Thoughts on prove thyself

Gaffy Member Posts: 222

"Bro please stop saying gen rush, my perk that literally makes me do gens faster is for points only bro please"



  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    I understand the idea but, as a killer main, prove thyself is not that good. The better choice for survivors is always 100% of the time to split up and work on multiple gens at once, which allows 2-3 gens done in 80 seconds. The same thing with two survivors on one gen is slightly different, with 44 seconds for one gen so 88 seconds of pure working time for the same amount of gens (not considering walking time). Prove thyself removes 4 seconds of a gen if you're working on the generator together the whole time, which you won't be. 4 seconds is not a good amount, and it gets slightly higher with more people on a gen but it's really not worth 3+ survivors being in one place.

    Prove thyself isn't that good, it's just brought 90% of the time with other gen perks and toolboxes which make it seem much more impactful.

  • Kill it

  • One survivor perk space of which they have 16 that will be used multiple times and is stronger in swf builds its not fine its one of the strongest perks in the game underutilised criminally.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,718

    If Prove Thyself became common, you'd see a sharp rise in Discordance.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Not good for game health. It allows players to stack on gens with impunity.

  • Not saying its common im saying its good.

    Swfs will always get more use out of it solo q it will rarely be ran.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    It definitely did not need a compensation buff back when the negative modifier for stacking on a generator was changed from 10% to 15%. It has become my 2nd least favorite survivor perk to go against for a reason. Sure, in theory 3 solo gens is worse, but if the Survivors have split up onto 3 different gens I now have 80 seconds to get around to interrupting that progress and maybe undoing some of it. If they stack and bust out a gen in 40 seconds that's progress they've saved and I cannot touch anymore.

    Here's the thing. On a per gen basis, the default regression is... not great. -0.25 charges per second. However, that number starts getting scary if you can get lots of generators regressing while also keeping most Survivors busy. If you somehow got all 7 generators regressing, they'd be losing a total of 1.75 charges per second which is almost equal to the repair speed of half the team. In a more reasonable scenario, if you have 1 guy on hook, 1 in chase, 1 rescuing, 1 repairing, but also have 3 gens regressing... the Survivors are only netting +0.25 charges every second which is super low considering they need a total of 400. However, what if the Survivors are milking Prove Thyself as much as possible? Well, you still maybe have 1 guy on hook, 1 in chase, 1 rescuing, 1 repairing... but all the charges have been concentrated and saved so you can't get that pathetic base regression to stack and be decent by having multiple gens broke.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,850

    Just to be technical about this. The change it received was to keep it in line with how it worked before. That’s it. The modifier was changed and the perk merely received a change that made it function just as it did before so there is no problem to be had with that change it received since it didn’t effectively end up changing anything in regards to how the perk is used or understood.

  • FFirebrandd
    FFirebrandd Member Posts: 2,446

    The way it worked before wasn't OK either.

    At least part of the purpose of increasing the stacking penalty was to prevent Killers from losing a generator before finding a single Survivor because they guessed wrong on their patrol. That feat is really only possible if Prove Thyself is in play. By buffing Prove Thyself so it continues to offset the stacking penalty, the developers completely subverted that purpose of the change.

  • TruEternity
    TruEternity Member Posts: 320

    My thoughts on Prove Thyself, decent but overrated by most people. It’s been mentioned a few times already, but the bonus it gives doesn’t make up for being together on a gen. Splitting up is the strongest thing a team can do, Prove Thyself counters that.

    I believe it to be a win harder perk. What I mean by that is the effect it gives is just a placebo, and the outcome wouldn’t have changed with or without it. It’s a very mid tier perk to me.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,850

    That’s debatable but I’m not interested in arguing, I just think otherwise.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Prove thyself is pretty underwhelming. Especially when you're talking about an excess of 40 seconds, it's not that much of a buff. Plus, it requires two survivors to group up, so if you're applying pressure correctly, you can shut that whole operation down and pressure two survivors at once. I've gone against prove thyself/better together/stake out/brand new part/commodious toolbox teams, and finding them all grouped up was invaluable in terms of pressure. I got 3 downs out of that one encounter, and I suck at looping.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Punish camping more, then remove prove thy self.

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Which alot of the time, ends up in a 3 gen stand off because people aren't paying attention lol which is the most annoying thing to have to do. So prove self is helps out.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Good perk that helps finishing single gen faster. Meta strategy is to spread on multiple gens so it actually promotes less efficient gameplay but in way that helps you counter 3 gens or gen regression perks.

    In my eyes well balanced perk that can compete with the likes of DH, DS etc.

  • ClownIsUnderrated
    ClownIsUnderrated Member Posts: 1,031

    Very unlikeable perk for me, for some reason I went against this perk constantly for about a week or two when playing killer. I guess the survivors wanted to be magnets to gens I guess?

  • StardustSpeedway
    StardustSpeedway Member Posts: 882

    Only use it to max co-op points. Otherwise I rock other perks. Splitting up is the most efficient way of winning, so I hardly run it.

  • th3
    th3 Member Posts: 1,850

    Yeah when I use it I generally just max out objective points and then farm other categories lol I don’t have to hold m1 as long to get it maxed :)

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,645

    Prove thyself becomes god tier when all four survivors have it equipped

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    it gives barely any increase, and no increase at all if they're doing gens correctly. When I say that all survivors should be on different gens, I don't mean different parts of the map. I myself usually run deja vu (underrated perk) so that I can get rid of any 3 gen that I see because it reveals any possible 3 gen from the generators that I just did. It's not that hard to go out of your way to stop a 3 gen as a survivor, and you shouldn't pick up prove thyself just because you're worried you'll ######### up. it usually takes away less than 4 seconds, and in my time I'm working on generators with other people around 20% of the time I'm working on them, so it's really not as worth it as it seems.

