What is your guy's favorite killer design

EZayn Member Posts: 33

Mine has got to be doctor. His eyes can shift with them being open at all times i think its just really neat. Also with his free cosmetics are great i like his police one but i usually use og cosmetic.


  • Monkeyman25
    Monkeyman25 Member Posts: 2

    idk man i gotta say doctor is cool and all but the man to win is legion

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,487

    I absolutely loved The Hallowed Blight and was always intrigued by its lore, So my man The Blight is always gonna have a special place in my heart <3

  • BitingSea
    BitingSea Member Posts: 332

    Blight easily, I love everything about him

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,654

    That is an easy question. Freddy. Yes, I know he is licensed, but everything about him is just perfect.

  • Midievalfantasy
    Midievalfantasy Member Posts: 30

    Spirit. She just looks amazing. I'm in love with her. When I play killer, I usually play as her and my only sadness is that I'm in first-person so I can't look at her. Whenever I face her though, I get really happy, I don't even care if she kills me quickly, is toxic, etc. I'm just happy to see her. I'm weird.

  • VexTheHex
    VexTheHex Member Posts: 1,009
    edited March 2021

    Based on visuals, sounds, and animations with some lore....

    S Tier - I've always been impressed with Oni's imposing figure, animations, and sounds. He's a big beefy boy coming to squash you. Trickster is amazing despite his haters. His lore, looks, animations, and sounds make him one of the most expressive Killers which perfectly ties into him being a egotistical and vain nutcase. Wraith is a cool spooky boy and his bells sounds are awesome, he's the best of the original 3. Huntress is big amazon woman coming to crush her foes, and there's not much to dislike about that in one of our first female killers. My only nitpick is her lack of shoes, seriously you'd think she'd wear shoes in a hard to survive forest.

    A Tier - Doctor has a amazing visual design, even if I hate everything else about him. Seriously, they knocked the theme out of the park for him, but I despise ever facing against him. Plague is in the same boat as the Doctor, this Priestess is amazing even if I'm not a body horror fan. I just love the vibe of her even if I wanted to KOBE the second I get puked on and have to listen to my character nonstop barf on a gen. (seriously, they can bug out and not stop barfing... it's obnoxious) Hag is the creepy zombie grandma brutally eating people, and I appreciate her for it. Weirdly though her lore has taken her down some other path as some young high school girl in the not distant past. Nurse is one that sometimes I feel meh about, but I currently am feeling her again. She's cool even if a bit washed out in all whites. Deathslinger feels unique and I appreciate him for that.

    B Tier - Ghostface and Myers are iconic though a bit bland on design. Their legacy carries them more than the actual look itself. Trapper and Hillbilly served their purpose as originals, but I do feel they are a bit more one note/stale than later additions. Pyramid Head is cool but a little goofy and simple. Demogorgon is neat, but he's a bit one note in coloring.

    C Tier - I appreciate their take on a Clown, but I wish he was more Clown themed and less asthmatic Homer. Blight never struck me as something awesome or exciting. He exists. Spirit is alright, but a naked asian lady felt a bit too on the nose for waifu bait. She'd later get a school girl outfit to further this outlook of her. Leatherface is just there.

    D Tier - Idea behind Legion is alright, but all of them on their own is pretty flat and uninteresting. Also Julie being a literal gender bend on Frank's model makes her boring. Pig is nothing special and nothing interesting. Even after looking into her movie scenes and the like, she's boring and meh. The Pig Mask is thrown on to make her sppoooookyyyy, but it's highly unpractical and makes her seem like she trying to emulate an actual pig with her grunts and roars... which is just weird. Freddy despite his iconic status.... has always looked kind of silly and dumb to me. A tiny man with a ugly Christmas sweater wearing a fedora with scissors fingers. Even Susie looks like she could beat him up.

    Twins was forgotten on this tier list maker. I'd place her and Victor in B tier around Trapper and Hillbilly. They serve their purpose decently enough, but they do feel a bit lacking.

    Post edited by VexTheHex on
  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,869

    Spirit for sure. I mean all of her different facial expressions and phasing in and out is amazing looking. I am also just in love with her and she’s a waifu.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    I really like the design of the Twins. One of the coolest looking killers imo.

    Aside from them, there will always be a special place in my heart for Julie wearing the party crasher skin.

  • MingBongo
    MingBongo Member Posts: 32

    it's a rough pick for me, but I'd have to say either Oni or Blight, amazing visual design that made me want to play the killer right off the get go

    also, Blight's jaw... or what's left of it got some jiggle physics.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,122

    It's got to be Blight. He just looks too cool and creepy.

  • Hazular
    Hazular Member Posts: 31

    Lore & design-wise my favourite is definitely Plague. Just think she's super interesting and a little bit different to the rest of the killers.

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    Oni because the 3D model is the most worked

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,197

    All killers combined, Pyramid Head is the best designed for me, albeit I'm sloghtly bias, having grown up with the Silent Hill series and remember the impact when he first appeared.

    If I discount all the licenced killers, I would go with the Oni for his sheer intimidation factor. Honorable mentions go to Adiris, Trapper and Blight.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,690

    Spirit would probably be my favorite in terms of design. There's just something about her floating limbs and facial expressions that strike me, and the retracting katana is just awesome.

    Following her would be her granddad, Oni. What's there to explain? Everything in his design is just pure awesome.

    Coming third would be Blight. I just love his feral/inhuman features, yet his clothes and cane serve as a disturbing reminder that this WAS a man once, only to turn himself into a monster.

  • TheMadCat
    TheMadCat Member Posts: 2,203

    I agree, Oni's best design so far to me.

    (But I do like Trickster. He has a creepy smile.)

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The blight cosmetic of Legion is pure art

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,221

    Appearance wise - Oni and Plague take it for me. Oni looks like a proper force of nature and Plague combines the beauty of her robes with the sickness that has overtaken her.

    If we look at what they represent however, it's got to be Trickster. If he wasn't around, I would say Legion or Ghost Face. One of them represents how a group of friends can be manipulated into darkness (with Susie being an especially good example) while the other is an egomaniac who kills and reports on his own crimes for the sake of his own ego. But they both have something that Trickster lacks: a mask. The Legion never seem to go on a rampage without their masks hiding their identities, and, despite his ego, Ghost Face still hides his reporter side under a mask so no one will ever know who he is.

    Trickster doesn't wear a mask. He WANTS you to know who he is. While he tortures you to death, he WANTS you to be aware of his identity. He is the egomaniac Ghost Face is, times ten. He will kidnap you, torture you, use your screams for his music, all the while with a smile on his face that he WANTS you to see. He is a legitimately horrifying serial killer that NO ONE would expect. That's what his design is. And that's what makes him so terrifying.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Spirit. Nothing else comes close.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Oni and Spirit by a mile. Would trust them to make a mother yamoka or a brother to spirit.

  • EZayn
    EZayn Member Posts: 33

    mmm i see seems like everyone likes oni alot

    _NIGHTMARE_ Member Posts: 727

    Purely going by looks, I'd say the Blighted Legion. I would love to see that Blighted Demo in game though :)

    (Artwork belongs to hunnybear I believe)

    I don't know if the Dev's can do that though because of the licensing.

  • UncleStabby
    UncleStabby Member Posts: 837

    Mine definitely has to be Huntress. The whole lost in the Forest dark-fantasy story book vibe hit the nail on the head, everything from the chipped Hare mask to the black veil and the grown woman with the mind of a feral child who doesn't morally know better was one of the best additions to this game. The lullaby was pretty much kicking a dead horse as far as NAILING IT. 10/10 Huntress, hands down.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    My personal favourite is the Wraith.