
EZayn Member Posts: 33

So I see that not to many people think that Surveillance is a good perk. I personally think that surveillance is really good including its ability to pair with ruin. And recently I tried it with discordance and surge and it worked tremendously. I got a easy 4k because of that and it was constant. Can you tell me why Surveillance is so mediocre to everyone?


  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    People used to run it a lot more when it was 'bugged'

    Basically at one point gens that were regressing hit zero, they would stay permanently white

    This was a bug that got fixed semi-recently and now when a gen hits 0, it goes back to being red.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It isn't that people think Surveillance is bad, it's just why use Surveillance over something like PGTW, Ruin, Enduring, Spirit Fury, Devour Hope ect ect

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    The main issue with surveillance is getting gens to regress in the first place. Spending time kicking every gen just to see if someone goes back to is a little weak.

    Now it does combo well with perks like Ruin, Oppression, and Surge as they allow you to start regressing gens without kicking them.

  • EZayn
    EZayn Member Posts: 33

    Ya I see that that does indeed make sense but again with your point it does combo very well thats the part where i wonder why is it so mediocre. But its probably because it has to come as a package deal as you said. But ya

  • Friendly_Blendette
    Friendly_Blendette Member Posts: 2,923

    Its a decent perk but most of the time there is just better perks to run instead

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    ^ This is a big part of it. Surveillance was a little bit of a hidden gem before that actually was decent. However the fix to the "bug" just bumped it below the decent level for me and I suppose many others. Not sure why it was needed to be fixed as it's not like the perk was overbearing or anything.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    Surveillance is a tracking perk. Those perks aren't tracking perks. But, I see what you mean. There's Whispers, BBQ(For BP), Thrilling, I'm All Ears, Tinkerer. While Surveillance is good it's awkwardly in the middle of tracking perks. It's not talked much because it isn't Whispers or BBQ so not talked in the high tier or Trash like Gear head and Dead Man Switch.

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    I don't like surveillance on its own but I love it with ruin or surge (or both)

  • TheArbiter
    TheArbiter Member Posts: 2,503
    edited March 2021

    Personally I'm more of a fan of tinkerer and pop, tinkerer so you know which gen is ready to be finished, and pop so you can go and regress it

    More consistent than surveillance and ruin, as ruin can be gone in 30 seconds

    PGJSF Member Posts: 369

    I think it’s a good perk, but why on earth would you use it instead of BBQ/Discordance? If you need a tracking perk those are overall much better, and BBQ also gives you BPs.

    The only exception would be if you’re using a build where Surveillance goes combo, but again you’re “wasting” (optimization-wise) perk slots you could use for better stuff.

    A good example would be to turn this on Survivor’s side; would you use Dance with Me alone? No, it’s useless. Would you use it with Lithe and Quick&Quiet? Hell yes, that’s a good and fun build to run. But would that be “better” and give you more chance to succeed than Dead Hard, DS and Unbreakable? No.

    Honestly I’ve always thought people gets too much effort on thinking what should be nerfed, while the DbD problem is what should be buffed.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,236
    edited March 2021

    Surveillance works wonders with Ruin, and can more than make up for something like Tinkerer or Discordance.

    However when Ruin is gone, so is Surveillance, two perks lost to one Hex cleansing. That's why it's not worth it.

    Surge could maybe work if you're lucky with gen placements and such. But unless we get another perk that works similarly to Ruin but not so OP that it has to be a Hex, there's no much going for Surveillance really.

  • APoipleTurtle
    APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274

    Surveillance is a combo piece. It isn't really worth bringing by itself, but it has great value when combined with other perks that cause gen-regression (like Ruin, Surge, Oppression, etc).

    Combo pieces don't get used much outside of their combos though, since their value is mostly tied to how well the perk they're synergizing with is working. Without the combo piece, they often just don't do enough on their own to justify bringing them over stronger or more interesting perks.

    It's a lot like how you won't usually see someone using Undying without another Hex to protect, or Dance With Me without Quick & Quiet and/or Lithe.