Does facecamping as bubba making the survivor die in the first hook count as a sacrifice?

I dont have any good perks for Bubba, I dont have map pressure because I dont have gen regression perks and I always get gen rushed even when I patrol gens. They just finish in front of my face and etc. Then I started facecamping dwights to have my leaderface mask. But I have been doing this for a while and still didnt get the mask.
So long as they die on hook, yes it counts as a sacrifice.
Really can't recommend facecamping as a strat tho.
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It counts as a sacrifice but you’d be better off just playing normally
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Its somewhere in the 20-30 but yeah it counts. Good luck in your endeavors hope you get it soon!
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If I play normally, even if I tunnel, they escape, I dont play bubba and I dont guarantee myself playing as Bubba. I even try to explain in the final chat. Also Dwights and Jakes are very rare in red ranks, so better guarantee them
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Why do you even want the mask if you never play Bubba?
(Don’t mean it offensively, just curious)
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From a points perspective, getting 1 hook out of a survivor when you could have 3 doesn’t really make sense.
But the real question is this, are you having fun? If not, it’s just going to feel like a forever grind. In which case it’s better to play in a way that’s fun and let your reward happen when it happens.
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I want to clear the game, p3 all survivors and killers, have all unlockable achievements, and maybe someday have all the cosmetics
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Play as you wish buddy, nobody should judge you.
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This game is a forever grind, every 3 months releasing 3 perks to all killers and survivors, and there is not enough bloodpoints to complete all this without playing 6-10h a day
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I mean, people can judge you. You can play how you want, but if you are being greasy you are being greasy.
Generally though getting face camped by Bubba is fun as hell and I love it myself haha. It's most fun when in a SWF because you can joke between each other about how you've been "chosen" and then fight to be the one who gets face camped instead.
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"I mean, people can judge you. You can play how you want, but if you are being greasy you are being greasy."
Not everybody is gonna play fair and trying that everyone has fun, that's unrealistic. It would be boring as well to see every time the same type of gameplay.
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I cannot believe you've even thought about, let alone went through with facecamping a Dweet. How could you corrupt something so pure :(
Can't say the same for the bald Dwights/Dweards (bearded Dwights). Those guys are almost always *ssholes.
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It's fine to have that opinion too, but people are allowed to have the opinion what you are doing is unpleasant as well. It works both ways is all.
You can play in whatever manner you want, that is within the rules of the game; but if something is cheesy and most people don't like it, they are certainly allowed to say so.
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It hurts in my heart to do this with Dweets :( but I have a big pleasure doing this with Dweards
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He does not need many perks to hit red rank. His own perks are good enough. And u need 25 Dweets's faces to unlock that face. Just always use your saw unless there is a window. His saw is very powerful, it totally deny dead hard perk and makes healing a waste of time.
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This comment is awesome! 😂
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Yes it does, and it's a very good strategy to win aswell. You need to sacrifice 25 of each character to get their mask, which is quite a lot. If you do get any perks, my recommendations in priority order are NOED, Insidious, Bamboozle, Agitation