Camping or proxy camping

Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

Lol I did have a giggle earlier went and watched a guys stream who called me a camping Twatt funny thing was I watched his stream and the game I was in here is the scenario.

Said guy on hook all gens are complete both doors are 99nd and he was running empathy and you could clearly see that I was chasing two diferant people as they were looping me round tow 2 loops near the hook. I even chased someone out of the area and downed them.

Just want people to know that ain't camping if your teammates decide to loop. Near the hook then it ain't the killers fault. Its not like the killer is just gonna wander of to the other side of map and ignore all 4 players and just let them escape. It was his own teamates being stupid.


  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    The thing I giggles at was I wasant even trying to camp I had my hands full trying to get another down on the other guys. Think the guy was just pissed he lost.

  • GlamourousLeviathan
    GlamourousLeviathan Member Posts: 981

    I really don't get it people complaining about camping in the End Game. There is literally nothing else for you to defend other than your hook.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    I just have a survivor BM me for camping in EGC.

    And the funny thing is the next game I’m also match with him. He suicided on first hook because I downed him too fast.

    Oh, btw his name has a word “trolling” in it LOL

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    One time a streamer called me a camper as well with his swf. But i couldnt even patrol the Gens because all 3 survivors were at the hooked survivor.

    Like why should i give your team a free unhook when i get now insane map pressure because your whole team Stays at the hook?

  • MrGrizzly
    MrGrizzly Member Posts: 143

    Yea for some reason when a survivor loops you well around a hooked survivor, it's called camping.. it's the survivor's dumb decision to loop me that close to someone hooked, but no apparently I should just walk away and give them easy hooks = Survivor Logic.