  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    discordance, boom. prove thyself becomes nearly worthless

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,700

    Prove Thyself is fine. It shaves off a few seconds on gens when working with other survivors, but stacking on gens isn't the efficient way to do gens.

  • thisisntmax
    thisisntmax Member Posts: 231

    One of the best perks in the game for making two-three man genning efficient and a sincere f you to pop users.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I've been seeing it a lot lately.

    like, A LOT.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    wouldn't it be more effective to have 2 people with Prove Thyself instead if 4? As it doesn't stack...?

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I understand the placebo argument. But the thing about PT is that you don't have to seek out teammates to get value out of it. Once 2 gens are left, they'll find you. Maybe not intentionally- but when they do, it's gonna be great.

    I both like and hate this perk in solo q. Solo groups really need all the help they can get, gen wise.

    Plus there are those situations where the killer has pgtw and barely arrives at the gen in time. PT can be clutch in turning that woulda been 95% gen to 100%. I run it to give my solo groups an edge.. ideally. Hopefully.

  • TwinnedHawks8772
    TwinnedHawks8772 Member Posts: 50

    Yea I mean it's like "wow I saved 10 seconds on a generator that I was working with my entire team with, we could've done so much more if we split up to two gens or have had a ton more pressure if we had split up completely". The reason prove thyself isn't op is because grouping up on gens is a bad idea most of the time, if the killer can pressure gens or even find people easily they can pressure multiple survivors at once, in addition to any other slugged/hooked/injured survivors who already have pressure on them.

    If you have prove thyself and you're on a gen with someone, the killer has someone hooked, and the killer finds you with your friend? nobody is doing gens because you're both running from him and your other teammate is going to get the other survivor. But if you split up, the killer doesn't pressure everyone at once because one person is still doing gens, and 90% of games won for killers are because they can pressure everyone at once so that nobody is doing generators. Prove thyself has a strong effect, but not strong enough to make using it better than having gen pressure on the killer.

  • SentinelCaptain
    SentinelCaptain Member Posts: 234
    edited March 2021

    When I play survivor, it's a staple of my solo build to make sure I'm effective as a teammate. Helps counter Thana and I think Dying Light(The Myres one), of course Discordance throws is out the window, which I have seen more of lately, and run on all my killers.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    Lol Prove thyself counter = Discordance

  • mylesmylo
    mylesmylo Member Posts: 354

    Get with the times, vision!😂 I do like to run it sometimes when you have one of them nights where 80% of your maps are inside, helps alot

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,434

    How is that abusive Camping, Tunneling and Slugging looking like for you?

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,025

    If I run Prove Thyself I usually run Better Together. Better Together shows the aura of a generator I'm working on. They synchronize pretty damn well.

    Prove Thyself is a decent perk alone. It's not the best, but it's alright.

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    I have been playing these days with resilience and I don’t know why it’s not meta. You only need to heal at 99% to do anything 9% faster

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,223

    4 survivors spawn on one gen with prove thyself basically means the game starts at 4 gens instead of 5

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    Its 8s, its a waste of a slot, the only good part of it IS the bp effect

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160

    You severely underestimate the difference 8 seconds can make in Dbd.

  • Amy095
    Amy095 Member Posts: 96

    Its a great perk, especially if theres 2/3 gens left and theres just two of you left to do gens. It can be a life saver.

  • REL1_C
    REL1_C Member Posts: 619

    While 8 seconds doesn't seem too long, Resilience also takes off 8.1 seconds of a gen.

    That takes a gen from 80 seconds to 63.9 seconds.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    Sarcasm aside, it's underwhelming. If survivors are just sticking on gens instead of saving teammates, then those few seconds aren't going to make a difference. Plus, it incentivizes them to group up, which is something they typically don't want to do. Pressuring two survivors at once is a boon for me, if anything.

    That being said, I don't think gen speed perks should be introduced, other than maybe the new survivor perk, which is more of a salvage to help you in a game that isn't going so well.

  • Keezo
    Keezo Member Posts: 454

    8s can be a lot in some specific circumstances, but then just use any other perk, as it'll save more time

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160

    I prefer not to be injured and one shot. I'm not a dead hard user.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 7,160

    What perk will take more time off gens and not require you to be injured?

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited March 2021

    Prove thyself is played more often since the tinkerer buff. Feels bad for low tier killers just playing casually. If I run it I run it with detectives hunch and crush bones when the killer plays nice.

  • Midievalfantasy
    Midievalfantasy Member Posts: 30
    edited March 2021

    To be fair, I run Prove Thyself, We're Gonna Live Forever, We'll Make It, and whatever other perk I feel like at the time. Before I started using that build, I would escape a match maybe 1 out of 20 matches (I'm not competitive and just play for fun). I only started using that build because I'm trying to level up all the survivors who's perks I want, but it's actually come in pretty handy for me. I'm now escaping more often because of my build. I'm either working on gens or unhooking and healing everyone. It's even better if someone else has kindred so I know whether I need to go for the save or not. It's also nice to know I help my team with this build. Knowing I can heal fast when I unhook is nice. It wasn't until reading this thread that I knew multiple people working on a gen can be a bad thing.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    It's bonus points should be applied after the match. What's the point of maxing out objective points in 1 1/2 gen?

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    I think it encourages survivors to get off gens and do other things once they've maxed objective points. I'm very okay with it if it encourages survivors to get into chases, heal, do totems, etc instead of sitting on a gen all match