Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

When in a 1v1 situation and the hatch is closed it becomes very easy for the killer to gaurentee the last survivor doesn't escape simply by exploiting the endgame timer and by monitoring the exit gate door lights.

When the exit gate is your only option for escape you need to open the gate bit by bit always hiding when the killer comes to check so you can continue on with your gate progression when the killer leaves.

But all the killer has to do is find out which gate you are working on then camp it knowing by now you won't be able to finish the gate you started on and also won't have enough time to sneak away without the killer seeing you or hearing you and be able to cross the map, find the other door and complete the progression from 0% all over again.

This becomes alot easier because of the doors progression lights. It allows a killer to actually travel a very short distance between doors only having to travel close enough to each door to be able to have view of the lights. Once the killer sees the lights they know which door you are working on and it's game over... Atleast in most situations.

What does everyone think? Should they remove the progression lights or is there a trick I'm yet to learn for these situations.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,230

    Maybe if all 5 gens were completed.

    If the hatch only spawned because everyone else died and thus the gates only powered because the killer closed the hatch... do you really deserve to open them?

  • EvanRaven
    EvanRaven Member Posts: 194

    endgame collapse is supposed to favour killers. it's usually the norm for the killer to win.

    lights should stay, how are other survivors supposed to know if the gate they are running to is 99'd if they are in a chase for example.

    in the rare occasion you are in collapse, try opening the gate and leaving it just before the first light pops up and hide again, so it looks like there is no progress.

  • Kirkylad
    Kirkylad Member Posts: 1,927

    This just doesn't seem very fair to the killer honestly.

    If they are far away and they are going back and forth the one thing they are checking is the lights so if they can't see the lights in the distance and you're playing a character with dark clothes (P3 Claudette for example) then you can sit on the gate and they won't have a clue.

    Also if they are 99nd and they have no idea then they don't know if a survivor is worth chasing there or not and if they are just going to tap the gate and get out.

    I play mainly survivor to but I just don't think it would be fair to the killer if they couldn't see progress on the gates like they can gens etc.

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I agree a disadvantage would make sense. Any chance of escape being completely denied by poor game design and exploits is another. They could double progression time on exit gates to balance it out but the lights don't just make it hard it makes it impossible if the killer plays this way.

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I agree but those gate spawns are rare. Most games I play the gates are side by side.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    It's not like it's currently impossible to open an exit gate and escape in the final 1v1 scenario after hatch is closed.

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I'm not arguing that the endgame should be near impossible my problem is that when a killer exploits the 4 second loop between distances where they can see both lights its no longer difficult its impossible. I agree in thr challenge but the challenge should never be replaced with impossible. I would suggest they double the time to open the exit gate but remove the light. This gives the killer alot of time to catch the survivor cause all they need to do is identify which door the survivor is working on which isn't very hard and they will still win. Meaning the only way the survivor can escape is with flawless performance at the exit gate timing when to let go and hide and when it's safe to continue.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    It's there for other Survivors to gauge how close to open it is. Not necessary for most of use, but like lights on the gens it's suppose to be useful for newbies.

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288

    I have a better idea: remove the exit gates altogether.

    Once survivors repair all the gens, they just die to the entity and lose one pip. get this, gen rushers!!1!

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    Edit to my suggestion would be that the lights are removed and the progression time to open is doubled. But only if 1 survivor remains. My problem with the lights doesn't apply when 2 or more survivors are left because you can work on 2 doors at the same time. It's only a problem in 1v1 situations when the killer can abuse the lights to not just make escape difficult but impossible.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Just wait near the gate for the killler to turn up, as soon as he leaves, leg it over to the switch and stay on it. Providing the other exit isn't too close or within sight of the other, you'll make it out injured atleast.

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I'm referring to games where you are playing solo with random. You might get all 5 gens but if 3 of your team mates die by then and if the killer knows the hatch location then you are stuck in this situation not because you failed but because the random the game put you with did and because the killer knowing the hatch location always = no hatch escape.

