The Twins No Pounce Challenge


Much like several killers in this game, The Twins have the favored Primary Power but also a Secondary (by still useful) Power.

Like Plague has a strong Primary Power of one shotting survivors with corrupted bile, but she also has a secondary power of spreading sickness, that could accumulate effectiveness over time.

Pig has the Primary Power of placing head traps on survivors, to both delay the game and possibly earn a free kill with some RNG luck, But Pig also has the secondary power to Crouch into Stealth and surprise survivors.

My point is, people have made builds to support the Secondary Power and try to use it like the Primary Power, to reach for a new playstyle or fun way to play a Killer.

Which is what I want to try to do with the Twins.


So the No Pounce Challenge is as the name describes. Let’s say BHVR released the Twins but with no attacking ability for Victor. He can not Pounce. His Primary actions were to keep track of map awareness, lock survivors in closets and, most importantly, to use his Killer Instinct. How different would we play the Twins and what new strategies or builds would the community try to come up with to make this killer viable?

So here are my thoughts on some build ideas, I’ll be including BBQ because BP, but you can choose something else. Feel free to post whatever you want.


Take note that Victor is used like a spotter or sentry in all these build ideas, No pounce Challenge.

Build of Choices

  • Make Your Choice
  • Trials of Torment
  • Dragons Grip
  • Bbq n Chilli

Add Ons: Victor’s Soldier- (Crushing Victor on Idle reveals survivors Aura for 6 seconds)

Bloody Black Hood- (Decreases time it takes for Charlotte to be woken)

The idea of this build is to have survivors make decisions that could make or break them. When you down a survivor, park Victor near the hook you plan to use and then hook the downed survivor, then leave to trigger MYC upon rescue. You do not return to Victor and try to pounce the rescuer before save, or re-down a survivor just pulled off the hook. You use his Killer Instinct to be alerted that a rescue is about to happen and start to move and be ready for the MYC trigger.

If he kicked Victor prior or after rescue, then you know who to chase or who not to chase (assuming the rescuer isn’t also injured) because the Add on will reveal them. Then simply capitalize in those 60 seconds.

If you shoo off a survivor from a gen, then stand on it with Charlotte and run off Victor to go scout out the other Gens. Survivors, especially healthy ones, usually have no issues going back to a gen with a sleeping Charlotte nearby and your counting on them to choose to touch it. When they scream, change back to Charlotte (more quickly with the Hood Add-On) and attack the exposed survivor (because Dragons Grip).

If they choose not to return, then you had a chance to scout and regress a gen, and if they truly left, then you still have ToT activated, leaving you Undetectable. If, while scouting, you leave Victor next to an actively worked on gen, and they choose to kick him, then you can leave Victor (upon his return to Charlotte) to Be left as Sentry on the regressing ToT gen, and go attack the other Gen, while still Undetected.

Build of Hexes

  • Hex: Ruin
  • Hex: Devour Hope
  • Hex: Undying
  • BBQ n Chilli

Add Ons: Madeleine’s Glove- (Moderately increases radius of Victors Shrieks)

Forest Stew: Moderately increases Victors Speed.

Place Victor near a Hex, but not glaringly in your face about it. His extended Shrieks will give you that that edge. Go protect your Hex when necessary and play normal when not. If they kick Victor and get your Hex, you can use your speed add on and reset at the next Hex. Undying will give you one chance of forgiveness. Either they get snowballed to death by Devour Hope or slowly whittled away while you pressure them off gens.

Build of Central Intelligence

  • Surveillance
  • Oppression
  • Pop Goes the Weasel
  • BBQ n Chilli

Add Ons: Madeleines Glove- (Moderately Increase Shriek)

Soured Milk- (Slightly Increase Shriek)

Start of the game and every chance you get, park him in the center of most maps, or wherever you might want to 3 gen. Use Victor as your Central point and try to push survivors towards him to make tracking easy in chases. Also can be used to start a chase if they get near him when you have nobody in sight. Use Surveillance to keep track of what Gens they are on and Pop them when you can. Oppression can also help expose which gens a survivor is on.

If you like to give it a shot or critique these builds, just remember it’s under the idea that Victor CAN NOT Pounce.


  • PeaceNGrease
    PeaceNGrease Member Posts: 673

    I like this... It will open up minds to possibilities with using Victor as sonar, which I think is also a very strong, very impactful part of their kit.

    I'll give this a try tonight when I'm off work

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,349

    This is literally how I got Adept Twins, I didn't even release Victor once.

  • ManWithALemon
    ManWithALemon Member Posts: 422
    edited March 2021

    As a Twins main—I've had games where I've been unable to use Victor's ability at all and ended up inadvertently doing the "no pounce challenge" because of map design or Survivors always trying to pressure the side of the map where Charlotte was.

    And let me just say, it was miserable. I had basically no power. I was a complete M1 Killer. Victor's tracking was useless because Charlotte on her own is far too weak to capitalize on it. The reason Victor's tracking is good at all is because Victor can do something about it without relying on Charlotte. I was a permanent tier 2 Myers without the smaller Terror Radius.

    Don't do the no-pounce challenge. Your sanity will thank you.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    I mean you're basically just a m1 killer with good tracking.

    Any good swf will destroy you, actually just a bunch of decent solo's could beat you.

    You're also wasting your time to set up victor, not getting anything out of that in terms of injures/downs so playing like that just makes you incredibly weak.

  • Baby_Victor
    Baby_Victor Member Posts: 486

    I know a wall of text is no fun to read, here, let me pick out and highlight one sentence so people can stop trying to argue the point that this ‘Obviously’ isn’t the most viable or proficient way to play Twins, specifically in red ranks.

    reach for a new playstyle or fun way to play a Killer.

    Its like the word ‘challenge’ is so misleading lol. Yea, it’s ‘easier’ to slug, camp, and be a scumbag. I also play DbD too. I’m trying a thought experiment with the Twins and trying to try and think with the community to come up with a fresh or different/fun way to play Twins.

    Ya know, for those games your watching everyone join your lobby one by one, so you know it’s a bunch of solos or maybe a SWF but nobody brings items, or maybe people are burning Bloody Streamers and you don’t want to Sweat too hard and not take advantage of free Bp.