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Critically Analyzing What Is Wrong With Haddonfield.

QwQw Member Posts: 4,531
edited March 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

So I don't exactly think it's an unpopular opinion that Haddonfield is one of the most unbalanced maps in the entire game. But why is it that so many feel this way? To answer your question, I wanted to take an in-depth look at what makes this map so broken,

Lack of information.

What I mean by this is "the lack of information the killer has during the trial". At the start of the match, the killer has no idea where any of the survivors could have spawned. On other maps, the killer can most of time calculate and use their intuition to locate the survivors. On Haddonfield it's a complete guessing game. This already puts the killer at a big disadvantage. Guess wrong and you'll be starting the trial defending four or three gens.

This lack of information isn't helped by the fact that most of the generators have line of sight blockers or are positioned inside of houses. This means the killer can't check their progress from a distance, and has to spend extra time getting close to them.


This is arguably the worst part about the entire map. Haddonfield's many houses are littered with god-windows. These windows can force the killer to vault them until they are blocked by The Entity, or obtain bloodlust. Most of these house even have more than one god-window, which makes them even worse. There isn't really a whole lot to say about this issue, other than the fact that it makes this map extremely unfair.

Perhaps this is a personal opinion, but I don't think the pallets on Haddonfield are that problematic. Sure, most of them are safe, but I feel like they are spread out enough where it's not that bad. They only become a problem when paired with the aforementioned god-windows and "Haddonfield fences".


These words are enough to strike fear across the hearts of all killer mains. Haddonfield's "House Of Pain" is debatably one of the worst loops in the entire game. It is so utterly bad that most killers give up defending it's generator entirely and drop chase instantly when a survivor runs to it. If ran by a competent survivor, you will lose the game if you chase them here. It simply has too many good windows, and is accentuated by a good pallet.


This term was coined because of Haddonfield's broken fence and hedge generation. These extremely long fences and hedges are a nightmare to navigate around and often can block getting to generators if you are travelling around the backside of houses. Not mention survivors can run around these fences wasting large amounts of the killers time with no mindgames or effort involved. You are simply forced to watch the survivor run over and over around these fences until bloodlust helps you catch back up to them. Some of these fences can even spawn windows with them as well, which only adds to their lack of counterplay and boring gameplay, depending on how they spawn.


This doesn't have anything to do with the maps gameplay, but as an avid Halloween fan, the Haddonfield in Dead By Daylight doesn't feel like the Haddonfield Michael first appeared in all the way back in 1978. Dbd Haddonfield feels like it takes place on a warm summers evening, instead of a cold, dark, and foggy Halloween Night.

If you're curious what I'm talking about, take a look at Myers's trailer. Doesn't Haddonfield look so much better there then it did in-game? The houses shining like beacons in the background, thick fog filling the streets, uncomfortable silence blanketing the entire map, a dark and dreary atmosphere. This is what Haddonfield should look like.


If you actually read this entire wall of text, then Ma'am/Sir/Whatever Else, I both aplaude and thank you. If you guys want me to analyze any other maps, perks, killer powers, or anything else let me know! This was surprisingly fun to write.

As some final parting words, ######### this map and any survivors who send me to it. I hope when you sleep at night, both sides of your pillow are warm.

Post edited by Mandy on