    If you blow it with friends that fair but when you play good but still get trapped in the 1v1 it sucks. I agree the endgame 1v1 should be very hard but not impossible. The lights allows killers to exploit game design to make it impossible instead of just really hard. To edit my suggestion I would say double the progression time to open the gate but remove lights (only if 1 survivor remains)

  • CanWeGetANewMap
    CanWeGetANewMap Member Posts: 74

    I bet 99% of people didn't read this essay because this topic is ridiculous to be fair

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I agree if you did nothing or very little you never deserved to escape anyways. But even if you do all 5 gens as long as the killer knows the hatch location and kills 3 survivors you still end up stuck in this situation where it no longer is a difficult challenge to escape but instead impossible as long as thr killer abuses this exploit. It shouldn't be impossible, very hard yes but not impossible. This mindset suggest that if your in 1v1 and the hatch is closed you should just offer the killer yourself as a 4th kill and the killer should not have any challenge getting his 4th kill.

    I've gotten alot of responses of people being against my suggestion but no solution to counter the problem. It sounds more like killer mains not wanting anyone to escape because nobody has a balancing solution :/

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Why do you believe you deserve an easier escape because your team died? Why should the system be changed just because the killer is about to win fully? In football, you dont see the losing team getting to start their offense on the 20 yard line in the 4th quarter just because they are losing. The rules of the game stay the same for the duration, in that way it is fair, because it is a situation everyone has implicitly agreed to.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340
    edited March 2021


    You keep on using that word. I am not so sure it means what you think it means

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I'm not saying easier, I'm saying possible. I would suggest double the gate progression time to open but remove the lights. The exploit of the killer monitoring lights after closing hatch in a 1v1 doesn't make the situation hard but impossible. In football if one team is winning it wouldn't be fair or fun if during the final quarter the winning team is the only team allowed to score right? There is still a chance for a comeback in football but in the situation I described there isn't.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    It's possible now. I've seen it done, I've done it myself. It isn't easy, but then, it shouldn't be. So you've already got your wish. Rejoice!

    Seriously, looking at lights isn't an "exploit" and the sooner you quit claiming it is, the sooner we can take you seriously. It may feel impossible at lower ranks, but escape via the gate as the last one standing is very possible as long as you do it right. It takes strategy, patience and the ability to know when you have to rush. Just like football

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    Exploiting Game design to gaurentee last survivor doesn't escape by monitoring the lights, camping the gate the survivor works on and letting the time run out. What confused you about the word exploit?

    I'm getting alot of killer mains being against my suggestion but not a single person is sharing a tactic to counter a killer who plays like this. So everyone commenting is in favor of the concept of the last survivor not even having a chance to escape which to me sounds like killer mains wanting as little challenge as possible and having a completely biased opinion...

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    I'm not a low rank I've escaped solo plenty of times to but in those situations the killer wasn't doing what I described. Your suggestion doesn't actually counter my problem. It doesn't prevent the killer from camping the middle point of both gates watching for the light. It doesn't prevent the killer from seeing the light then camping that door and it doesn't stop the timer giving you more time to rush the next door after carefully sneaking away without the killer seeing you leave that gate. And if it's a killer setting traps at both games and getting notified when a traps is tampered with then you definitely have no chance. I dont care what your rank is or how good you think you are if a killer does this in endgame in a 1v1 the last kill becomes a free kill.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Why don't you try the other gate? Pretty easy.

    Survivors who stick to a single gate like glue when they are the last left always make me chuckle. It's like they want to lose.

    You keep claiming the last Survivor doesn't have a chance to escape, but that's patently untrue. As I've said before. I've done it. You can watch Ohmwrecker do it too, or many other streamers. Just because it's something you can't do yourself doesn't mean it's not possible.

    Still, not an exploit. If you are only going to work on a single gate, you are asking the killer to meet you there. All the whining in the world won't change that. Learn to use the gates effectively or don't, but the lights aren't being removed to compensate for your inability to adjust your playstyle to the circumstances.

