QOL for Solo Survivors

Seraphor Member Posts: 8,997
edited October 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Balance between solo play and SWF is a hugely contentious issue. You can't legitimately 'nerf SWF', because SWF isn't a guaranteed buff in itself. (I play with friends and do far, far worse than I do solo, because we suck at communication and tend to distract each other more than help each other win. But it's more fun, because it's with friends.)

SWF isn't an instant benefit, or a guaranteed win, it's literally just friends playing together, as the game was designed. SWF can improve your communication capabilities, which can give your team a edge over the killer, but that's only a possibility, not a certainty.

So no distinct 'nerfs' can ever work, nothing that changes anything numerically, by increasing gen times, or inflating your combined MMR, or anything like that, can work.

What needs to be done, is the introduction of Quality of Life improvements that benefit solo survivors, but are superfluous to SWF. Things like:

  1. Being able to see each others perk/add-on loadouts in the lobby. SWF can tell each other what they're bringing, or learn what perks their teammates use. If you know that Claudette has Deliverance, then you can leave them to get themselves off the hook, if you know Jake has DS, then you can risk an unsafe hook rescue, etc.
  2. A Ping system in game, that allows you to roughly track where other survivors are. Perhaps a button you can hold down while you're not interacting with anything else, that shows you where other survivors are via a Killer Instinct style heartbeat, giving you a direction, but not an exact location or an aura. SWF can tell each other what area of the map they're in, but solo's never know where their team mates are unless they can see their aura.
  3. A quick-chat function, using a couple of preset messages that you can flag up next to your portrait. "Help me!" "Leave me!" "Killer is nearby!" and "Coast is clear!" perhaps. Maybe Meg is on the hook and you're going in for a rescue, because you can't see Ghost Face anywhere nearby, but then next to Meg's portrait you see "Killer is nearby!" flash up for 5 seconds before it goes on cooldown for 30s.
  4. Some choice perk enhancements, such as:
    1. Head On - when ready, displays the aura of your locker in yellow to any survivors within 16m.
    2. Unbreakable/Soul Guard - when ready, in the dying state, displays your aura in white to survivors.
    3. Deliverance - when ready, on first hook, displays your aura in white to other survivors.
    4. Object of Obsession - when the obsession, when you and the killers auras are revealed to each other for 3s every 30s, your aura is also revealed to other survivors in white. (other survivors will know that the killer can see you, can choose to avoid you)
    5. Red Herring - when a generator is active and displaying a yellow aura to you, it's aura is revealed to other survivors in white.

(these particular aura colours were chosen for the following reasons; white is the aura colour for survivors to avoid that objective, blocked generators, survivors who don't need your help, while yellow is the aura colour for survivors to investigate or aid in the objective)

These quality of life additions could award solo survivors similar advantages to some SWF parties, meanwhile none of these improvements would aid SWFs, as they would be able to communicate them more easily via comms.

Once Solos are on a closer level to SWFs, then Killer buffs to compensate can be considered. This is how you implement a net nerf to SWF while still remaining fair to lesser skilled or lesser coordinated SWF groups.

Post edited by Seraphor on


  • swager21
    swager21 Member Posts: 1,019

    i would love to see if im playing with a self care urban evasion claudette.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,997

    I've updated the post a little, well quite substantially, so bumping this up instead of posting a whole new topic about it.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,230

    Honestly, all of these are excellent ideas- communication and knowledge in solo-q really is the biggest hurdle for balancing at the moment. The quick chat function especially would be difficult to integrate into the game's aesthetic, but a very very useful inclusion if they ever figured out how to do it.

    I'd also like to put forward the classic "action icons next to portraits" ideas, so you know without Kindred if someone's doing something that'd prevent them from going for a save, that kind of thing.

  • snek
    snek Member Posts: 180

    they should've implemented this a long time ago

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,997

    That's a great idea.

    A little generator icon while they're repairing. A cross for healing. Totem for cleansing. And a little running icon for in a chase.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,087

    Me being a solo survivor myself hate everything to do with all of this 🤷

    And funnily enough i thought good of this until they put the head on aura buff up there 😂

    But no seriously, I for one, would actually not want any changes like pings or solo perk changes just to compare to swf.

  • EqMonkVeeshan
    EqMonkVeeshan Member Posts: 416

    I love the suggestion, but i think instead of a ping system they should just make bond basekit for survivors. the only ones who would gain would be solo Q survivors. as SWF already has that kind of information flowing thru voice comms in most cases.