1 / 5 stars review

Yeah. Seriously over this game now and waiting for issues to be fixed. You guys got a well deserved 1 / 5 star review on xbox. Hit boxes are out of control and have been for years now. Just over it. How do you go this long with such a fundamentally broken game? Just blows my mind.

Keep making content though :D


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    The only hitbox issues are from huntress the rest is just latency

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,842

    The thing is, a lot of the time it's latency from the killer. Hit validation does LITERALLY nothing to stop this, when you're on 40 ping facing someone with 160+ from Russia and you get hit through half the main building on Storehouse it's like, what are you supposed to do there? Just play like the killer is 20m behind you?

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491

    I really don't see why nor how you thought posting your announcement that you wrote an irrelevant view with no meaningful impact on the game's popularity is meant to make anyone care

    The game and its developers are so bad that you still are thinking about the game after your review, went to seek attention for it on forums, and will stay for a few days to try and get some more attention off of it by looking at the replies here.

    Seems like the game lives rent free in your head, and they're probably still making money off of you just being on this website

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah that’s true I haven’t noticed a difference in hit with hit validation

  • berzerkfatality
    berzerkfatality Member Posts: 23

    Theres not just hit box issues too. There is literal lag when the killer goes to do an action or you go to do an action. Its horrible. The screen literally locks up for half a second during a dead hard animation.

    And the issue isn't on my end. I play other games fine with no issues. I have crazy good internet and I am always hard wired in. Every other excuse is invalid.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited March 2021

    The amount of mental gymnastics you went through to try and justify your weird anger towards this game is concerning.

    You want to seek the devs' attention about your complaints but yet just came here to seek attention for a review you never published here, as if they'll take time out of their day to go search up a review of a hostile troglodyte who's mad at a game and subsequently its players for calling out an attention-seeking twit for having unnecessary anger issues over a game and its players.

    Don't know if it's just me but the one time I was so displeased enough to write a negative review about something, I wrote it and left. Never watched it again, never went on the website of the franchise to complain about it. Never tried to argue about how bad it was to its fans because even though I didn't like it, I didn't care enough about it to try and convert other people. Sounds like you have more deep-seated issues than this game.

    For someone who tried--and failed--to be a smart ass, you aren't making much sense here. As I said you appeared dumb enough to come around a second time and I know you will again. Keep this game rent free in your head, it only helps the game more than you think your irrelevant review ever will.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • berzerkfatality
    berzerkfatality Member Posts: 23

    Pretty simple concept. Ill help you out since reading comprehension is difficult for you. The game is in a bad spot. I wrote a review. I'm giving feedback here for players and the devs know that the game isn't in a good place and that it requires fixing or else reviews like this will keep happening. There you go. Hopefully that cleared it up for you.

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    You're saying you think huntress hatchets are fair right now?

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878

    This community complains so much. Jeez.

    If it's really that bad, just quit the game. Nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play clown.

    Plus, they have worked on hitboxes. They aren't going to be perfect, even if it's pixel perfect to the player model (getting the top of your head grazed by a hatchet will still be the same if it hits you square in the face). Even minor things, like the autohaven trucks, are good enough.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Lol noob3 is talking about returning very soon so even he can't get away from it

  • OniWantsYourMacaroni
    OniWantsYourMacaroni Member Posts: 5,944

    They are mostly fine.It's latency and survivor animations that make them look weird

  • Raja
    Raja Member Posts: 319

    They succeeded in making you care enough to provide giant walls of text.

  • berzerkfatality
    berzerkfatality Member Posts: 23

    Uhh its a fundamental functional issue with the game. It needs to be pointed out and fixed. And no hitboxes are not fixed or fine. I am getting hit by kilers that arent even near me or after I dropped a pallet. Wake up. Are we playing the same game? This is the point of forums hello? To point out issues and get them fixed so shh.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    The point of the forums is to have discussion, not to rant and rave like the Karen at the Nordstrom Rack who says "You've just lost a very valuable customer" after they refuse to take back socks she's already tried on.

