First game without MMR.

So, MMR got turned off around 15 minutes ago, as per the 24 hour announcement. So I decide to stop trying to get adepts for people I never play and have a game of Speed Limiter Bubba to get back into the swing of things.
First game they bring a Midwich offering. "Please, don't have Object." I beg. But alas, the Entity didn't answer my prayers, for when I load in I spot not one, not two, not three, but four auras tbagging me from across the map.
"Oh boy this'll be a challenge." I think to myself. It's not until 30 seconds pass and they're already done 2 generators do I realise; this is practically unwinnable.
So we reach the end of the game with me having a grand total of around 3 hooks, because again Speed Limiter.
Prove Thyself/DS/UB/OOO. 4 times. Each with a Commodious, Wire Spool, and Socket Swivel.
How are your guys' first games going lol?
(yes i just want to rant because this was a relatively... let's say frustrating experience.)
Deathslinger who seemed to just know my build (Desperate Measures, Botany, Self Care, MoM). Fun games.
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The games felt more interesting with MMR on.
I don´t get why people got so mad about it. Now its back to sweat.
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Imagine trying to have fun with MOM but dbd said "Deathslinger".
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I never thought I'd find myself agreeing with you but honestly yeah, it was a lot better being able to play people I never play as. Alas now it's back to Pyramid, Nurse, and once he's buffed Wraith.
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It feels like your describling my MMR games.
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Don´t worry, i promise i won´t make a habbit of it. 🤣
When playing survivor, my teammates were decent and when playing killer, the matches were not as stressful. It was a good change and i hope they´ll turn it back on permanently as soon as possible.
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My one Pyramid head mmr game was torture but playing everyone else was actually fun 😔
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I agree with you. I had more interesting games when MMR was on. I enjoyed them more.
For the topic, I didn't dare playing after MMR was off. It's getting late where I live, I'll play tomorrow and see what happens.
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played nurse to try and get back at killer. (im quite low rank due to not playing much killer. around 16-10) got paired against 4 red ranks still managed to kill 3 of them with only 1 gen being done so seems like its still mmr based and they sucked lmao
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It's going to be interesting to play a bit over the weekend with it switched off and compare how the matches go. I managed to get a few in over the short test so will see how it compares.
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That doesn't have anything to do with the MMR being off now, so much as it has to do with SWF and their regular abuse of the game. Even if MMR was on you could have pulled them.
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First game they bring a Midwich offering. "Please, don't have Object." I beg. But alas, the Entity didn't answer my prayers
You forget whom you are praying to.
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I played on trapper who i never play and got a 4 man cheat squad. all r1.
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I feel like that's how MOST games of DBD go. Somehow they know what you're trying to do, and will make it hard as possible.
Me, playing a normal game: "Here's some Rank 20 survivors!"
Me, trying to get Adept Legion: "Here's some high rank survivors!"
Me, trying to use 4 med kits: "Oh, did you say you wanted to play against PLAGUE"
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Well if I'm being honest it was originally to the Holy Donkerydoo but he's playing COD right now so I had to go for my second choice.
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got to love it when you get those.
Cheating killers are annoying too.
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Oh my god I know it's so annoying.
Autodidact? No skillchecks.
Prove Thyself? Discordance.
Stealth? Doctor.
MOM? They for SOME reason have Forced Penance.
Inner Strength? Undying and Thrill. Together.
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Cheaters in dbd? never heard of those. I just think you got outplayed cause they had a better gaming chair
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That's just what i call swf. there isn't to much difference tbh.
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Once, I had a Demo who carried me when the last generator popped. When we reached the hook, he dropped me, hit me, and hooked me.
I had Adrenaline equipped. It's like he knew! (I don't stream, there was no way he knew outside of him doing a guess, and a right one!)
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Idk, with MMR on I've played 2 normal games as Nurse (no much sweat, but no breeze) and the others were just sweat hell... I don't want to be oblidged to use double recharge or green + purple range every single game 'cause I know I'll be facing sweaty survivors. At least in "normal" matchmaking I can play Nurse with browns and yellows, or addonless...
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First game they bring a Midwich offering. "Please, don't have Object." I beg. But alas, the Entity didn't answer my prayers, for when I load in I spot not one, not two, not three, but four auras tbagging me from across the map.
(yes i just want to rant because this was a relatively... let's say frustrating experience.)
I guess the Entity had a lot of emotions to feed on lol
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She could've easily gotten the same emotions if she'd just given me an otter but no. I had to go through this torment instead of holding a long boi.
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Then there's me, the boosted Banana that hasn't noticed a single change since it was turned off
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god i wish that were me ;-;
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Midwhich and 4 OOO?
At that point I would've put down my headset and went downstairs to make me a juicy grilled cheese sandwich.
I can spend my time better elsewhere
Your game looked like my usual 1-3 AM matches honestly.
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I was very tilted and went to stare at fictional men's bare chest's for an hour afterwards
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For real, Deathslingers are free stacks for me.
Get harpooned near an injured survivor ? STACK
Take a hit as well ? STACK
Works with both MOM and we're gonna life forever
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It's right back to the survivor sweat squads as soon as they turned off MMR. the ones the lower their rank to face low rank killers. three matches in a row now I've had people DC and just try so hard. so that I can't do anything.
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Hey, don't make fun of my Forced Penance, it's what I had, and it's working out to be pretty clutch.
