My feedback with the new matchmaking...



  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    The difference is a red rank killer with Noed is a lot harder to counter and play against compared to a lower rank killer

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    Looks like you had a good match 3k and on the Survivor side only one got less than 10k. Nice!

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    Yes, ranks aside the only escape was by hatch.

    But to be fair I was playing Leatherface.

    Next game I played with Legion was not as good on my side, but I would still say that it is not that different from having a bad game with rank matchmaking and I got 2 kills (gotta admit I pseudo tunneled 1 of the survivors).

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7

    but how does that make sense? "stop acting like noed gives free kills, it only shortens the chase by one hit" that's like saying "stop acting like tunneling isn't a method, it only shortens your game playing." Does that make sense? No! of course not! because that's exactly what both do! Noed is more of a perk for baby killers so it can help them learn the game IMO, I find it a bit embarrassing seeing red rank killers using it, it's almost like they can't play without it and can't get a kill unless they run such a ridiculous perk. And it does kind of put two and two together, that LOWER rank killers are only getting kills because of NOED, easy down against survivors who are still learning the game and to learn how to counter perks like NOED.

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    I find it a bit embarrassing seeing red rank killers survivors using DS, UB, BT, exaust perks... it's almost like they can't play without it and can't get a kill escape unless they run such a ridiculous perks

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Youre missing the part where smart survivors will simply leave, thus giving 0-1k. Smart survivors will rank up higher and not be placed with the low killers that are now stuck at that lower mmr. Therefor low mmr killer will get true low mmr survivors and higher mmr survivors will get higher mmr killers. in the beginning, sure its gonna be rough for that style of killer. But with time, it will sort itself out.

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2021
    1. Survivors wouldn't need DS if killers didn't tunnel
    2. survivors wouldn't need BT if killers didnt camp
    3. survivors also wouldn't need unbreakable if killers didn't slug. they're counter perks for a reason to be able to continuing playing the game..

    and ofc not all killers do this, but obviously it was enough killers that caused these perks to be added into the game

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    You can't get any points as a survivor to rank up if one person gets chased all game and is camped with noed or if only 2/3 people get hooked all game and then you leave them to die. Most times noed is involved it's a game where a Killer can't win chases and then survivors gets stuck on gens which don't give you enough points to rank up so in order to get points "smart survivors" have to go and run around looking for noed which is risky depending what the killer is doing just to be able to get some points

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    "stop acting like noed gives free kills, it only shortens the chase by one hit"

    If I sell you an item for 50% off, did you get that item for free?

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    So your point is that if Killers didn't play at all survivors wouldn't need perks?

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7

    where am I saying this? What I'm saying that if killers didn't tunnel, camp, or slug then perks such as DS, BT, and UB wouldn't be needed. If I was saying that then there wouldn't be a game. Unless that's how you play, then you're the kind of killer no one likes.

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    It has to do with the definition of "free".

    For NOED to actually give free kills, it would have to immediately put survivors into the dying state upon activation if not hooking them outright. That's what free is. A lot of people seem unclear on the concept. NOED doesn't give free kills, it does make it so you only have to win 50% of the chase to get a down (hence why I used 50% in my example), but you still have to win that chase, get the down, get the survivor to a hook and make sure they aren't saved to get that 1 kill. That's just not free. Easier, absolutely, but not free.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    NGL, I, a fairly consistent rank six, was seriously considering adding NOED to some of my builds because I'm tired of the generators getting done in six minutes or less because I'm better at playing some killers than others--hopefully with MMR in place I won't have to.

    Not expecting it'll work, though.

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7

    yea, but you have to think about the kind of teammate the survivor has, if they're good or a swf then there is a chance that the survivor will live, but if it's a bad team, then god no it's definitely a kill. but even with a good team it still could end up as a kill, depending on totem spawns and how soon you can find the totem, but it might as well be a free kill honestly, because it's not always easy to find, that's why I see it more as a perk for new killers than higher rank killers, because it gives low rank killers a chance to learn the game. But I honestly just think it should be removed from the game, it requires no skill to use and allows killers to learn how to play the game without always relying on a perk to be able to get the kills

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7

    well, sometimes losing a chase is always good, (it doesn't make you bad like many survivors will try to say you are), you just have to remember to keep good gen pressure, you never want to commit too much on the survivors and remember it is ok to leave the survivors

  • AsherFrost
    AsherFrost Member Posts: 2,340

    If you have a bad team, you will likely die regardless. NOED is a convenient scapegoat. Totem spawns are not terribly difficult to learn, and there are perks and items that will find them for you, making it even easier.