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050

    Assume that the killer will reach the gate just before you finish opening it. So, open it just enough for the light to appear, then stealthily go to the other exit.

    Never tried it but maybe you’ll get lucky. At that point I don’t really care enough to try. I just want the game to end.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Aww, you double quoted me. Adorable.

    So you want to have the exit lights removed in 100% of 1v1 situations because in less than 5% of those, bad gate placement or playing against trapper is too hard for you? Again, give one good reason why the rules should change just because the killer is winning?

  • RepostRiposte
    RepostRiposte Member Posts: 793

    As others have said, endgame with gates should be biased towards the killer considering its your third chance to escape.

    If the lights were removed you could just tap the switch repeatedly and then hide, making no noise or indicator that you are even working on that gate.

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    Your not going to try to work on two gates at the same time until after the killer blocks you from getting one of them. But again as I explained the killer isn't camping from the start on one door but watching the lights. Allowing some time to be wasted as you work on one door. Yes you can leave then and go to the other gate but by now to much time is wasted and you die before the door is opened. And again I say exploit because it's a simple system to abuse the timer and the lights to deny escape.

    Your not providing a valid solution to the exact problem I'm describing. It sounds to me like your a killer main and is automatically against anything that weakens a killers chances and will ignore game balancing logic and replace any argument with statements like GET BETTER or ADAPT. even tho you would fail in the exact same situation. Either that or your failing to understand the situation I'm describing. So I'm done arguing with you about it

  • Kyledbd
    Kyledbd Member Posts: 36

    Thank you for actually posting a suggestion on a tactic to counter this camping method I described. Everyone else is just a bunch of killer mains bashing on any idea that lowers a killers advantage. When asked for a solution their only solution is GET GOOD. Toxic!

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Adapt is the solution. Something isn't unbalanced just because you don't like it. Looking at lights isn't an exploit just because you want to pretend it is, and you inability to do something doesn't make it impossible. The solutions are there. You can either accept them or not, but the more you post, the more certain I am that you've never gone past green ranks.

    Tha balancing logic here is really simple.

    It's a 1v4 game. At 1v1, you are supposed it be at a significant disadvantage. Changing that because you don't like it doesn't balance anything, it just caters to whininess. Calling everyone who disagrees with you, (which so far is literally everyone that has commented) a "killer main who doesn't care about balance" doesn't help your case, it just lowers my estimation of your emotional maturity.

    If I'm the last one left you can bet your ass I'm trying to get one light on each gate once the hatch is closed. Why the hell wouldn't I want to keep the killer guessing which one I really want? If you wait until you've been stopped at gate A to even attempt gate B, well that's why you are having the problems you are. You can adapt or keep whining. It's all the same to me. As the last Survivor your only advantage is in keeping the killer guessing at your plans. Or I suppose you can stick to one gate like glue and hope he doesn't discover your 9000 iq play of standing in one spot holding a button until he finds you.

    Funny part is? The change you are suggesting would make it harder to escape for the last person. Twice he time to open the gate? So you want to be sure that even on the largest maps you can be found before you've ever got the gate open?

  • CountVampyr
    CountVampyr Member Posts: 1,050
    edited March 2021

    You’re welcome.

    As an asterisk to my above suggestion, it seems like more than half of the killers I play against run Whispers. In those cases, lights or no lights, they’re going to know which exit you’re at. Unless you find a key you’re screwed.

  • ChantyBoi
    ChantyBoi Member Posts: 179

    It's SUPPOSED to be nearly impossible to escape at that point. If you reach that scenario you have HAD your chances. Your chance to do gens, your chance to keep your team alive, your chance to get out through hatch and you failed. If you get out through the gates good for you but it's not even remotely supposed to be easy.

  • UnentitledBunnyMan
    UnentitledBunnyMan Member Posts: 313

    Just hold M1 and make the bar be at the end of 'OPEN', and hide in a corner to wait for the killer check the gate. Go open this door full after he leave.

  • ThonMaïs
    ThonMaïs Member Posts: 33

    Thanks for the laugh, quality topic