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Killer Concept: The Puppet

Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
edited June 2018 in Creations
 While I was looking through the killers, I realized something. All of the killers were humans (mostly). But, not all 80's killers were humans. Chucky? And since he can't possible be a killer in the game, someone had to take his place, soo...

At an early age, Charles Smith was born into poverty and left alone by his family. Through this, he acquired the gift of craft, mainly through his tinkering with scraps of wood. He would create little characters to show his family, but they would shun him away. One day, his father Levin Smith, went mad and murdered his wife. After, he then killed himself in front of Charles.

Charles was brought to a psychiatric ward due to the trauma of the event. This is where he would spend the most of his childhood as well as later in life. He would never speak to anyone especially to his psychiatrist. He kept his mouth shut for a whole 24 years until he would finally pass the sane test and be let out. Not speaking for such a great amount of time really did a number on Charles as it was very hard for him to blend in with society. He would move from town to town trying to find a home but to no avail. But, one day he stumbled upon the town of Abringdon, Louisiana. This town was a very big wood working town which would have yearly festivals for wood crafted art. For this, Charles felt at home here.

He would begin his new life by participating in the yearly festivals, crafting art works for everyone to see. For many years he worked on his craft, becoming better and better, until he became the best wood carver in town. His most prized works however, were his life sized mannequins. He would hand craft them for the towns folk, making each and every one look exactly like the buyer. He breathed life into the people he met and slowly began to grow more social.

But, one day he completely snapped. Having to craft for days on end was tiring, with little breaks. The next couple of days were silent. The 3rd was different, with one of the towns families not showing up to work as usual. When the company checked up on them they met a grizzly site, with blood everywhere. In the middle of the room however, was a murder scene created with the same mannequins of Charles's craft, with one standing up, pointing a gun at four other mannequins lying on the ground. These four mannequins looked exactly like the four family members which were nowhere to be found. Likewise, Charles went missing too. He committed many more murders similar to this. His hands became blood stained through the hours of work in creating his 'craft'. He would always leave a mannequin at the scene in the exact pose he was in. He lost the feeling if being himself and began to feel as if he was simply an extension of his puppet.

However, he would not be missing for long, as the sheriff found Charles, wrists cut, laying next to another one of his model mannequins. Many of the people had time to rest, as the mannequin was brought in as evidence and Charles's body was burned for good. But, several weeks after, the puppet would soon show up missing, as would the ashes.

Awoken by a voice, Charles would soon find himself in a body of wood, his every movement creaking and twisting. Towns nearby would report their children seeing a wooden man hiding behind the trees. Soon afterwards, people would begin to go missing and wooden replicas in their place, similar to the Abringdon murders before. But unlike them, their was no wooden killer to be seen. This wooden corpse, puppeteered by soul, would go on to continue what they had started before. To create their greatest masterpiece for the world to see.

KILLER: The Puppet

MOVEMENT: 115% walking 92% carrying

TERROR RADIUS: 28 meters

WEAPON: Wood Chisel

POWER: "Pediophobia"
-When the match starts, many other mannequins are scattered around the map (around maybe the same amount as pallets), standing up in many poses (you can see all of them across the map like the jigsaw boxes). They look the same as you which makes it hard for them to spot you. For your power, if you hold Ctrl you will take about 1 second to strike a pose just like the mannequins, losing your terror radius. Your eyes will also lose the light from them making you indistinguishable from all the others. When you press Ctrl again, you will go out of the pose in 1 second. But, if you press the left mouse button, you will scream and jump out of your pose. This takes about 3 seconds and if any Survivor is within a 7 meter range, they will gain the scared effect. If a Survivor is scared, they will gain a 10% chance for skill checks to show up and the success zone is decreased by 20%. This effect will last for 45 seconds after being scared. If you manage to scare someone, your terror radius will be decreased to 20 meters for 20 seconds. You can also instant down Survivors for 4 seconds. When you right click, you will go out of your body and into your soul form. When doing this, your puppet will strike a pose and will lose it's eye glow. You will now be really hard to see but can be more easily blinded by flashlights. Your movement speed is now increased to 130%, becoming a fast boi. You can now complete all action a killer can do while also gaining the ability to pass through pallets and be invulnerable to getting stunned with them. In this form, you cannot attack survivors but can enter other puppets around the map. However, when leaving your puppet, if still in the same chase as before you will be able to grab the Survivor and pull them toward your last puppet. The survivor can struggle out of this by completing a very small skill check (about 60% smaller than normal). If the Survivor succeeds, they will escape your grasp and you will be pulled back into the puppet instantly as well as being stunned for 2 seconds. If they fail, they will be pulled 1 meter close to the puppet. At reaching that distance, you will be pulled instantly back into the puppet without being stunned. Now, you can land an easy hit.


