Been going for a while, got a few questions

Q1: Is there a roadmap for this year yet?

Q2: What is the benefit of getting prestige 3 on a killer?

Q3: Is there a release date for the new killer?

Also two suggestions: There should be a ranked mode for more competitive survivor teams & killers once you hit the red ranks. The quality of games really drop off very fast and perhaps playing people with a similar w/l ratio will create challenging games.

My other suggestion is, there should be a way to earn more than +2 pips in a match. Example: If I get +2 pip 6 games in a row perhaps start giving me more while I increase up the ranks until I find the "challenging" ranks. I haven't really played in a year+ and I'm at rank 18 rn and I'm 4k stopping every team and my past 5 games straight I've had people give up / afk / leave and I've been using an assortment of killers one of them being hag.
