume it isn't off base.

    The twins weren't even given a full month of exploration by the big streamers before they decided what they were good at and how to play them optimally. They seem to think they are only good at camp/slug. I will say anyone who uses the term "proxy camp" is basically placing an unfair stigma on this killer - most high rank killer games have some form of "proxy camp", I've seen countless streamer vids where Killers return to the hook after a cursory search of the surrounding area, even if they don't have bbq or haven't seen a survivor. This does include Otz.

    I think the twins have an untapped potential. I think more research is needed, and that means we need more devout Twins mains who aren't afraid to lose a good amount of games trying new things out. I still say they need time.

  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    You know, I've heard about burger king myers but never actually tried them. What is the set up?

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited March 2021

    I mean if a playstyle is found where you don't have to mass slug and camp to win i would play them more.

    I just can't see another viable playstyle with them tho besides trying to guard totems which isn't too viable either, they are just too slow at downing a single survivor and as said with lockers just shutting down her slug spree when used as well as forcing her to at least go to the locker i just can't see another viable play style.

    I'm not saying that she IS losing a majority of her games in fact i know she is winning a decent amount but as said it's mainly because survivors are both not coordinating and don't know her counters, like the twins are a solo stomping beast.