Toxic Survivors

I have been playing this game for a long while now and I have now began to come across some terrible survivors. I mean they wave you over only to hit you with a pallet or run you into the killer! It's always a female character too. This really p****es me off! I don't know these people not have I played with them before, so why are they acting like this? I mean the ghost face killer disconnected it was so bad. And does giving them a report after a match even do anything? I try to give a thumbs up, which is all they have thats good, when people play right and nicely killers included. I also give negative feedback when they play meanly should I say. Body blocking, taking killers to you, like pointing them to the persons exact location, hitting you with pallets etc. Survivors do this crap more than killer's have! As a survivor if I have worked my butt off during the match and I'm the last one or even if there are two of us last, I will point in a random direction, usually to the wall where no one is, to let the killer know to plz gave mercy and let me open the gates at least or even exit haha. Works sometimes.

Why don't they have a stay and stop motion for Survivors? I mean this would be nice to have, even for killer's. I see some killers can nod yes, but Survivors can't. and We should all have a Thank You button and a Sorry too. Cause I am thanking a lot during gameplay and saying sorry if I accidentally ran past someone hiding when the killer was chasing me. haha. Some survivors and killers are just nice and they play so fairly.

I didn't like the game at first. I was tired of all the drama and cheating, teaming etc with Friday 13th game so I tried this one. But as I played more I began to like DBD it became easier to understand the perks more and the Do's and Don't's of the game. But I don't want all of this mess that I'm starting to encounter to become the norm I run into. Luckily they have it set up in a way where you don't play the same lobby every match.

One more thing, is there word if they plan on making it where 2-5 friends can play survivor and one as killer in a public match together? Having daily rituals that are mixed between killer and survivor, my husband and I play this together and would like to play together with one of us being the killer. Then again I guess this could make teaming more of an issue. Although it seems it's happening anyways. I don't know. Oh or having a custom game along with the current one, where you can earn BP, and rift stuff, during a custom game.

Thanks for reading and helping with some feedback in advance.