Pointless to DC

If you play killer or survivor, dc is just selfish and petty.
If you go against a strong swf or gens fly real fast, don't DC. Stay In the match and just get better at chasing a survivor. Pick a killer you really want main, whether it's huntress or Freddy, play the game to get better at them. The game mechanics doesn't show your skill. You will get better and better means you can go against better players.
Same with killer, don't DC, you'll gain experience. Keep playing games and you'll gradually learn about the killers "counter play". Run perks to fit your playstyle and just learn to loop, so you can win 90% of your games.
If they can't take an occasional bad game, they shouldn't even start the game to begin with. END OF STORY
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2 Gens in 1 1/2 minute? Thats not even that fast.
Let alone that 2 Gens lost does not mean that the Killer will lose. The first Gens are the fastest, once the Killer is downing people, Gens slow down a lot.
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Why? If the killer tunnels you then you stay and learn how to loop even better so the killer can't tunnel you. Or just play in a swf.
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DBD rewards you for dc'ing, so why would you stop? I mean, you can't play DBD if you d/c, so I don't see a downside. It's like a much needed forced intervention. Once you've figured out how their ban system works, you can d/c up to a certain limit, than stop playing the game and go do something worthwhile. If the devs gave a #########, they'd fix their game, but they don't, so just do whatever you want. Rules are out the window at this point, and the time for being 'wholesome' and 'civil' is long past. Most people probably play this out of spite at this point anyway. Just my two cents.
"Better not d/c from our horribly buggy, broken game, otherwise we'll stop you from playing it!" I see this as a complete win.
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If their not enjoying the game they should stand by the exit gate, and wait for them to finish the gens smack the gate open.
Not DC
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WRONG. DEAD WRONG. Stop excusing this behavior as there is no excuse for it. They entered the game, they should commit to it, PERIOD.
If tjhey can't enjoy occasionally getting an opponant they diislike, THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS PLAYING THE GAME IN TH E FIRST PLACE
This is not up for debate.
DCing just because they can't stand the game is an act of selfishness that screws over 4 other players. If they are so ######### selfish, then get the ######### out of multiplkayer games, uninstall DBD, and come back when they grow the ######### up
It's no more than fifteen minutes out of their night. It's not like we're asking for a full match of LOL or some other long game.
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That fact that survivors can kill themselves on hook as a means of dc'ing the game and killers can't because they will get a penalty infuriates me. Double standards as usual.
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since when did it become acceptable to call tunneling ‘toxic’ and a good reason to DC it’s just killers picking off the weak links in the team. A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link and if I as a killer get the opportunity to remove a player from the trial before gens have been popped I will most certainly do so. What else am I supposed to do? Just let you wait on the floor? O no wait dangit that’s toxic too. How about if I leave you be and chase your teammate? What no? That’s tunneling the other player? Right gotchu just stand still and do nothing is that acceptable?
don’t get me wrong if you DC because of personal reasons or bad internet can happen so let’s make a distinction between a DC and a rage-quit.
sorry for going on about this on your post man I couldn’t find the post you commented on. So consider this a second hand comment if you will.
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DCing is the wrong choice every time. The five minute penalty is probably roughly the same, if not more than the rest of the game will last. So you don't get in another game quicker.
DCing ensures you get 0 BP and no matter how bad you do you'll earn more than 0 BP.
DCing ensures a double de-pip so if you care about rank (You shouldn't btw) then staying in the match for only 1 de-pip is always the better choice.
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I get why killers DC.
I do not get why survivors DC.
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The same reason killers DC: they're having a crap time courtesy of the other side and no longer want to play.
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This. The beginning of a game rarely indicates how the end will go. I've stalled out plenty of games with 1 or 2 gens left to do and manage to get 2 or 3 kills, sometimes all 4
Also, yea, the excuse "I just want to get into another game faster" is so stupid. You start with a 5 minute ban, which -might- get you into another game faster, but then it builds and builds and very quickly it takes longer to get into another game from DCing than just -playing the damn game-.
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Why would they waste their time waiting when they can dc and go play civilisation