    As far as skill... What perk is it that requires skill to use, exactly? I'm talking on either side here. This is a game that had to add qtes to keep people awake while fixing gens, and even so, it's always the same button pressed. Hell, some Survivor perks require you to fail in order to activate at all. Should they be removed as well?

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    Out of interest, when it says the matchmaking is skill-based, is this based on data which we can see (such as emblems), or is this data we can't see?

    Also, will a 24hr period be long enough for an accurate trial: I mean will it take a while for the skill system to give accurate results (as it's just been started), or is it using existing data to portray accurate results already?

  • beldr
    beldr Member Posts: 14

    If survivors didn't use flashlights, throw pallets, vault windows or use keys lightborn, endurance, Franklin demise, spirit fury or bamboozle wouldn't be needed.

    You can't just rage because people play in a way that makes it easier to win. You are not entitled to win or survive and your counterpart shouldn't do the same.

    No killer likes DS, UB, BT or sprint as much as you don't like NOED. The only difference is that NOED is a perk that only works if enemy does not know how to counter it and unless survivors are braindead it will only get 1 kill.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    I appreciate that you're trying to be helpful, but we're talking "not as good" as in "could struggle against red ranks sweating really hard for the win and get 3k."

    There's not much I can do with a killer I don't play as much against those same kinds of red ranks. There's a certain point where I don't care to try and three gens popping at the end of the first chase with another popping during the unhook is exactly that point. If they want to play like they're against top tier players, that's fine, I just won't engage with them.

    I'm told by survivors that that's the most despicable thing that I can do--it gets me the most death threats, actually.

    I'm willing to wait for another match, I just don't want to. Thus, cheating with NOED to punish them for going too fast.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Well then guess you just need a sense of where totems can be

  • Ghostie
    Ghostie Member Posts: 7

    where am I saying I'm entitled? Where am I saying I'm raging? Because I'm not doing either. Flashlights, pallets and windows were added for survivors to be able to escape the killer, lightborn, endurance, franklins, etc were made for killers to be able to counter these survivors ability to get away from the killer and be able to kill the survivor. No one is saying anything about surviving every match, I know not every game is going to be a win.

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    The post wasn't about countering Noed or complaining about. You need a sense of understanding words.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Idk so why u respond I forgot I said something until you spoke

  • WiiFitTrainer
    WiiFitTrainer Member Posts: 788

    I just want to know what a "win" is for the system. Consider the common scenario:

    A survivor does 4 safe unhooks, heals each time, helps complete two gens. Gets to the end game and gets downed with NOED. The rest of the team escapes because the killer is camping. Does the survivor rank "down" because he died? Does the system account for all of the other actions that helped the rest of the team escape?

  • swarmofdogs
    swarmofdogs Member Posts: 12

    What exactly is the plan with modifying the matchmaking at this point in the life of the game? The reason for the disparity of the matchmaking is the small playerbase. When competitive games get old and fail to innovate they lose fresh players. And what you have left are lifers and streamers that make make the environment pretty unwelcoming.

    The new killer seems to be an effort to pander to a group of people to join the game. Unfortunately, they will inevitably get matched against the existing playerbase. They will get crushed, get made fun of, and leave. No amount of MMR or internet witchcraft is going to fix the situation.

    Maybe the devs are planning some drastic changes to the game? If not, they are better off continuing selling cute cosmetics to streamers and the sweats.

  • Lif
    Lif Member Posts: 18

    yo i didnt read your post and i will try to guess your feedback ok? bam

    did i get it right?

  • Fuzzels
    Fuzzels Member Posts: 449

    Ok. But its not as if every single low rank killer is going to have noed. It may be seen more at lower ranks but theres no way its gonna be 100% of them. Also, just do bones. If the killer is that bad that one person can run them for 3-5 gens, then you absolutely have more than enough time to do bones. So its back to my original point, good players will adjust according to the situation and will rank up. Bad players wont and will stagnate.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    As an additional suggestion, I think Rank (since it no longer matters for matchmaking) should ONLY be visible to the Player, i.e. so they know where they are in earning bonus BP. Hide it from the rest of us. It just aggravates those of us annoyed by the matchmaking. :)

  • ItzPixelYT
    ItzPixelYT Member Posts: 613

    Lol i'm a streamer but i actually got a lot of my viewers back playing the game because i don't go looking for the toxicity in the game or treat it like a esport/competitive game that most of the big streamers treat it. I.e Tru3 and Otz...while those guys are cool they really give a lot of info and take the game very seriously which is fine but treating a game like this as a competitive/esport really shouldn't be the direction the devs want to go ad they've been leaked to be adding leaderboards/tournament systems and the new hud was the beginning of that as well sadly.