Been going for a while, got a few questions

Q1: Is there a roadmap for this year yet?
Q2: What is the benefit of getting prestige 3 on a killer?
Q3: Is there a release date for the new killer?
Also two suggestions: There should be a ranked mode for more competitive survivor teams & killers once you hit the red ranks. The quality of games really drop off very fast and perhaps playing people with a similar w/l ratio will create challenging games.
My other suggestion is, there should be a way to earn more than +2 pips in a match. Example: If I get +2 pip 6 games in a row perhaps start giving me more while I increase up the ranks until I find the "challenging" ranks. I haven't really played in a year+ and I'm at rank 18 rn and I'm 4k stopping every team and my past 5 games straight I've had people give up / afk / leave and I've been using an assortment of killers one of them being hag.
1.) No roadmap yet, iirc.
2.) You get Bloody Cosmetics. That is it.
3.) Not confirmed, but it is likely March 23rd.
4.) Splitting up the community isn't a great idea.
5.) You will rank up out of the White ranks eventually.
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you also get slighter better stuff in the bloodweb if you prestige btw.
No idea if its even noticeable tho.
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Somebody disproved that a long time ago.
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Well, its no really disproven, its just waaay too low to notice then and its absolutly not worth it to prestige for bloodwebs only.
But its still officially confirmed that it increases the chances. (even if its under 1%)
I dont care for it anyway to be honest, i just want the outfits and i almost got every killer prestige 3. Survivors i only got my mains for now but they will also follow after killers (Got every survivor to prestige 1 Lv50 still)