Perks with Skill Trees

So what if instead of each perk just having 3 levels, you acquired the perk in the bloodweb, and then you upgrade that perk with bloodpoints in its own skill tree. The perks could have different features, for example:
Borrowed Time might have 3 fields you could fill to change the perk. Let’s say each category could have a max of 5 slots to fill giving you 15 possible slots, but you can only fill 10 of the 15.
Faster Unhook
Proximty to the hook it activates. (The killer)
Protection Timer length
So maybe you like a faster unhook, and then you split the last 5 between the other two categories. Mild increases of 1%, or 2 meters, those sorts of things. Overall the idea is that you could cater these perks more to your own style.
It would require a lot of creativity to do this with every perk. Tho what you said about unlocking a perk to lvl 1 and then paying your own BP to get it to tier 3 in your inventory sounds lovely.
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On paper interesting idea, In practice mountain of code and infuriating design
170 perks, x 5 side grades each, = 850 total sidegrades between both sides that need to be coded into the game
not only that but any combination of those 5 sidegrades working together with any other combination of 10-15 more sidegrades from your other perks in addition to the perks themselves
that's 19 individual perks and modifiers on those perks per player, which is just way too much considering there are 58599024 perk combinations in this game for survivor alone
even if all of the sidegrades were on 3 perks only there would still be 12657389184 odd combinations for each survivor alone and someone has to write code to make sure it all works together and if a single combination breaks everything either codewise or balance wise it would probably be a mess to fix or make a system to fix it
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Wow! Maybe they don’t do it with every perk in the game then to start. Possibly just new perks coming out, and then possibly revamping 2-3 perks each quarter.
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So what would happen with 80+ perks we already have on each character? Now we gotta spend even more bp to level them up?
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Remember that you don’t have to purchase two extra levels of a perk to get its full function. You only purchase base perks, and then only upgrade the ones you like.
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That doesn't really make sense. If it's in a game people will want to grind it, which means they will need even more bp.
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How do you figure it to be more bp when those metrics haven’t even been set?
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"So what if instead of each perk just having 3 levels, you acquired the perk in the bloodweb, and then you upgrade that perk with bloodpoints in its own skill tree. "
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This would require a drastic overhaul of the perk system, but I can see it having a lot of potential the change up the game for the better.
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