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General Discussions

The community's problem with noed

Member Posts: 2,210
edited March 2021 in General Discussions

So, I wanted to talk about why noed is so hated by the community. As many people will say, noed has a lot of counters, do totems, stay stealthy and go for gates, cleanse it and loop normally whilst always expecting it, to name a few. So it's well established that it's not op or underpowered, then why so much hate around it?

Because it feels like the survivors get punished for doing their main objective and the killer gets rewarded for not patrolling. With noed a killer can easily 4k if the survivors decide to try and save the unfortunate first victim. Also, there is no timer or how many exposed swings you have, you can do it forever if noed is well hidden or trapped. For example, I played against a deathslinger that sticked with me almost for the entire game. Last gen popped and a teammate tanks a hit on shack for some reason. The urban evading claud also get cought. Both of them downed and hooked on shack, the totem was also near that area and the gates were on the same side of the map so we had no way of escaping or getting a safe rescue, whilst being unable to cleanse the totem since it's in his patrol area. I had to lure him away from the doors so at least one of us escapes.

In that situation I felt punished for playing well and looping the killer, but the killer was then rewarded for throwing the game just to get me, because a 1 in 1000 situation occured.

And that's the exact reason it's so hated. The community believes it's used by bad killers who don't know the game/character or their tactics consist of throwing the game and get rewarded in the end with noed, which isn't always the case. Endgame builds do exist, and the devs keep adding endgame perks to make em a bit more interesting. Personally, I believe that noed is simply a second chance perk for bad/mediocre killers that don't have access to good slowdown perks or can't keep pressuring gens. But at the same time I believe it's an enchantment for endgame builds.

Tldr; it just feels punishing for the survivors doing their objective and promotes not patrolling/caring about gens.

Edit: to clearify, I specifically said that noed isn't op and it's counterable, but of course people think that it's another forum about noed being op. So to make things clear, I'm explaining the frustration over the perk. Think of it like deathslinger or tbagging, they're not op but it's frustrating when someone uses them against you, at times

Post edited by CLAUDETTEINABUSH on

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  • Member Posts: 2,785

    My view on it is that it sometimes is the survivors fault and sometimes it's just rewarding a bad killer.

    In this situation that you mentioned, while you can say the survivors should have cleansed the totems, its undeniable that the killer played bad and got rewarded despite his poor performance.

    Otherwise, Noed is mostly fine, and you practically put it perfectly. It's not overpowered nor weak, but its hated due to that 1 in 1000 occurrence.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    They couldn't cleanse that totem, it was on the side of the map where he was chasing me, so it'd be a stretch to actively go in the middle of a warzone to cleanse that totem xd

  • Member Posts: 405

    Also, if a killer is hard camping (like Bubba) and even hard tunneling, they also get rewarded with noed in the end, because the reasonable thing to do is the objective to get the best chance of escape.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    saying that it felt like it punished survivors doing their objective seems like quite a hypocritical statement when the activation requirement for NOED literally is the survivors not finishing their secondary objective in time...

    its ment as a punishment for those who prioritised the primary objective over the secondary.

    thats the whole point of the perk - its not a reward for killers that didnt patrol correctly, its a punishment for those who only cared about generators and ignored totems.

    though i wont deny that it could definitely do that job better than it currently does.

    imo the amount of totems that are present in the trial should determine the strength of NOED (with the minimal strength being the current version).

  • Member Posts: 101

    I don't think there's an issue when noed has so many counters. Having the lit totem next to the downed survivor just means less people get to escape. Sucks for them I guess, but that's a scenario that rarely happens and the fault still lies with survivors not doing totems. It doesn't take that long when more than 1 survivor cares about doing them.

    I also hate that people associate noed with killers who aren't good at the game. Noed just introduces another opportunity to win. Just like keys exist to help you ignore killer efforts too. Do bones if you don't wanna see noed

  • Member Posts: 177

    Good to know YOUR the community. The killer in your scenario wasn't rewarded with noed, the killer was rewarded for altruistic teammates being greedy. if they just left the killer would be stuck with a 1k, but they got greedy and went for 4 survives. There are just as many situations where noed winds up being a wasted perk slot.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I never said it's uncounterable did I? I just explained the frustration over it

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    But prioritizing the PRIMARY objective isn't what you're supposed to do....because it's primary?

    There are situations where doing all 5 totems is pretty much impossible (for example a 3 gen situation, the survivors must try their hardest to take the killers attention while the rest do gens, if the survivor team can't find the last totem, which is kinda common)

    This 1 in 1000 scenario feels punishing

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    Hm quite interesting that you think that. To make sure you understand the situation:

    A totem which is on the killer shack specifically, 2 survivors injured one in basement and the gates are one behind the shack and one on a wall close to the shack. The killer was standing in a hill and could see both gates and shack, so it's impossible to do the totem. I tried going for the furthest gate and got immediately chased.

    So how exactly could I escape? Doing bones was literally impossible since I was being chased on the killer shack and a loop next to it (I connected killer shack with a loop cuz the killer didn't destroy the pallets). So please explain to me what we could we done differently, without comms as well since I rarely swf. The best scenario was a 1 man escape since saving the guy from the basement was also impossible. That's why I lured him away so one of us can at least escape.