... I'd apologize for playing Plague when I see a lobby full of medkits, but I told myself I'd Adept her, and at this rate it's getting pretty stupid.
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I had some up and down matches but honestly it was much better than the last experience so even though it could still use some work it's definitely a step in the right direction.
It doesn't get said enough but well done to the devs because they're putting the time in and you can see that it's paying off and hopefully we will get a new matchmaking experience soon.
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Ngl I didn't even knew mmr was on, well I haven't played played dbd in 2 days because my internet said no, but today I plan to.
I guess I have to check with my most used killers and see for myself.
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There's a disturbing lack of cows in this thread
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It's the one semi-serious thread I've made in a while, even if it does have a jokey tone to it.
But don't fear, for the Cute Fluffy Animal King the Cow Whisperer is here to save the day.
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I love them more than words can say
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He loves you too
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it's not a cow but i have one more for you
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Hahaha .. I'd probably react the same way tho tbh 😳
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That can be taken in one of several ways and I don't like any of them
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People who complain about MMR have no clue how it's even supposed to work. They're like "these matches are bad AT FIRST, so let's cancel the whole thing because we can't wait a few matches for the MMR system to play out". Give MMR a week or less and you'll have actually good matchmaking. Noobs with noobs and pros with pros. But no, let's throw a tantrum because we get rainbow ranks for a few matches, which we've been getting anyway, and kill the only system that will get us accurate low mmr vs low mmr and high mmr vs high mmr match statistics.
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You're describing my MMR games.
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For MMR to have shown decent promise in 24 hours before it's even had time to actually level out players skills to match for once I'm quite impressed.
Yes for many killer matches it's going to feel like you're being outmatched because you've been playing potato teams and getting inflated ranks when really you should be matched with people with similar relative skill! Give it some time and then it should improve more and more!
I found the games 80-90% of the time in the 24 hours it was on much more fair and enjoyable as both killer and survivor!
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I hated it. As survivor I was getting sweaty Spirits using Stridor or rank 20 baby killers. It still needs a lot of work
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Maybe the difference in people's experience comes from different playtime. If someone barely played before, than the system won't have collected enough data to find the perfect match. Because it needs time.
Also people complained about the ranks of the people they got matched with. But the system ignores ranks.
I played as red rank killer against 2 rank 19 survivors. Which normally would be horrible. But they were fully decked and played good. Which means that the system worked well in ignoring the ranks.
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It's 9 AM, my first game without MMR: Nurse who slugged us all at four generators. I would say three if one of my teammates didn't decide to come to my generator while they were chased. Ten more seconds and I would have finished it.
Rank 1 Nurse with 6k hours from their Steam profile. I don't even have 1k hours. 🙈
PS: second match, back to teammates who wanna repair a generator with me and failed their skill checks. TT_TT
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Can't help but think you might be exaggerating a little... You realise no SWF team would run 4 Prove Thyself... Like... Ever. I can believe you got Midwich and an OoO SWF team but I'm not buying the whole story... All 4 spawned on the opposite side of the map from you, teabagging... But then they supposedly got 2 gens done by the time you got 3 hooks... So were they gen rushing you or were they Midwich/OoO trolling you? Pick one... It doesn't work both ways like that... Unless you're playing like an #########. Too much about this rant smells like BS to me.
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Remember, some people will still say those survivors are just want to have fun, not sweaty at all! They just use voice chat to chitchat, definitely not calling out the killer!
I feel pity for you..
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You need to learn to re-read the post.
1) I literally faced this team, there were 4 Prove Thyselves. With builds like this you don't need the bets game knowledge you just need W, shift, and M1.
2) They got 2 gens by the time I'd walked around the map. By the timr the game was over was when I had around 3 hooks.
"It's not until 30 seconds pass and they're already done 2 generators do I realise; this is practically unwinnable.
So we reach the end of the game with me having a grand total of around 3 hooks, because again Speed Limiter."
It truly is amazing what reading things properly can do for a person.
3) It smells like BS because you've managed to misread a large chunk of my statement, but just in case you can't read it properly even with it highlighted in bold and italicised I'll summarise the events here:
-See 4 Midwich offerings to counter a Sac Ward.
-Load in, see 4 OOO tbagging. They're upstairs, I'm downstairs.
-They get straight on a gen, 2 to each gen. I find a staircase and go upstairs.
-I make my way to them, 2 gens pop. Then the W begins.
-I go for survivor 1, getting 1 hit with the saw (speed Limiter) and then they vault a window downstairs by the staircase so I cancel. Drop the god pallet, hold w.
-I catch survivor 1. 2 more gens have popped.
-Hook survivor 1 and see survivor 2 be an absolute numpty and get in a locker nearby. Attempt to bait the non-existent head on for a moment before grabbing. Hook 2.
-I go for survivor 3 because I don't want to camp people. They hold W, survivor 1 goes into second stage. Survivor 4 finishes the last gen and saves survivor 1 and 2. Survivor 2 has not yet entered struggle.
-Survivor 3 is doing a good job at baiting saws before dropping down or dropping pallets so I don't manage to down them.
-They run to the gates and escape.
-The End.
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Makes you really wonder if there are more places where cows can have a happy life. Green pastures, lots of space, cow heaven.
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This MMR was a lot better. A few tweaks perhaps and then bring it on!