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Prove Thyself is in nearly every match lately

Title says it all, nearly every game I play has a Prove Thyself, which makes the awful gen speeds even worse. If you play on a larger map or are playing a low mobility killer, you're bound to lose more often than not.

It is extremely frustrating to finally catch a survivor, hit them, and then have a gen pop by the time you finally down them after they ran forward to waste time. Gen regression perks help, but often times the gen pops before I can get to it, and even then, I don't want to HAVE to run gen regression every game.

Has anyone else noticed to insane amounts of Prove Thyself's lately (toolboxes too), or am I just getting unlucky with my games?

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  • Member Posts: 119

    I run it because I like it and because I farmed a lot of BP to get it on the characters I wanted. Seemed pointless not to after all that.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Its a combination of Rift challenges that want survivors to repair X amount of gens and the last event. People got used to how quickly gens get done.

    What makes me really wonder if the devs have the current gen speed on their radar or if they see it as normal.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    Most solo queue players don't know to split on gens and usually tail me around when I'm looking for a gen, Prove Thyself helps a bunch because of that. Also free bloodpoints are always nice.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I also take it with me more often so I can farm BP. xD I prefer it to WGLF in parts and I do it for the points. Especially now that I want to save BP for the new characters.

  • Posts: 5,229

    That's one less iron will, adrenaline, DS, unbreakable, or something in that heavy meta field so I'll take it.

    Resilience is what gets me honestly, especially with spine chill because it works even if you are alone on a gen and makes you godlike at certain tiles. I used to run PTS but I found I did gens faster with that combo more often.

  • Member Posts: 868

    I love resilience too. DS will be nerfed, so I tried other perks, and I have changed DS with resilience, a medkit and healing 99%. Totally op

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Now that you've mentioned it, there is indeed an insane amount of Prove Thyself's lately. However, one Prove Thyself means one less Unbreakable, DS, Dead Hard... So, it is not that bad.

  • Member Posts: 2,193

    1 prove thyself means 15% more gens speed. It is that bad

  • Member Posts: 231

    i think you're just getting unlucky, Prove Thyself isn't even that good, if i ever run it its for bp. Its always better to spread out on gens than having 2+ people do multiple gens.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Repairing generators is the most boring part of the game, anything that speeds that up is good IMO!

  • Member Posts: 147

    As some people said on here already, prove thyself is probably ran a lot because there's a recent rift challenge asking you to complete 12 generators. At first I thought it was as a team but when we got 5 gens done and I could only work on one, I was disappointed lol.

  • Member Posts: 727

    I'm guilty of running Prove Thyself in my matches too. You get extra BP and bonus gen progression speed.

    Overall, it's a pretty strong perk.

  • Member Posts: 155
  • Member Posts: 18

    Dead hard is in every match too. Don't complain.

  • Member Posts: 1

    Dude if u can't handle A perk then stop playing it. It's a video game. The fact people get so mad over a GAME is pure silliness

  • Member Posts: 5,248

    I just like doubling my objective points because sometimes maxing it out is hard if I'm getting chased frequently

    Having 8k objective in the bag by the time of the 2nd gen is great with WGLF

  • Member Posts: 1

    I have definitely seen more of the perk lately, haven't seen many toolboxes though, I myself run prove thyself to max out my objective bloodpoints in one or two gens so that I can practice looping after

  • Member Posts: 208
    edited March 2021

    Title says it all, nearly every game I play has a Ruin, which makes the awful gen speeds even worse. If you play on a smaller map or are playing with a low ability team, you're bound to lose more often than not. 

    It is extremely frustrating to finally get close to finishing a gen, have someone bring the killer over, and then have a gen regress fully by the time you finally can get back to it after the killer leaves the area. Gen progression perks help, but often times the gen regresses before I can get to it, and even then, I don't want to HAVE to run gen progression perks every game.

    Has anyone else noticed to insane amounts of Ruins lately (Tinkerers too), or am I just getting unlucky with my games?

  • Member Posts: 8,816

    As a solo player I use it a lot because I can't communicate with my teammates and I can't rely on them to know what they're doing. The best way to deal with that is to pump out gens as fast as possible because that gives survivors more room for error. Things can escalate quickly and if gens don't start popping ASAP then odds are no one's making it out alive.

