I Think Bill Mains are Adorable

I can’t help but feel sorry or go “awwww” when I see a Bill. Like even as a Killer I feel bad hooking them and as survivor I want to save them desperately. Just reminds me of a sweet old grandpa who doesn’t even deserve to be in this grueling death match that is more for the younger kids. How he tries his best even though he’s slower than the rest. And usually Bills are very good teammates and helpful. Always trying to save their teammates even at the cost of themselves. Sure I’ve come across some toxic bills as killer but I usually just go “oh sweet Bill” then easily take him down and hook him. I can’t even get mad at toxic Bills
Bills are definitely the most altruistic teammates out there & will almost always sacrifice themselves for you in the endgame, atleast in my experience. But I will say that they are usually terrible loopers and end up mindgaming themselves lol
Though, I tend to have a soft spot for Dweets instead, particularly with the default clothes or the Dwight-in-a-Box cosmetic. Even if the Dweet is toxic, I still can't help but think they're just the cutest little things. Can't say the same for bald Dwights/Dweards though, such *ssholes.
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Honestly I hate Dwights. A lot of toxic people use him and I’ve had really bad experiences both as killer and survivor with them. I do still love Bills and Ash Mains though. Ash mains are also very helpful and sacrificing for their teammates.
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Jeff and Bill mains are definitely the nicest
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That's too bad, you're missing out on the Dweet experience. It's ironic that you say that because Ash mains are always arrogant little f*ckers whenever I go against them lol
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I’ve had one or two toxic Jeff’s as killer. One was so bad I let everyone else go just to make him crawl to the exit gate. Only to pick him up at the last second and hook him. So satisfying
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Arrogant to Killers yeah lol. But they are usually good teammates at least
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I think you are adorable
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When I first started, I hated Bills.
I must have somehow gotten into a killer/survivor round several times in the beginning and this Bill basically betrayed his teammates to the killer. It was the same ones every time.
From then on, I was really skeptical whenever a Bill showed up in my lobby.
But in the meantime I got to know them as good mates and they will save your life, even if they go down in the process. Thy Bills! <3
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I'm always slightly weary of Bills. They're almost always very new players, but every once in a while you come across the one Bill that will make you wish you were playing survivor right now.
I don't understand the feelings for Dwight though, I almost never see a bad Dwight. And if I do they're probably not bad to begin with and are just screwing around and could not give less of a ######### about their own safety.
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I was saying today that I find noob Bill's far better then stinky dweets lol
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If you ever get a chance, listen to how Bill sounds when he doesn’t wiggle, basically they have given up... he sounds like a soldier that gave everything he had.
I feel SO bad killing them, so I give hatch.
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Billy mains always try their hardest but usually end up hurting the team more. Still love them though
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I’ve never noticed that. That makes killing them all the worse :(
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Thanks! : D
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Bills are statistically the most useless survivor I would imagine.
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I wouldn’t say useless. Though there must be a reason he’s more used that Jeff, David, or Adam. I rarely ever see them.
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Bill and Jeff main here, I can confirm this thread is entirely true
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Whenever I play bill, escaping is never enough.
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I think Bill is the only survivor I have yet to encounter using DS. What an honorable soul
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You’re right. I’ve never noticed a Bill using it.
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Yeah its so wild to me.
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He’s used more because he’s free. You have to pay something to get the others except David. He’s also free I think? It’s been awhile.
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Yep thats me baby.
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Hey I help my team all the time.
Borrow time. Mettle of man.
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I play Bill because I played a crud ton of L4D. The best zombie game ever, even though it was half baked when it was released.
I had no idea that people had such strong feelings as to which survivor cosmetic people used.
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I think he meant they are helpful and very good teammates but if you’re the killer they are very arrogant towards the killer and annoying. Which I can agree with
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Dude I loved that game too! I hope they do a remaster sometime with extra content.
Back for Blood is coming out soon and is supposed to be the spiritual successor to L4D (and I think is made by the same people mostly)
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Oh ok
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I’m looking forward to the release of Back 4 Blood in June. Might even push me to get the new Xbox. . . .
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It's definetly a part of why I got the ps5. Re8 was my main motivation back when they originally said it was next gen only. Back 4 blood will be really good though. I'm also eying the mass effect trilogy. I'm already starting to have a backlog...lol
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Lol. I mostly give the woman survivors the hatch(not you Claudette), especially Jane survivors. If you are a Jane survivor you will always get hatch from me. Especially if you give me a little jog towards me to watch. But I wouldn’t mind giving a Bill the hatch. But usually in my games Bills die quick when I’m killer :( They are just too self-sacrificing
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I hate Bill players so much, worst survivor in the game right next to Elodie.
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Why is that? I never have much of a problem with either of those survivors.
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I'm a Bill main. It's true I try my best to save my team mates and be decent. I'm also never toxic to a Killer (because it's lame).
I love playing a 65 year old chain smoking war vet. Bill sounds SO done when he's injured lol. He's like "Not this ######### again".
I always play solo queue which is a gong show on a good day, and one match against a Demogorgon I had the worst team mates. I saved them constantly. Healed them- ran the killer around and they barely did gens. When I was on my first hook they let me hang there until struggle and when one finally did get to me they unhooked me right in front of the Killer (he wasn't camping. It just took them so damn long that he had time to wander around and come back). I limp and sputter off with my cigarette and 2 team mates get sacrificed (last hook).
It's just me and a Claudette left. The one who unhooked me in the Demo's face. I couldn't figure out what she had been doing the entire match because the Killer spent a lot of time on me yet no generators done. I keep trying to do them like a trooper (what else am i gonna do?) and the Demo finally gets me and I just give up LOL. At this point I'm just bored and I know the Claudette is just hiding waiting for me to die, and I know from experience she won't save me when I get hooked. I just feel it in my bones.
I just flag the Demo down and am like; "Just end this and let me move on, bro" (we were just playing hide and seek by that point). And when he picked me up, I didn't wiggle. I was so over it LOL. And the Demo was like..."Uh, Bill? ". He must have sensed Grandpa gave up because he puts me down., I see the aura of the Claudette and there she is, across the map; not doing a generator *of course*. The Demo waits a bit, leaves me slugged and goes off around the map. Comes back to me and sees she hasn't bothered to pick me up (I'm fully recovered at a pallet). I think Mr. Demo catches on that I had shite team mates so he goes off in search of her, finally gets her (and I'm living for it), hooks her and gives me the hatch.
I don't know if it's Bill's apathetic noises, his wheezing, his refusal to release his cigarette from his mouth even when he's on a hook, but it's true some people have a soft spot for Gramps.
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Usually when I’m killer and I know there’s a Claudette in my match I go for her first if I can. Otherwise I will never encounter her on gens or unhooking teammates. She’s a drain on her group and I always feel bad for them. I can’t stand coward or lazy teammates so as killer I try to go after them and leave the survivors who are actually trying for later
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Well, I mean reasonably there are different people behind every Claudette lol.
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Yeah but there’s a certain percentage that use her to just urban evade and blend into the environment. They either wait for their team to do everything or get hatch
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sometimes i cant even be mad at them for blowing up a generator
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I don't doubt that Ash players are good teammates, but they're annoying to play against. Just my 2 cents.