Salty players

Lately if i kill survivors they will text after salty msgs..
If they escape they will too..
That being said, I'll just facecamp and tunnel for a while for my own amusement..
Why are survivor so toxic in this game??
Not to mention the swf that just taunt and will invite to private chat just to talk trash and say "I got your IP"..
I guess the enjoyment of this game is actually bullying the lost side or the winning side.. that's what majority does and is what it has been made of this game..
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And hopefully you will get smart survivors that will only give you 1 kill if that for facecamping and tunneling so you get less points. I'm a killer main. I don't let then bother me. And tbagging and bodyblocking isn't toxic lol.
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Killers can facecamp a surv, they can tunnel you and slug you for 5 mins. And survs can tbag or dc, what do you think is worse? So they use the chat
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That's a matter of perspective.
I don't find those things toxic myself but others do. Same with clicky clicky flashlight and emote spamming.
People need thicker skin when it comes to playing DBD.
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I'm a survivor main but I'm not toxic. There are some of us that are good I promise.
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"I'll just facecamp and tunnel for a while for my own amusement.."
"Why are survivor so toxic in this game??"
you answered your own question bud lmao
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Except tbagging is expressly used to be toxic.
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^ I second this.
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yes survivor are toxic because of some toxic killers but I feel survivors started the whole thing by being toxic first imho
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All these "Is this toxic" threads...
Just learn not to ignore it... Done...
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@valvarez4 you didn't get my post.. survivors are toxic, so i will be toxic back.. the worst are the losers that will tell you that your toxic while being tixic themselves
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@dspaceman20 i know.. today i let one of them bleed.. 3 guys where playing as a team, thought he would be part of them.. after the game he texted me "the floor was cold 🤣" to my surprise he took it well.. i actually said sorry to him.. he took it like a champ..
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I think overtime you get used to the nonsense. I got teabagged by a ghost face while on the hook and I just said gg to him. He said it back.
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@chadbeastofprey so, this is one of those chicken or the egg questions? Cause survivors started the toxic game play for me.. so i'm ok on getting on that bus train of "they started it, so I will finish it" lmao.. bud.. 🤣
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@dspaceman20 yeah.. what I can't get used to is the salty msgs.. for a time I actually avoided anything that resembled a tunnel or fc, but realized that salty survivors will complain about anything.. so I don't care anymore.. sorry for the one that are not salty.. which is the minority..
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My comment was for you.
Why are u crying because survivors are crying ? Why are u crying because they are toxic ?
What's the point of your post? Ridicule them?
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I had my first message yesterday from a PS player ( i am on ps too ) they kept saying the same message around 10 times. he was a rank purple i am yellow ranks. he died first and they got very angry. I guess he did not like getting killed by Freddy..
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u kinda deserve the trash talk if u played in a scummy way.
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Imagine saying people deserve to be harassed and DDoS'd for playing a certain way.
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They shouldn't be sending messages but if you're playing like that then you're pretty much baiting them into doing it.
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that isnt just "a certain way". ill use facecamping as an example: you are forcing everyone to depip and are making the match incredibly boring
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It is within the Survivors power to force the Killer to de-pip for facecamping.
DDoS'ing is a federal crime in the US.
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the killer chain depipping still doesnt turn it into a positive outcome
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Spewing vitriol and committing crimes doesn't either.
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what crimes
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DDoS'ing is a federal crime in the US.
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Yikes how old are you?
"They started it first!"
Also a completely baseless assumption? How in the hell did you sit there and come up with that? PEOPLE can be and are toxic on both sides. No one side gave birth to this toxicity. It's called being petty and having absolutely zero control over your emotions. People get angry when a game doesn't go their way, this has been a thing since games were invented. A lot of people can't handle that feeling of frustration so go on to take it out on other people... This is not something DBD survivors have invented. What an asinine and downright immature comment.
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What a badass. Cringe.
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Zero credibility
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I think it's pretty sad that you let a past game's toxicity affect your gameplay for a future set of players, but idk go off I guess.
Not every survivor wants to t-bag someone into oblivion or spend their day trying to DDOS some random killer. And I truly believe that if I get facecamped, the killer doesn't mean to make me feel like I'm trash lol. (plus face camping means my teammates don't have to worry, it's a poor strategy)
Just turn off your post game chat, dude.
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@HexSoLonely what a millennial comment .. did you took that out from a book ? 🤣🤣
Here's the kick.. if you really lived by what you preached you wouldn't write what you did.. you are as fake as a 4 dll bill..
How old are you? Never mind, I don't care..
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@PotatoPlayer kudos to you..