PERK 1: "Entangled"
-You use strings with the hooks to keep the Survivors in their place. Survivors unhooking another Survivor have a 5%/10%/15% chance of failing and lowering the hooked person's hook bar as if they failed a struggle. If they fail the rescue, the killer will get notified.

PERK 2: "Entity's Reach"
-The entity reaches down within you and fills you with power. Every time a generator is completed, your lung range increases by 4%/8%/12%.

PERK 3: "Wooden Rage"
-The wooden hooks fill you with unspeakable rage. Every time you hook a survivor, you can instantly down survivors for 2/4/6 seconds. The Survivors will be able to fully recover however without the help of other Survivors.

MORI: You shuffle to the Survivor slowly. As you do this you pick the Survivor up by the throat as they try to struggle. As they do this, a spirit hand with a needle and string start going in and out of the victim's body at rapid succession. Once done, the victim is dead and stiff and in one of the posses of the mannequins. The Puppet then stands the Survivor up, steps back, and admires their work.

 Please give your thoughts on the idea. I would love to know what you guys think. I am working on one for a character from SCP so stay tuned. :D
Post edited by Brookstopher on


  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    I was too tired to read through the whole post but I upvoted just for effort man - much love

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    I have added a Mori as well just to spice it up a bit. Let me know what you guys think.
  • DreadfulProton
    DreadfulProton Member Posts: 27

    I like the concept art. My only criticism would be this; A string puppet with the size of a killer doesn't make alot of sense. A puppet that size would be awkward to use and impractical. That being said, I could easily suspend disbelief and justify it by rationalizing it with the idea that this puppet is a kind of toy controlled by the entity itself or something. If you already suggested that rationale then I'm sorry I didn't read the whole post lol. Excellent work. You should do more concept art.

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Well, there not really puppets that’s just what they were called. Charles really made mannequins. The name Puppet comes from the idea that Charle’s soul is Puppeting the mannequine, by possession. The strings on his arms though can be taken off if it seems confusing. Thanks for the feedback though. 😁
  • GolgiNea
    GolgiNea Member Posts: 157

    I honestly love everything you have posted @Brookstopher! I love the concept art you have come up with and it looks super creepy! The only thing i dont agree with are the perks. Entities reach is okay, but the rest seem a bit overpowered.

    That being said, as i was reading the powerset, I found myself getting chills at what you described! XD I thought about doing a gen in constant fear of the puppet posed directly behind me! Omg, I can't say enough how much i love this idea. I do think that the puppet should look a little more grimey like it was somewhere in an attic for centuries though! Cobwebs, mold and termites, OH MY!

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Thanks man! I’ll keep editing the picture because it like the idea of making his seem dirty and grimy. And, I’lol also nerf some of the perks soon. 👍
  • DreadfulProton
    DreadfulProton Member Posts: 27

    @Brookstopher said:
    Well, there not really puppets that’s just what they were called. Charles really made mannequins. The name Puppet comes from the idea that Charle’s soul is Puppeting the mannequine, by possession. The strings on his arms though can be taken off if it seems confusing. Thanks for the feedback though. 😁

    Ahhh I see. Either way I love this killer idea. Pretty good job so far.

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
    Nerfs for some Perks. Tell me what you think of the changes. You can try and make suggestions for bettering them too.
  • swenpai
    swenpai Member Posts: 259

    Such an amazing idea.
    I would pay to see it actually in game.
    Love it.

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47

    Redid the mori to be more unique. Some fixes. Check it ot. :D

  • Brookstopher
    Brookstopher Member Posts: 47