    And again, I'm not saying it's op I'm explaining how frustrating and punishing it feels against it. As I explained my situation was a 1 in 1000 situation. Also to be clear I'm a hybrid player, so I suppose "YOUR COMMUNITY" means the survivor community. Which yeah you're correct actually, since the survivor players are mostly punished by this perk. And since I 'attack" something that feels unfair in the survivor side, you could say that this forum is kinda survivor sided.

  • Member Posts: 177

    Survivor sided, killer side always claims its the other, but your post started with claiming its the opinion of the entire community. So gave ya a bit of flak.

    "and a teammate tanks a hit" What do you mean? Took the hit for another player? How did Claud get caught? The bones in the killer shack are not well hidden sounds like there was time to do them before the last gen. Nobody noticed them?

    You felt punished for playing well..meaning looping? If you looped the killer all game stands to reason the killer MIGHT be a little aggro with you. You should of looked for the hatch if he was camping on a hill watching the gates, but you chose to be altruistic. YOU still could of "won"

  • Member Posts: 375

    I think I understand what you mean and can understand the frustration of the Survivor regarding on NOED. But mostly I'm not annoyed that the killer has NOED, I'm annoyed that my mates just don't do a single totem. Here's the situation: I'm a stickler about totems, I see it, I clean it. In a pinch, I have a map with or a corresponding perk to find the things. 

    Round starts, I see the first totem, I clean it, make a gen, clean another totem and then the killer finds me and like an absolute fangirl he runs after me. We play catch and my teammates artfully do the other generators. Also the last one. 

    We are still playing catch and then it comes, the moment when he catches you and I still think "Noed!" and there I am already lying. One hit, first hook. I distracted the killer and my other three! Mates didn't have time to do the last three totems? Okay, there's still reason to hope. One opens the exit gate and surely the others will be looking for the totem? Far from it, the gate opens, they all three stand at the gate and run with blowing hair into the sunset without even trying. Kindred was also at the start, they could even see where the killer is going and they leave me behind. That's actually what I don't like about Noed. 

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    I dont have much of a problem with it. Youre down a perk for the majority of the game and then youre still a roll of the dice as to if the survivors have cleansed enough totems for it to not activate. I think its fine imho.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    If every survivor had the mentality to do totems on sight, NOED wouldn't do anything.

  • Member Posts: 2,197

    Truth. I've had so many people complain when I cleanse totems on sight. They tell me that the killer mightn't even have Noed and to just remember it for if it does go off. Like, why? Just cleanse it. You'll get BP and can completely end the risk before it even arises. And it doesnt even take that long! Lol

  • Member Posts: 172

    So who told you that gens are the primary objective?

    When depip Squad just pissed out gens the devs were like "yeah....that doesn't prove anything".

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    First of all, the claud got downed in killer shack, thus going to the basement. And, as I said, I connected a strong loop with killer shack and managed to loop him because he didn't want to break the pallets. So breaking the totem was impossible.

    Looking for hatch? I didn't really care about surviving. I wanted to get at least one of us out. Best course of action is to lure him away but I was too late, the claud died. So I lured him away for the last survivor to escape.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    The primary objective is to survive. In order to do that you need to do gens and escape through the gate. The primary job of the survivors is to do gens

  • Member Posts: 177

    You don't care about surviving, the next post you say the primary objective is to survive. So your upset because you didn't get a 4s.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    NOED is the equivalent of being beaten by a blue shell in the last part of the race in mario kart. It upsets those that believe if they are currently winning, then they should win the game. It isn't over until it's over. Mario Kart added the airhorn, dbd has totems.

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited March 2021

    How is no one mentioning that certain totems in certain maps are so well hidden that you just cannot find them.

    they are so easy to miss too, with the game being dark as it is.

    It's like looking for a blendette

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    I'm more upset that a bad killer got incredibly lucky with one perk that it was impossible for us to counter (cleanse in this situation) resulting in us losing 3 members and 1 escaping. I don't see the game as "I win if I survive" I mostly see it as "how many survivors can I save". If I survive I'm a bonus.

  • Member Posts: 2,210

    That's no joke a perfect example. But again, I don't care about balancing. I'm talking about how much it sucks going against it because it feels punishing.

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Noed is not the issue, it's survivor impatience and laziness to find and break totems. Most common excuse is it takes too long to find them all, so why do I have to suffer from a killer's Gamble

    Ps Hex totems are bad perks

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    Agreed, OP.

    I also gotta laugh at people who say gwtting hit with NOED is punishment for not completing an objective. Totems are not a secondary objective. As soon as there's a little totem icon next to the gen icon, each with their own numbers that countdown as you complete/cleanse them, then it will be an objective. Until then, totems are no more an objective than chests. Totems are not even in the ######### tutorial.

  • Member Posts: 2,340

    While I disagree on their status as a secondary objective, I am fully in agreement that the tutorial needs to actually bring them up. But then the tutorial for both killer and Survivor is so lacking in information that its only real use seems to be free bloodpoints

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