That's what I would expect too..
FC is a dumb "strategy" most of the cases, or is a toxic action..
So if the feel to compete in the game kicks in, or if there's no need to want to be toxic, then why do it..
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Massive ego because of how strong splitting up and holding m1 is with constant communication.
That's literally all it is and why this game is toxic.
One side needs to juggle 9 objectives at the same time while being weaker and sweating. The other is having a laugh and chat
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it does annoy me too. as much as i hate doing it, i purposely disable my steam comment section when playing killer
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close the endgame chat - problem solved.
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If you're asking, beats me. I'm a survivor main aha
With my SWF, we're not as toxic as this forum let's on. We really do just run to play a teamwork oriented game. We run flashlights or sabotage hooks to try and give our teammates time to wiggle out. We run key and map because our monkey brains think a group hatch victory sounds cool but never had one. And we t-bag because the one guy who got us into the game did it so we started to do it LOL, but we mainly do it in the gates or if we want to get the killer's attention, not to say the killer is dumb as rocks. We're not sweatily malicious.
I'd feel like ######### if I saw anyone else, killer or survivor, tell me in chat (or ESPECIALLY on steam) I need to git gud. I'd really recommend making your steam profile private if you're on PC and turning off game chat. Some people just are toxic, and you can choose to not deal with that.
They get off on agitating people. Don't waste your mental energy getting frustrated with em. It's easier to do so when you quickly leave one game to get into another. (or lag survivor lol)
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Lmao you should hear yourself. Too immature to admit your own hypocrisy. Never change young padawan, you're the future.
Imagine not being able to bring anything constructive to the conversation and merely throwing around playground insults. And judging by the regular comments you make, you seem to live on this Forum, desperately seeking a rile out of someone. I really do hope you're okay and the pandemic hasn't hurt your mental health too much. I won't be replying to you again as you are well known on these forums for being an argumentative, toxic individual who has nothing better to do than to be an edge lord online. Have fun with that, reply as many times as you like, you won't be getting a reply from me again.
Lots of love xxx
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LOL, why you guys feeding this guy?
8/10 for the bait post btw. Probably one of the better ones I've seen here.
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dude survivor started out toxic because they were so overpowered back then I mean they still overpowered but not as much as back when released and when they know clicking they flash t bagging got killers mad they all started doing it.
what killers do thats toxic? hit on hook I mean I bet most do it after having hard time with toxic survivor. years ago most killer I face if your not toxic they not either they nice give hatch if game went really bad for the survivors but not now tho killers are a lot more toxic and don't give a bad word anymore.
so I call it how I see it there was not this many toxic mean killer way back when but they was alway toxic survivors,not saying all survivors are toxic but they a lot of them still is not toxic on both sides I know I play both.
Post edited by NekoGamerX on1 -
@HexSoLonely good riddance.. as I said, you are as fake as a 4 dlls bill..
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People who still use "salty" as a figure of speech / insult need to be erased...
Bitterness goes both ways... if you do something to annoy a player, they're going to insult you... and you camping / tunneling someone else just goes to show how insecure and bitter you are over the situation...
It's a game where you're supposed to hunt and kill someone what do you expect is going to happen?
As a game it's unbalanced / unfair and has bad mechanics and match making... the game is a recipie for trolls and nerd rage...get over it bud... people aren't robots and they have feelings... when things don't go your way in real life do you just sing a little song to yourself and carry on with your life? No, you probably stew about it for weeks, months, maybe even years, cry, get upset... depressed... etc...
People get mad about stuff, get over yourself.
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@Rizer wait wait wait.. so you are justifying what others do as part of the nature of the game and people just being like that.. but for me is a get over yourself.. lol.. your double moral is thru the roof.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 and more 🤣🤣
Post edited by killz4fun on0 -
One of the reasons I love trapper.
Most of the complaints survivors have can be dialed down into "well don't step in trap then 4 head".
I very rarely even get salt playing trapper, because it's REALLY hard to lose to a trapper outside of your own lapses of judgement. Most players know this.
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I try not to let toxic survivors get to me, if they're taunting at the gates I just stay away and wait for them to leave. I also turn off messages when I'm playing killer because I don't have time for toxic postgame chat.
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Its egos. I had this last night. Played a few not so good survivors, whole range of ranks and I was getting ggs.
Then when the casual players went to sleep and all the sweats and rank 1s came out every game it was salt no matter whether they won or lost. They always found something to complain about.
These people don’t realize how much the game carries them and it feeds their ego. They’ll whine about anything they perceive to be unfair despite using equally busted things of their own.