    Getting unfortunate hits is the result of not only hitboxes, which have been addressed in both my and most other players' experiences, but also latency. If your WiFi is as dumb as this post, then 1) you will perceive the killer's position is further behind than they actually are 2) you will get hit in bizarre situations (in your view) because of that lag. It's incredibly presumptuous of you to assume that your experience alone reflects the entire state of the game; the whole world doesn't revolve around you.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    You seem more angry tbh, are you okay? I'd ask if you need a hug but ya know Corona lol.

  • berzerkfatality
    berzerkfatality Member Posts: 23

    Once again another person blaming latency over the issue of the game. As I have said already and will repeat again because people have poor reading comprehnsion.

    I am plugged in. I have very high speed internet. I do speed tests often and have very good connection. I have zero issues with other games.

    The issue IS THE GAME. Simple as that.

    Thank you for deflecting from the problem. Gj trying to be antagonistic instead and blame me. You can leave now.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,878
    edited March 2021

    Just because you are plugged in does not mean that you automatically have latency. There is also the issue of your teammates' latencies, which you have no control over.

    Don't be so imperious, you don't know everything, contrary to what you may think. Hitboxes are pretty much as accurate as they can be; even if they were model perfect, which require a lot more powerful servers, it wouldn't make a difference; grazing 1 cm from your skin and grazing your skin is not going to help anybody.

    Talking about defecting from the problem, I'm sure we can have a wonderful discussion about you criticizing me for "antagonizing" and "blaming" you. Textbook ad hominem, genius. Turn your personal sensitivity down; you wouldn't get so riled up about people criticizing you for glaring flaws.

    Here is an illustration of the hitboxes. Seems awful, right?

    Not really. The killer's hitbox (meaning the area where they swing) is in a fixed cone ahead of them. The upper part of the hitbox won't really ever come into play, as the cone is fixed at a specific height. Plus, the swing travels slightly diagonally; even if it grazes the top portion (where Meg's head is) where there is a generous space between the hitbox and her model, the swing will still follow down and make contact with her model.

    Now, imagine what would happen if hitboxes were completely tied to the character model. Not only would it be so much more strenuous on systems to have multiple elements of multiple hitboxes moving along multiple axes for multiple different animations, characters, and perks (when using diversion, your hand might get chopped off by a stray hatchet), there wouldn't really be a benefit. As stated before, the killer swings in a specific cone; hits that look unjustified because of the space behind their backs will eventually make contact with the lower part, and this has more or less been fixed by the new locomotion change, with survivors standing up straight.

    This is the hitbox for huntress hatchets, the most maligned hitboxes in all of DBD. These aren't as bad as they seem either. The lenient amount of space on both the right and the left of the hatchet is generous, indeed, but peanits does a very good job at explaining this.

    "Here's an explanation from Peanits about huntress hatchet hitboxes:


    The survivor has a "capsule" shaped box around them. This determines where they can run and whether or not the killer can hit them. This hitbox does not change, the only exception is that it's a little shorter when you crouch. If it did change, it would cause all sorts of issues in a chase. You would be bumping into stuff constantly.

    The hatchets, on the right, have a spherical hitbox.


    When a survivor is injured, they're slouched over as they run. In the example above, you can see what that's important. The hitbox of the hatchet overlaps with the hitbox of the survivor, so the hatchet hits.

    Now if you were to make it more closely match the size of the hatchet, you'd end up with this:

    In spite of the hatchet going right through the survivor (visually), it does not touch the survivor's hitbox, and so the hatchet would miss. We have tried this change and the past, but it was reverted because it caused a lot of issues like this.

    To go back to the first hit, this is the scenario that played out:

    This is what the killer sees. It looks a little weird because of the survivor's animation, but the hitboxes overlapped. But then you need to factor in latency:"


    All goes to show that hitboxes are more nuanced then you apparently think. If you want to suggest a fix, go ahead. But until you do, I'd hold my tongue.