  • Member Posts: 21

    I play both sides a lot and yes that perk was shadow buffed with group repair speed nerf. It saves up to 7 second with 2 people as opposed to 4. I don't know if it's a problem because gen speed is so quick anyway that your better off using other stuff however I occasionally use it now as well. As killer I run discordance on almost every build so it's not as painful but honestly as a normal killer on big map you lose one gen instantly anyway plus the one you can't reasonably Defend I don't even know if it's worth using regression perks. I kinda just slug and use tracking or chase perks. You cannot reasonably Defend the generators you have to hope for a couple easy chases and a snowball situation to have a chance pop only does 20 second regression how much does it really help good luck playing killer it's rough world

  • Member Posts: 21

    Lol my survivor build is spine, resilience,dead hard and a random perk not only are they good perks but they counter a lot of things and two are base perks survivor is so much easier

  • Member Posts: 3,171

    I hate prove thyself so much as gen do seem to go quicker but then my survivor build is Resilience, SC, Stakeout, and for the people. FTP so I can insta heal when I rescue and be auto injured for Resilience. Sometimes stakeout is swapped for DH but the auto greats is nice. Hit your own great cool if not use a token and get a great anyhow.

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Tinkerer killers and Freddy have made survivors double up on gens more than ever before. No other reasons for it other than being completely necessary in these matches at most ranks.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    I run Prove Thyself and We're Gonna Live Together for blood points usually in every game. Same reason I use Barbecue and Chili in all my killer games. Although I normally run those survivor perks with Botany Knowledge and Kindred or Leader and Open-Handed so honestly I think I just like using team-based perks more than anything else.

  • Member Posts: 354

    I have been up agasint alot of slugging and 3 or 4 gen slow perks, so prove thy self is needed lol especially when you got two survivors coming in thinking they are the best ever and get hooked quick, so nice having prove thy self with my other random not wanting any part of the other two survivors attempt to bully the killer 😂

  • Member Posts: 6,832

    Had a match last night where gens were popping so fast that I thought maybe I was going against a swf who were running prove thyself. But they weren’t and I was shocked.

    I’m sure it’s frustrating to go against, I would suggest running thana but that perk dosen’t help much. Maybe try corrupt and ruin idk.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Yeah I always run Discordance as well, mostly because I play my killer trying to think like a survivor 😂

  • Member Posts: 4,458

    Prove Thyself has always been a popular Perk, particularly with SWF who are preparing for maximum Generator push.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    I have been seeing it a lot aswell... not sure why it started...

  • Member Posts: 1

    After the D/s nerf in which is nerfing survivors into oblivion, they need all the help they can get to do gens, a killer can watch someone get unhooked then walk away and then the survivor thinks they are in the clear and heal and then get downed, prove thyself is going to be very important for swfs or people in general since DS is getting nerfed, that means either people are going to slam gens as fast as they can or killers will have easy games because of the DS nerf

  • Member Posts: 747

    As someone who plays solo i always have prove thyself. You immediately see the speed difference. Its so good so I'm not surprised if swf all have prove thyself.

  • Member Posts: 416

    I run Prove Thyslef for the singular purpose of tricking other survivors into doing co-op actions for challenges--I feel that it's not necessary most other times, seeing as the BP is additive (towards the cap, which I can get to without it) and It's kind of cruel if the killer isn't very good.

  • Member Posts: 175

    Just been running it for BP lately but now I'm addicted. Been spending points and getting them back easy in preparation to spend on Yun-jin.

  • Member Posts: 287

    I really dislike running it. I feel as tho it's not a perk worth running

  • Member Posts: 1,050

    Off topic but the challenge isn’t to fix 12 generators, it’s fix the equivalent of 12 generators. Theoretically if you had enough time you milk one generator for 12 gens worth of repairs with an active Ruin hex in play.

    But back on topic, it would explain why I keep not arriving in time to stop repairs even with Tinkerer notifications.

  • Member Posts: 918

    I'm getting 2 toolboxes & 2 BNP per game a hell of a lot. Do survivors feel the gens aren't fast enough?

  • Member Posts: 799

    i don't think prove thyself is the problem here.

    you're only applying pressure to one survivor at a time. always keep in mind how much time you are investing into something and do not give in to the sunk cost fallacy. if you can scare a survivor off of a generator, and they're running in the direction that there are no generators, you know this and you know that they're going into a wasteland and you probably know where to find them again in the next 30 seconds, so you've earned 30 seconds to go catch/ambush somebody else.

    keep the pressure on and don't let 3 people fix gens at any time because whether prove thyself is in the lobby or not, you're gonna lose like that.

  • Member Posts: 90

    My 2 gen build survivors have prove thyself. I even lurk around 2 players on a 2 player gen to get them to hurry up. Especially on a last gen.

    Then there is leadership which helps speed up healing, le gasp! How bad are we survivors? At least I don't run decisive strike.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    Nah, has nothing to do with challenges (at least for me). I run it because its a great perk.

  • Member Posts: 85

    It's because of the gen challenge in the rift. When you make a dumb grindy challenge like "repair 16 generators" You tend to get survivors who want to get it done as soon as possible so they can move onto better challenges.

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